The frontside noseslide is pretty easy to learn. Before learning this trick you should be able to ollie and backside 180.
While rolling the skateboarder jumps and the skateboard comes off the ground with him/her. He/she turns 90 degrees backside and lands with the nose of the board on the obstacle. He/she slides along on the nose of the board then comes off the obstacle and turns 90 degrees so that he/she can land on all four wheels.Technique:
1. Find a grindable rail, ledge, lowbox or whatever. I find it easier to do on a ledge, so you might want to try there first.
2. Push a few times and get some speed. The faster you go, the longer you will be able to slide for.
3. Ride frontside up to the obstacle (so that your chest and toes are facing the obstacle.
4. Bend your knees and pop your tail. Ollie up, over the obstacle and turn 90 degrees backside. Get your board over the obstacle and land on it with most of your weight on the nose. Try to keep your arms generally parallel with the obstacle, and not with your board. That will also help you lock in and slide.
5. When you're at the end of the object begin to turn back slightly and then turn back completely once you are off of the obstacle.
6. Land on all four wheels and ride away.
Additional Help:
Problem: I can't slide far or stay on the object..
Reason: You're not locking in.
Solution: Be sure to center your weight over the sliding surface and the nose of the board, not the rest of the board. If you center your weight over the rest of the board you will come off the object too quickly.
Backside Noseslide
The backside noseslide is pretty easy to learn. Before learning this trick you should be able to ollie and frontside 180.
While rolling the skateboarder jumps and the skateboard comes off the ground with him/her. He/she turns 90 degrees frontside and lands with the nose of the board on the obstacle. He/she slides along on the nose of the board then comes off the obstacle and turns 90 degrees so that he/she can land on all four wheels.Technique:
1. Find a grindable rail, ledge, lowbox or whatever. I find it easier to do on a ledge, so you might want to try there first.
2. Push a few times and get some speed. The faster you go, the longer you will be able to slide for.
3. Ride backside up to the obstacle (so that your back and heels are facing the obstacle).
4. Bend your knees and pop your tail. Ollie up, over the obstacle and turn 90 degrees frontside. Get your board over the obstacle and land on it with most of your weight on the nose. Try to keep your arms generally parallel with the obstacle, and not with your board. This will help you lock in and slide.
5. When you're at the end of the object begin to turn back slightly and then turn back completely once you are off of the obstacle.
6. Land on all four wheels and ride away.
Additional Help:
Problem: I can't slide far or stay on the object..
Reason: You're not locking in.
Solution: Be sure to center your weight over the sliding surface and the nose of the board, not the rest of the board. If you center your weight over the rest of the board you will come off the object too quickly.