Sorry Sesshomaru fans, SS will be closed for the time being. I'm much too busy to keep up with it. No more hosting offers please-I just don't have the time to maintain an entire site. The YKYOWSW list will stay and all the submissions I saved in my email I'll put up eventually because the list here hasn't been updated since FOREVER-like 2005 sometime, I think. -Holly 7/20/09
When I'm not spending time with my son and my husband, at work, or asleep you can occasionally find me on:
You Know You're Obsessed With Sesshomaru When....
Started by Me in April 2004 (Keep in mind I was 18 when I started this. Since then I've gone to college, began working full-time, gotten married (not to the boyfriend mentioned here!), had a child; grown up alot essentially. But, sometimes I miss those days before my life truly began and that's why I keep this site alive. I still think Sesshomaru is great, just not with as much enthusiasm as I used to.):
You make a Sesshomaru costume out of sheets (since you're too poor and jobless to buy one), sling your cat over your shoulder (even though he's trying to claw your eyes out) since you lack furry material, and announce to your parents that you're heading to the nearest anime convention to hunt for the real Sesshomaru (despite the fact that the nearest anime convention is like ten states away and you're probably going to end up walking since you don't have your driver's license yet).
You don't go because you got grounded for cutting up your mom's sheets and not to mention terrorizing your cat.
You spend an hour drawing a cresent moon on your forehead like Sesshomaru's, (using a black eyeliner pencil) only to have your boyfriend tell you it "looks like a lunar eclipse".
You wish your friends acted more like Sesshomaru.
You spend hours talking about Sesshomaru with your friends/family/random strangers at the mall (even though they don't know or care what you're talking about).
You find yourself calling your friends Sesshomaru on accident.
You continue to talk on and on about Sesshomaru, even though your friends mock you and tell you to get a real life.
You try to get your friends to adore Sesshomaru and watch the series, compare notes and other things with you.
When they don't you get mad and don't talk to them.
You get incredibly frustrated with your inability to convert your friends/family/random strangers at the mall into Sesshomaru fans.
You carry pictures of Sesshomaru around with you wherever you go and try to pass him off as your boyfriend even though noone believes you if for no other reason than your real boyfriend is standing there telling everyone how sorry he is for your behavior and promising you'll never bother them again (at least not while he's around ^_~).
You make Sesshomaru-ish jokes even though noone understands them.
At least one friend has told you, "If you say one more thing about Sesshomaru, I will no longer speak to you."
You make references to Sesshomaru all the time.
You openly admit that you're crazy about Sesshomaru.
Your family/friends are getting sick of all your talk of Sesshomaru.
They wish you'd grow up.
You make up your own Sesshomaru music videos in your head to songs you hear on the radio.
You find yourself comparing everyone you meet to Sesshomaru.
You find yourself writing "Mrs. Sesshomaru" all over your notebooks/exams/locker/etc.
You've carved Sesshomaru's name into erasers, bars of soap and stuff.
In a project for school or whatever you put in an extra section. In that extra part you put either Sesshomaru's biography, a role-playing script starring Sesshomaru, a Who's Better? Sesshomaru vs. Inuyasha debate, a declaration of your undying love for Sesshomaru, etc.
People who spell Sesshomaru's name differently than you do make you gnash your teeth in annoyance.
You think Sesshomaru is the sexiest man alive (animated or otherwise).
You stay up all night writing a "You Know You're Obsessed With Sesshomaru When..." list to put on your Sesshomaru fan site.
You've taped every single episode of Inuyasha that's ever been on Adult Swim then...
You've watched the tapes so much that they're beginning to lose sound since...
You've watched all the parts with Sesshomaru in slow-mo repeatedly several times while...
Following all his parts verbatim (every single word).
You watch your taped episodes over and over again just to kill time.
You convince yourself (and your friends) that you'd make a better servant to Sesshomaru than Jaken.
You print images of Sesshomaru onto transfer paper with quotes to make a t-shirt and copyrights be damned!
You'd kill for a Sesshomaru action figure/plushie.
You try to copy Sesshomaru's fighting moves in the hallway at school but end up tripping over yourself and looking even more stupid than usual.
You name your kitty Fluffy.
You name your dog Fluffy.
You name your goldfish Fluffy.
You want to steal Sesshomaru's fluff so that he'll come looking for you.
Your computer now resembles a shrine to Sesshomaru: the background, icons, sounds, screensaver... everything is now Sesshy-fied.
Your computer announces "Die Inuyasha" every time you turn it on.
When you're in a tight situation you think: "Gee, what would Sesshomaru do?"
You get faint at the thought that Sesshomaru might actually show his age.
When you dress up in your homemade Sesshomaru costume you call yourself 'Sesshomara' because your friends won't call you Sesshomaru since they've already put up with so much of your babbling about him that they absolutely refuse to even speak his name anymore. ("So, are you still obsessed with that one guy?" "You mean Sesshomaru?" "Yeah, what's his face-you still obsessed with him?")
In video games where you can name your characters you use Sesshomaru (or it's equivalent like Sess, Sessy, Sesshy, Fluffy) as every character's name. [Imagine playing FF VII with Sesshomaru, SGRL1, SGRL2, Fluffy, Sess, SGRL3, SessSith, Sesshy, and Bobert (instead of Barret.) I use Bobert as a name in every RPG I play that you can name your characters. This is an inside joke but you gotta admit that it's friggin' hilarious when in FF IX you see Amarant refer to himself as "The Flaming Bobert". lmfao]
You wish every Sesshomaru fan lived in your town so you could start a fan club and meet weekly at Taco Bell to discuss Sess-related topics and such.
You've sent a shout-out to Sesshomaru on your local radio station in hopes of finding other Sesshomaru fans like yourself.
When you finally get your license and a car you fully intend to slap those I LOVE SESSHOMARU bumperstickers you made all over it and spray paint SESSHOMARU IS THE SHIZNITE!!! (reference to ATHF) across the windshield.
You buy this plastic piece of crap ninja sword at The Dollar Tree, call it Tensaiga and carry it around with you wherever you go. Whenever someone gets a papercut (or some other equally trivial injury) you proceed to "heal" it by hitting the unfortunate person repeatedly with your magic plastic healing sword until physically restrained.
You think one-armed, fluff-carrying, eyeshadow-wearing guys with long white hair are unbelieveably hot.
You keep a spare pen and paper around for any sudden insight into the motives for the actions of Sesshomaru.
You've considered making an Inuyasha-themed Monopoly board. (Naraku's castle as Boardwalk, Totosai as Mr. Monopoly...)
You would do ANYTHING to see the episodes and movies you haven't seen; the first episode you saw was in the middle of the show and you didn't understand anything, but you still thought it was the best anime ever.
When your friend asks, "Did you see that really hot guy?" while at the mall you lie and say you did when you were actually looking in the other direction drooling over the new (outrageously expensive) Sesshomaru poster at Suncoast.
You play as Sesshomaru anytime you come across a decent online RPG.
At some point in the afore-mentioned RPG you always end up making out with a mirror or a pic of yourself (as Sesshomaru) on a computer screen.
You inform your friends that they're going to be in your fanfics (whether they like it or not).
You update your annoyed friends on what they're doing in your fics.
You've annoyed your friends so much that they've written their own fics which, incidentally, include you as Sesshomaru making out with any reflective surface and pictures and computer screens; saying, "God, I love myself!" every few lines.
You think Rin is the luckiest bitch in the world because she gets to wander all over hell's half acre with the sexiest demon ever-
-but then you feel bad for being spitefully jealous of a little girl.
You decide that she's really not so bad and that she's kinda cute and definitely not a threat to your 'romance' with Sesshomaru.
You get insanely jealous when you hear that other girls also like Sesshomaru even though you know it's pointless to feel that way. Also, you know that it really annoys your already immensely annoyed friends when you complain to them about how jealous you are and how you wish Sesshomaru were a lesser known bish so you could have him all to yourself.
You tell your online friends about something Sesshomaru did, but they don't watch the show and think you're talking about a 'real' person.
You go Christmas shopping and find more things you know Sesshomaru would like than you do for your friends.
Your siblings get mad at you because you'll sit and talk for hours with their friends about Sesshomaru.
You refer to the people who post stuff on this site as your friends just because they like Sesshomaru, even though you've never met any of them.
There's noone in your town who likes Sesshomaru other than you.
Very few people in your town have even heard of Sesshomaru.
You read this list, realize it all applies to you and smack yourself for being hopeless.
You read this list and sigh with relief because you're not the only one.
The whole house knows this site/list has been updated from the loud, happy screeching coming from the vicinity of the computer.
Contributed by Raven:
Every time you see him on TV you go into a fatal day dream of how you shall one day meet and marry him!
Contributed by Kyle:
You fling anything that will stay over your right shoulder.
You say Sesshomaru quotes all the time, like how stupid humans are.
Contributed by Angelika:
You go around trying to kill your own brother while saying : Die Inuyasha.
Contributed by Erica:
You try to file your nails down to a perfect point like a claw.
You try to make those scratch-like marks wherever Sesshoumaru has them on your body too.
Contributed by Nightwish:
You have never seen an episode of Inuyasha, have never heard his voice, have never done anything but go on the internet to learn about Inuyasha (until next Saturday XD) and have 400 pics and screenshots stored on your pc; your dad yells at you for putting up Inuyasha backgrounds on the desktop and you draw Sessy fanart and write him into your fanfics and stories.
You are planning a full-length novel starring Sesshoumaru (I'm already writing out the plot, involving an ancient youkai prophecy and a powerful demon reincarnated).
You create Sesshoumaru layouts and pics.
Your family has banned any talk of Sesshoumaru from the house.
Contributed by Retasu Sohma:
When there's a bully bullying you after school, you take
out your Dollar Tree sword and scream, "Shaddup,you
useless human!! What a disgrace!! Why do humans even
exist? Damn you!" and hit him/her on the head. Then take out a green marker from your pocket
and very quickly color your hand green, then grab
him/her by the neck and use your hand pretending the
green is poison and you're using poison claws. And if
that doesn't work, even though it should (^.~), punch
him/her in the face instead.
Contributed by Sami Moofle:
You have dyed your hair white and show no feelings for human life.
You have bought a castle and dressed a toad like Jaken and your little
sister like Rin.
Contributed by Sammie Greene:
You stand up for your little brother but try to kill him afterwards for making you stand up for him.
You think Rin is cute but you want to kill her for being someone Sesshomaru cares about.
You carry around a picture of Sesshomaru and show it to people who could care less and tell them that he is the hottest guy ever.
When someone asks if he's a girl and you threaten them and say that if they don't take back what they said you will make them suffer a long painfull death.
You consider killing someone but decide not to waist your time on such pathetic humans.
Contributed by Red Gold:
You know you're obsessed with Sesshomaru when you've made it this far
down a 'You Know You're Obsessed With Sesshomaru When...' list. Yeah, that's a definite YES for all of you.
Contributed by Tsuki no Oni:
When discussing Sesshomaru at lunch, your fellow otaku buddies dub themselves 'Sango', 'Inuyasha' and other such respective charecters. 'Inuyasha' and 'Shippo' get into a heated debate over the subject of Sesshomaru and pedifiles, and 'Miroku' ends up kicking 'Inuyasha' in the nuts.
You do not show pictures of Sesshomaru to other people, nor do you promote the TV show/manga. Your mentality is that the less fans know about him, the more you have him all to yourself. (You also cringe when other fans exclaim, "Hey! Sesshomaru is the hottest!")
Although people comment on your complete listlessness and silence in school, they have no idea how animated you become at home when you are relating the events of the day to your homemade Sesshomaru shrine, which is in the back of your closet (candles and all).
Having completely sworn off Barbies, you adapt your former playthings to a more appropriate appearance. The miscellaneous Barbie charecters all grow/lose hair and suddenly develop facial scars/forehead moons, and the Barbie Magical Dream House becomes Sesshomaru's castle. There is an ever-waging war between Ken and Eric, the two sons of Inu-tashio. (You have also ripped off Kikyo's arms and legs, and melted the side of her face over a campfire).
Contributed by Brandi:
When walking from point A to point B, you
encounter a large group of people standing in your
path. Instead of walking around them or saying
"excuse me" and politely cutting through, you simply
stare at them and say in your most casual
Sesshomaru-ish voice, "You're in my way. Step aside."
When the vet's office repeatedly asks how to
pronounce your dog's name, Sesshomaru.
When someone cuts in front of you in line at the
store, you glare at them and hiss "Die."
When you dress the family iguana, Jaken, in a
brown kimono, tape a little staff to its claw, then
try to train it to follow you wherever you go.
When you say to someone, "Hello, how are you,"
then before they can reply you quickly add, "You don't
have to tell me. It's not like I care. Just curious".
When someone makes a remark while watching an
episode of "Inuyasha" that Sesshomaru is a "bad guy",
you leap out of your seat and spend the next 15
minutes giving a tearful yet rousing testimonial in
Sesshomaru's defense.
When someone makes a remark while watching an
episode of "Inuyasha" that they wished Inuyasha would
kill Sesshomaru, you leap out of your seat, fly across
the room, clamp your fingers around the person's
throat... and then everything gets hazy after that...
Contributed by Tsuki-hime:
You have a Sesshomaru-sama plushie that you sleep with and insist on taking with you whenever you have to sleep somewhere else. (ie: friends house, camp, other parent's house, etc.)
You read this list and realize that it describes you perfectly.
People get sick of you rambling about Sesshomaru-sama and tell you to get a life and a real boyfriend.
Your rp character is in love with Sesshomaru-sama.
You're making a romance quiz with Sesshomaru-sama.
You get irritated when Sesshomaru-sama romance quizzes or stories have no lemon.
You paint red stripes on your wrists and every time someone annoys you, you scratch them with your unusually long, sharp nails and yell "DIE, HUMAN!" and leave that person with scars.
You wish you where Rin.
You squeal "SESSHOMARU-SAMA!!!!!" whenever Sesshomaru enters a scene in the show or movies.
Throw a fit when Inuyasha cuts off Sesshomaru's arm.
No longer accepting submissions, sorry.