(三)來自中國大陸的分享 〔2001年12月母親在香港與練習者接觸的回顧〕 -> ENGLISH VERSION
在酒店幫廚的幾天令我終生難忘。因為廚房很小,大家都是做好了最好的飯菜送來,所以我們每天的工作都很簡單,洗洗碗,收拾收拾桌子,但我有幸結識了一群充滿活力和愛心的瑜伽修練者,他們的奉獻和真誠不時地打動著我,這小小的廚房變成了喜悅和愛的海洋,大家都分享著愛的感受有時到深夜。第一次靜坐時,就感到雖然靈量很快升到頭頂,但是肚子感到強烈的上下震動,然後慢慢靜下來,一切毛病、偏差,以及脈輪的問題一下子得到潔淨、調理;並感到頭頂和手心發出陣陣涼風,感到無限的喜悅。周圍的一切都變得無限美好。 |
第三天晚上10點多,清空了桌椅的酒店會議室坐滿了充滿神性的瑜伽修練者,還有很多可愛的兒童,我們大家都在地上坐好,進入靜坐狀態,沒有過多久母親就帶著迷人的微笑出現在門口,我們都向她合十雙手表示敬意,此刻感激之情又湧出心田,母親那感人心腑的微笑,深深地打動著在場的每一個人。母親作了長達1個小時的講演,我就像一個小孩子一樣懷著無比敬仰的心情目不轉睛地看著母親的臉,雖然只聽懂了20%,但是我第一次感到如此強烈的生命能量從母親處傳遍我們每一個人。母親用愛把我們從煩亂中解救出來,又提升和糾正我們,一種難以言喻的感激之情一次次地湧現出來,只覺得得到的太多太多。 接下來母親發給香港瑜伽修練者每一個人銀戒指做紀念品。原來那是歷來第一次。我也第一次有機會向母親頂禮叩拜,就在叩頭的一瞬間,一種強烈的交託願望自然湧現,大家都幸福地接受這人間最美好的祝福。 |
接下來,Florence演奏中國民族樂器,音樂十分動聽,時而像小橋流水,時而熱情奔放,表現出中華民族的文化博大精深,受到大家的讚賞。最後大家一起唱歌以表示對母親的歌頌,我雖然不會唱,也跟著一起唱,那種與整體融合的美好感覺難以言喻。 |
在這裡我深深地感謝Shri Mataji和眾多的霎哈嘉瑜伽兄弟姐妹,讓我在這裡度過了我生命中最光輝燦爛的階段!
Personal Experience of
fresh new yogini from Mainland China
"The journey that worths a
- My Heartfelt Kowtow and Close encounter with Shri Mataji that
changed my life
[ Mother's private visit, 16-20 December, 2001 Hongkong ]
Thank the Divine. It is out of my expectation to have such a blessing to see the Holy Mother in person [ in Hong Kong ] and enjoy Her boundless love.
The encounter has transformed me from an ordinary women to a Sahaja Yogi. Just for a period of several days, I have found miraculous changes in life, my heart seems opened up all of a sudden and I have a very strong desire to share with others this boundless joy and love.
Before that, I used to be introverted and did not like to talk much. It is Mother who gave me a second life and made me fully understand that the Divine chose us not for our individual blessings, but to spread out this love for others.
The long quest for the meaning of life eventually ended up with an answer. Everything comes in such a natural, living way and I have done nothing for it. It just happened as a result of a pure heart of desire.
My first encounter with Mother was receiving Her at the airport. We waited with an extremely reverent mind. Suddenly, She appeared in front of us with the most beautiful and touching smile. I do not know whether it is out of the strong emotion or gratitude that tears dropped non-stop like beads falling from a broken thread. Later, I realized that lots of yogis have had the same experience.
The Hong Kong collective even allowed someone as new as a baby, like me, to be so close to Mother in the hotel.
The several days helping in the kitchen is unforgetable in my life. People prepared the best food to bring there. The kitchen was small, our job was just to do some washing and tidying the table. But it was my luck to get to know of a group of dynamic and compassionate yogis. The small kitchen turned into an ocean of joy and love. Sometimes such sharing of the experience of love lasted until midnight.
I remembered the first time we meditated. It was very quick for me to feel the kundalini up onto the top of the head. In my belly, there was a strong churning, but it gradually subsided. As such, all problems, as well as the chakra and nadi imbalances were treated and cleared all together, gracefully. I felt the cool breeze on the head and my hands, as well as the infinite joy. Everything around turned infinitely beautiful.
Before that, members of my family brought back bits and pieces of knowledge on Sahaja Yoga to Mainland China. My knowledge is merely skin deep. I did not even know the basic techniques. Yet, simply, by the heart, to surrender and seek the truth, as well as the love from Mother, I did nothing. I got cleansed. This experience is totally beyond words.
The third night, after 10 pm, the unfurnished hotel function room was filled up by the holy yogis and some lovely children. We all sat down, got into meditation. Not long after, Mother appeared at the door with a charming smile. We all greeted Her with hands closed in namaskar to show deep respect. At that moment, the feeling of gratitude rushed out from my heart again. Her touching smile deeply moved everyone there. Mother made an hour-long speech. I listened with great awe, like a child, watching Her face without turning my eyes. Though I could only understand twenty percent, I could feel the strong vibration from Mother spreading to everyone of us. | |
It is Mother who saves us from the
disturbed mind and uplifts and corrects us. Such an
indescribable feeling of gratitude could not be stopped.
I only feel I have received, just overwhelmingly, too
much. Then Mother gave each Hong Kong yogi a ring as a gift. It turned out to be the first time She did that. It was also my first time in life to bow and do my healtfelt kowtow to Mother. Right at that moment a strong desire to surrender spontaneously arose - May everyone enjoy this nicest blessing on Earth. After that, Florence played the Chinese traditional instrument [ the zheng ]. The music was enjoyable, sometimes as soft as water in a small stream, sometimes dashing with great enthusiasm, thus manifesting the depth of Chinese culture. |
we sang in praise of Mother. Though I did not know the
songs, I tried to follow and enjoyed the beauty of
dissolving into the oneness of the whole. What a feeling beyond words. |
One night after we saw Mother off, we enjoyed the collective meditation at the HK Center. Again, I felt the power of collectiveness. Getting into complete meditation was so effortless. Then we sang the praising songs [bajhans] again. We all completely indulged in the joy of collectivity. At last, and unwillingly, I need to bid farewell to everyone with most sincere big hugs. I was deeply touched by the love among the Sahaja brothers and sisters.
Here I must wholeheartedly thank Shri Mataji and all the Sahaja Yoga brothers and sisters - for I have spent with them the most brilliant and splendid chapter in my life.
by Xiaohe,
from Guandong Province,