A world apart, we struggle to bind its gaping wounds back together. It has not been long since magic reentered our world, throwing us all into utter turmoil. The righteous versus the righteous, the line between good and evil has been blurred. But there are those who will stand and fight for what little remains us. We are the Shards. ilent
ebellious and
pirits. Both living and dead. We do not seek fame or popularity. We
seek our own redemption, and acceptance into the world we are fighting to
protect. There is no way back. No way to undo what
has been done. The only answer is to push onward, and hope that dawn will
come. Our world may be shattered, but we will not break. -Ftr. David Kiernan
The world has seen in its millennia of existence an
unprecedented amount of different creatures, from single celled organisms to
dinosaurs to the human race. It has gone through continent shattering
changes and has seen the best civilizations rise from the dirt and sweat of
those who created them. It has also seen them fall back into the dust from
whence they came. SHARDS of an Arcane Paradise is an entirely new game created by and continually being developed by it's Game Master and players alike. We play at least once a week online via a private chat room and our players are spread over several different states and several different backgrounds. This website is to serve as an online database or 'player's handbook'. It is continuously being updated with new information to improve and aid our game. Shards of an Arcane Paradise and all other related game concepts created by A. Bryner and game players, all rights reserved. All places described are based on actual places. Descriptions of future places do not necessarily reflect reality. All images on site either generated or put together by A. Bryner and T. Lyon. Please forward all questions/comments to the Game Master at lindowyn@yahoo.com or the Site Administrator at thearcher777@yahoo.com.