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Ah Dong's Corner(Still under construction)

I think , therefore I am
Where do you want to go today?


My Journals

My Gallery

My Music

A "hyper-link" could go here

The Best Place In The World To Waste Your Time Around!

My Journals

Where the latest stuff about myself resides...

    But why publish it online on the World Wide Web for everyone to peek? Well,I don't quite know the reason too,but I guess perhaps it'll be nice to share with people from all over the world a little on my life,besides,life is a gift!Anyhow,I hope this would be a great source of entertainment(for those with a habit of voyuerism) for all those surfers out there...coz this is the best place in the world to waste your time!hahah enjoy :-)

||| September Issue ||| October Issue |||