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We do not know the extent of reality, nor can we comprehend the powerful forces that slumber underneath our usual state of awareness. What is thought to be real is but a part of the truth and the extent of it can never be fully revealed by neither faith nor science. Sometimes however certain people can see into the otherworld, gaze behind the veil to catch an elusive hint of the mysterious, and in some rare instances the minds of some unfortunate souls can plunge deeper into the beyond, establishing a vile connection and awareness of the world in between.

Those who suffer from great desperation or grave loss, or rarely those few who go foolishly in search of such otherwordly knowledge, are likely to become afflicted by this foreign darkness. The death of a beloved can darken the soul and lay upon it a black curse. The loss of the will to exist or an utter lack of faith in a meaning for this existance can create a void within a man that craves with unnatural hunger to be filled. This inability to deal with this duress internally invites that external darkness to take root in one's soul -- corrupting and cancerous.

The madness that consumes these gothic characters also empowers them, becoming at the same time the source for a continued existance and a fount of subtle and supernatural power. These people are both cursed and blessed by this. For each one the gift and the price are different, but they're all equally bound to it, as it supplies them with the fortitude to carry on and provides a strong, but ultimately deluded meaning.

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