Western Competition/Working Studs

Quarter Horse Studs

Larks Last Chance
7yrs 15.3hh
Quarter Horse Stallion
Chance really lives up to his name... were lucky to have this Chance to own him! World Champion pedigree, and the looks to top it off. He has the old type look with the gorgeous mane and tail. Very intelligent head and wonderful shape to him, a very wonderful horse to be around. Chance's strong points are: Reining, and Trail Riding.
Sire of: Larks Last Empire
Stabled at and owned by Burgie Estate Stables Picture

Gotta Get The Cash
9yrs 15.2hh
Quarter Horse Stallion
Cash is just... The MAN! He's a great horse with an amazing amount of talent. He's trustworthy enough to let a beginner take him out for the day bareback, he does it all! Cash does more of the cutting than anything... but he's also got reining down to a dime. Cash can go English too, he seems to do well in the hunter divisions, but were trying to stick to cutting. Cash is a great horse and the right choice for you!
Sire of:Wispering Cash,Magical Cash
Stabled at and owned by Burgie Estate Stables Picture

Decks Impressive
6yrs 16hh
Quarter Horse Stallion
Very calm and gentle
does hunter jumping and english ridden classes as well as a lot of western
Sire of: Ice Cream Soda
Stabled at and owned by Burgie Estate Stables Picture

Gone and Done It
15.2hh 8yr old
Black w/star
Quarter Horse Stallion
Very calm and gentle
Does Ranch work and Barrel Racing
Sire of: Honey Bunny
Stabled at and owned by Burgie Estate Stables Picture

Larks Lucky Chance
8yrs 16hh
Quarter Horse Stallion
Reining, Roping and Working Cowhorse
Sire of Larks Lucky One
Stabled at and owned by Burgie Estate Stables Picture

Larks Smart Roll
15.2hh 8yrs
Quarter Horse Stallion
Trainied in Western, team Roping, Calf Roping, and Steer Roping
A good sire who throws great tempered working cowhorses
Stabled at and owned by Burgie Estate Stables Picture

Mr Bigshot
16.1hh 6yrs
Quarter Horse Stallion
Western Pleasure, Cutting, Halter
A nice stallion who throws great horses with good conformation
Stabled at and owned by Burgie Estate Stables Picture

15hh 8yrs
Quarter Horse Stallion
Jumping, Dressage, Cross Country
Makes a good cross with a thoroughbred, throws good eventers and jumpers
Stabled at and owned by Burgie Estate Stables Picture

Cowboys Shining Smart
15.1hh 6yrs
Strawberry Roan
Quarter Horse Stallion
Started Reining
A horse with great potential and a horse not to miss
Sire~ Smart Cowboy
Dam~Shinning To Win
Stabled at and owned by Burgie Estate Stables Picture