Goddess Fallenangel's Aerie

Welcome to my webpage. My name is Kathy Dake, and I am attempting, in-between school, gaming, and helping with various weddings, to transfer my old webpage to this server. (If you're interested in seeing my webpage before it's transferred, please feel free!

Check out some of my Original Writing!

My Roleplaying page is here!

See some of my favorite authors and book series. You can also visit other websites to some of them!

My JavaScript Examples page is posted here if you'd like to visit. It has several examples of JavaScript code, some of which can be fairly useful.

If you'd like, you can visit my HTML Class website. It's an intro class, so it's pretty basic and there isn't a whole lot there, but have fun!

For all you webpage builders out there, here is a good Hex RGB color chart: http://www.hypersolutions.org/pages/rgbhex.html

And for all you fantasy fans and fellow web-chatters out there....
Posted by Kilmore on the messageboards at ENworld.org:

10. Their claws can't fit on the tiny keyboards.
9. The utility men are afraid to wire their lairs.
8. Most dragons are holding out for a computer that won't be obsolete before their next age category.
7. People can talk about a dragon any way they want on a chat line and the dragon can't kill them for it.
6. Dragons don't exist, silly.
5. Dragons would rather keep their gold than buy a computer.
4. They keep eating the mouse.
3. There are no dragon nerds.
2. Their fiery breath overheats the CPU.

And the number one reason why dragons don't chat online....

1. You don't get the full fear effect over the webcam. Dragons hate that.

Thanks for visiting!
My email is: taria@shadowlady.com

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