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¡u¤W¤Ñªº¥l³ê¡v>> English translation [ extended version for July 2006 follows]
11. 21 ( ¥_¨Ê )
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(2006 .7.24 )
½sµù: 2004¦~¬KSharmila©w©~¤W®ü
Webmaster's note: Sharmila now settles in Shanghai since Spring 2004
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The Divine Calling < ENGLISH TRANSLATION >
By Xianghong
2003. 11. 21
( Beijing ) [ extended version for July 2006
For me to be able to enter the collectivity of Sahaja Yoga, and become a Sahaja Yogi is entirely the will of the Divine. I want to share this Divine love with everyone.
It seems that ever since I could think independently I was seeking for something. But I simply cannot describe it clearly.
While I was attending Liaoning University (1987-1991) I tried various Qi Gong classes, but always quit after the first seminar because I felt there was something wrong. I cannot describe in words what was wrong with these practices, I simply felt the methods were too complicated, too silly.
I remember one occasion when I was taught to focus my attention on my ¡§dantian¡¨ (a point corresponding to the chakra in the lower abdomen), then to point the fingers of the right hand at the left palm. I was told I should feel a mass of hot qi (energy) coming out, but however hard I tried I could not feel the hot air they described. On the contrary, it was a cool stream of air that I felt. They told me that my foundation was too weak and that I should persevere, then somehow in the end I would have the warm air filling up the dantian, and my hands could then naturally emit hot energy. Because of this experience, I gave up on the various schools of qi gong, and turned my attention to Buddhism.
By 1996 I was a devoted Buddhist and it maybe that it was divine arrangement, since one day in July 1995 no more meat could enter my intestine. At the same time, there was a big leap on the conscious and cognitive level.
After that, whenever I entered a temple, once stepping into the hall, I could not stop the tears which were like a flood from a broken dam.
Not long afterwards, I had an extremely clear dream, in which I met all the deities and buddhas in heaven, and somehow got close to Lord Buddha to listen to His revelation¡K.
As such I got an enlightened understanding of the protocols related to Buddism. I no longer felt the urge to go to temples to worship with burning incense and bended knees. Even when I accompany my friends to temples, I simply greet the deities with a heartfelt smile ¡V here I come. We feel the existence of each other. There is joy from the heart.
However, I still felt that a higher being was calling me. I couldn¡¦t foresee the form in which It would manifest, so I sought everywhere for an answer.
Such state persisted until 1998, when I entered the Central University of Nationalities. One morning I saw some people practicing Falun Gong at the campus. I watched and imitated some movements, but at once I felt that there were too many tricks, it was too clumsy. Back at the dormitory I saw a VCD on yoga exercise on the book shelf. Spontaneously I made a decision: I should go to India!
At that point I knew that what I was seeking was in India and related to yoga.
To avoid disruption of my academic studies, I planned a trip for December with my classmate QiQi. She went to the Indian Embassy to pick up quite a large amount of traveling information so as to allow me to plan the itinerary .
In November, we searched the web for information related to yoga. Little did we know that such a trivial action could lead to the door of the long quest of the heart. With the help of some kind people, we found the London Sahaja Yoga site. There we saw the chakra chart and Mother¡¦s photo. I knew that at last that I HAD FOUND IT. Years of seeking had blossomed and borne fruit.
The London Centre referred us to Hong Kong. Thanks to the Hong Kong Sahaja Yoga Centre ! Thanks to the London Sahaja Yoga Centre ! Now I can reunify with the collective !
As such I gave up the Indian trip and, in 1999, I at last became a part of Sahaja Yoga. At that time 3 Sahaja Yogis from Hong Kong coincidentally all came to Beijing on business trip for a few days. Nearly at the same time another Beijing lady ( now known as * Sharmila settling in London ) also made contact with the HK Sahaja Yoga Centre for enquiry through referral. It was in such circumstances that all 6 of us met at the hotel room. What an amazing Divine arrangement.
During practice afterwards, I dreamt of a radiant white lotus in blossom and I was praising aloud ¡§Lotus in blossom, world in peace¡¨. When I woke up, I thought it was interesting that such a minor citizen as me could be connected with big things like ¡§world peace¡¨.
I told my friend, who is a living Buddha, about this dream. He told me that I was in contact with a big wisdom! I was amazed to hear this. This was another message from the divine, to let me know how lucky I was to be chosen, and so I should experience this love with a full heart.
Now I can feel Mother with me all the time. I can always experience Her love. Every time I get into this state, I am drenched with bliss, and the thankful tears just pour from my eyes.
Thanks to the Divine guidance! Thanks to Divine Love!
2006 .7.24 extended text :
Because it¡¦s always been a one-person ¡§collective¡¨, my progress was very slow. I didn¡¦t realize the benefits of collectivity, and therefore wasn¡¦t very eager to tell other people about practising together. Fortunately, Zhou You from Guangzhou constantly kept in touch with me through emails, or I would have been too lazy to persist.
I had been in this unstable state until 2003. I knew that I couldn¡¦t go on like this. I needed to join the collective to experience it, and to find out why Sahaja Yoga is practised collectively.
My desire was finally fulfilled when I arrived Hong Kong and met my long lost family in November 2003. Everyone was so warm-hearted that I didn¡¦t feel like a stranger at all. The serene Alex; the knowledgeable Edwin¡K
I was even more excited when Edwin told me that Shri Mataji would be stopping by Hong Kong and staying for a few days in December. He suggested me to come to Hong Kong again in December, and I would be able to see the Mother I had been dreaming about! Of course I wouldn¡¦t give up such a great opportunity!
My desire was once again fulfilled as I returned to Hong Kong in December, and met the Mother of my dreams. Everything was so spontaneous that it still feels like a dream now.
When I saw Mother for the first time at the airport, my heart felt unusually calm. I even questioned if that¡¦s the Mother I dreamed of, who gave me the pure knowledge! She¡¦s so approachable that She¡¦s nothing like the leader I¡¦d imagined! That shows how bad my conditionings were!
In the following two days, everyone was busy, while I was unsure of what I should be doing. Moreover, my subtle system was being cleared out, and I was constantly in a daze, feeling sleepy all the time. In the beginning, I felt quite embarrassed and inappropriate to fall asleep while others were meditating. But in the end I could no longer persist and had to go to sleep. I felt so rejuvenated when I woke up, and realized this was also part of the clearing process.
I truly felt Mother¡¦s power and the beauty of Sahaja Yoga when we saw Mother off at the airport. At the moment we opened the car door for Mother, my heart had become completely peaceful. And when She looked at me, I knew a source of power had penetrated into my heart. I knew then that I would never leave Mother, nor will I leave Sahaja Yoga. This power of love, power of inner peace and power of thoughtless awareness was exactly what I had been dreaming of.
I knew the gateway to Heaven would open someday! It may only be a split second in God¡¦s eyes, which wouldn¡¦t mean a very long time for us either. If I don¡¦t seize this moment, I will never be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Numerous Sanyasis have been seeking since ancient times to achieve this state. But now Sahaja Yoga has opened the gateway to Heaven for us. It is the only direct way to return to God¡¦s Kingdom.
Now I can feel Mother¡¦s presence and Her love for me all the time. And when that happens, my entire being is filled with bliss, and my eyes are overwhelmed with grateful tears.
Thank you God for Your guidance! Thank you God for Your love!
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[ Part 1 translated by Edwin Hou, with assistance of Steven McLearie : part 2 by Eugena Li ]