Taiyoukai Insanity | We Moved!
Hehe, how did I know something like this would happen?
A major influx of new people will happen upon Taiyoukai Insanity, and...
...Every single link in the whole damn place won't work!
I know you hate that, so instead of abruptly stopping all updates
and assuming all you people know enough to look around for me,
I'll post this handy thing called a hyperlink. I
know, it's the neatest thing. Just click it and it leads right to
Tai-In's new location. You wanna list of reasons why I moved?
Email me! (Gasp, another of those nifty little hyperlinks.)
Now, knowing me and the way I work, the new place is probably
still under construction, and will be until about 1st July. Hopefully
before then. Now, run along and gawk at the pretty layout or
something, the mangaka has important stuff to do.
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