Meet the Care Bears Cousins
Meet the Care Bear Cousins, the relatives of the oh so adorable Care Bears. They are so cuddly and just as good as the Care Bears so read their profiles and pick your favorites!"

I am the leader of the Care Bear Cousins always ready to fight the evil but I don't think before I act. The other Cousins look up to and admire me because when it comes to sharing and caring, I'm the best. My symbol shown everyone that I am a true leader that leads with kindness and with caring.

Swift Heart rabbit is a bundle of frantic energy, is the fastest creature in the Forest of Feelings. He's able to zip from here to there and back again in a blur. Swift Heart lives in 'the fast lane' and when he gets excited, tends to become a little reckless, often blowing through Care-A-Lot like a cyclone, leaving dissipating clouds, dizzy stars and a t least one over turned Bear in his wake. He is the chuck Yaeger of the Care Bear set, doing everything  90 mph including talking and rushing into the unknown and getting herself into a fix.

Gentle Heart is the cutest, most self-conscious and shy of the Care Bear Cousins. Although Gentle Heart will often have an idea that might just save the day, she tends to keep it to herself and only voices it when all else fails. Gentle heart is often thought to be much too trusting by the rest of the Care Bear Cousins.

Lotsa Heart Elephant is a real heavyweight in the Forest of Feeling. He has great physical strength and and also he's very strong on perseverance. Behind all his strength he is a real softie. He can never seem to say no. His only weakness really is his poor memory. His motto is 'Hang in there!"

Bright Heart is the thinker of the group. If he doesn't have the answer, he'll find at least three. That's his problem. He's often too intelligent for his own or anyone else's good. But when a job calls for a little sneaky night work, Bright Heart's ability to easily see and move about in the darkest of nights makes him the one others call upon.

Cozy Heart's frisky and happy-go-lucky nature sees to it that nothing gets her down. She's always zipping from here to there keeping everyone's' spirits high. In the water no one can beat Cozy Heart for speed and agility. She has a special gift for making people feel right at home.

Playful Heart Monkey is the Forest of Feelings practical joker who likes nothing better that a good laugh. His specialties are climbing and acrobatics. Everyone agrees Playful Heart is the funniest guy around, but occasionally, his jokes go just a little too far. Making funny faces and generally monkeying around are his stock and trade. No one likes a good time better than he does. He helps us remember that there is fun to be found everywhere if we keep a playful outlook. 

Proud Heart Cat is the 'talker', with a voice and a way that could talk the fur coat right off of a wily old fox. She is a purr-fectionist and finicky when is comes to her personal grooming and she goes to great lengths to avoid getting dirty or mused. Even though she takes a lot of kidding from the others in regard to her preoccupation with details, and she does often miss the forest for the trees, Proud Heart gives her very best in everything she does.

Loyal Heart never does anything before checking against his strict code of honor. he plays everything by the book and won't give an inch. He's just a touch stuffy but when something comes up that he feels duty bound to do, Loyal Heart will let nothing stand in his way until he sees it's done.

"Meet the Carebears."

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