The glamorous...and the unglamorous
Having fun with my Konica Revio. Comments, do post it in the Guestbook at the bottom of the page. Enjoy :)
School compound. Trying the camera out really.
c'mon. Let's face this way to hide our pimples. There you go. Clean and clear...facial complexion! Looking good!! *snap* p.s. No, he's NOT my case you're wondering. *rolls eyes*
c'mon, c'mon. I want a mouthful... *whines* Suzanne's making her fried rice look totalleeeee yummy.
Mmmm. Deliciousssss fish soup!!! *slurps*
Looking 100 percent innocent. Oh yeah?
The bowling team's girls. Without Shiqi :\
Jeremy, Rachel, Bernie. Jersey of 2003, at Classic Bowl, training grounds. Smilllinggggg their best.
Yu Siang and Brendan. Hope I got their names correct though. Just took a quick snap when Brendan was buying food from...Kampung Delight. TJ ruggers.
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