The glamorous...and the unglamorous
Shiqi and me on the bus to Yishun Safra. Trying to hide our brave fronts, off we go and bowl!
We are heading back. These 4 turned around and posed a really neat shot for me. From bottom left to bottom right : Pamela, Adeline, Bernie, Rachel.
Day 2 tournament. TJC canteen, Shiqi acts cute. The rest, sigh. Pretending to look busy only!!!
Lynal whined about his hair. So, Rach and Pam decided to help solve his hair problem. The "professional" hairstylists at work!
Even the road thinks we are walking too slowly. Yes, after a sad day of bowling, :( I and Bernie sulked our way to the school toilet. And we encountered the SLOW sign.
Phsycotic murderer at large! Oh well, Jun Qiang couldn't resist aiming a fork towards poor Tintin's brains :)
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