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My Writings

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An inspiring painter,writer and photographer
She may be an actress but she's still pretty incredible

Here is my poetry:

Come child come and sit with me

Let me tell you

Of the gore and blood that infects my body

The plague

The plague of years without him.

Sitting on a faded cotton couch

scars running from this vein

to this one

And back again to

my tattered heart.

The severed tongue I lick my own tears with

Detached by so much misery

So much sadness.

In this heartless, cold room, heartless as an old woman

An old woman like me.

If I saw him again child,

like I see him now in your eyes

the blood in my chest would surely

burst from this decaying body.

and YOU

and when you smile

Its like I’m slitting my wrists

and blood is running onto my sneakers

and into the grass.

and you always liked blood.

You traced your veins with ink

and showed them to people like trophies.

(and you wanted kudos for your self-interest)

and I was the sick one

and I was the hurtful one.

and you thought it was all me

Only me.

and I think you wanted

To hurt me just a little more

Than you should’ve

(putting out cigarettes on my legs wouldn’t have been as painful)

and on your back you tattooed

Angel wings

and I thought it was just like you to believe

That you were a gift from God

In a box with a red bow

stuck with glue.

and you said I was the lucky one

To love a man with wings

and I pointed to my bruises and

the scar across my chest

and stayed.

I stayed with you.

Is your life so smudged by tears

That you fail to know my face?

My voice?

Me with the steel and twine wings

And the severed tongue?

You and your plumes

So much more brilliant than my own.

After the storm came,

the days became too short,

Too long...

Until time began to crack

and I could only measure my time without you

In single, solitary fragmented moments:

The smell of your hair.

The look in your eyes,

Your hands.

Barbwire stuck in my mouth

And it’s because of you

It’s always because of you.

When we were young,

We played on your iron bars

And your netted hammock.

I never thought a boy like you

Could be so hurtful.

How much pain can you inflict on one person

Before you, yourself break?

You were supposed to rescue me

From this perpetual state of longing.

But you sunk into my pores,

stole the very breath of me

And made me worse than I was.

I promised I wouldn’t be a victim

Of your disregard again

But I was wrong.

I thought you’d be different somehow

And remember my fragility.

You had this way of making me

Believe I was nothing.

I would love to tear you apart

And cut you up,

Watch your tears soak the carpet.

Maybe then, you’d realize that you do torture

. And I have not escaped unscathed.

please leave comments in the guest book

Whoever said the first word would win a medal

I didn’t want it, neither did he.

So we stood,

Clammy hands,

I tugged at my shorn hair,

He looked down, adjusting his glasses.

My voice cracked as I began to speak,

How can you talk to such a beauty?

“I’ll see you.”

He looked up with shining eyes.

In my offered hand I said what I could not

out loud.

‘ Its so sweet that you remember that I don’t like the color


I’m still struggling to remember your middle name.

I really don’t mind being touched by your hands, pulsating

aches radiate across my ribcage.

I know I can somehow survive being near you.

When I leave tonight, im going to wait for you outside in

The darkness, until you come out and whisper,

“Be my girl?”

“Always,” I’ll say “Always.”

And so he encircled my hand with his, we both smiled,

Time slowed to an almost imperceptible rate.

We both knew that we could bloom under that feeling.

I leave, sliding out of the glass doors

My blood pounding with regret.

I could not say it out loud.