This will be where I keep all the information for the game/movie/anime I am creating. I myself think it will be very cool and interesting. The main character will be in robes(too big for him/her). I haven't decided the gender yet. I like the thought of a nun's robes. you know with the white hem. looks really cool and religious. maybe a cross on the front, and the old kind of rosary(very large) hanging from the belt. the main weapon will be a scythe.. well the staff of the scythe, and you can get new weapons...well put the weapons(swords and stuff) on the end of it.. You will start the game with all the best stuff as this kid in large robes. he/she will be about 7...too small for him/her. You won't be sure what your doing, or why. But while going through the game killing stuff u eventually get the hang of it.. you have the best stuff so you can't die that easily. there WILL be gaining lvls too.. to lvl 100 of course. 99 is such a gay number ;p. and after about 2 hours of doing puzzles, killing shit and such, you eventually reach your destination. and have to kill this big ass thing. not sure what its gonna be yet. you see...ideas come to me in spurts eh. and when your through, it will be like a comet hit. and the kid will be laying there. He completed his mission, though you don't know why or what you were fighting for. It will shift 20 years later. He/she had forgotten everything and he/she will be working in a construction yard or somewhere else if i decide to make it a girl. An event will happen to make he/she remember (the most useful and used(dodge probably)) a move. And it will escalate from there. He will find his staff (for the scythe) in a dusty chest in his apartment he had forgotten about. He/she will eventually remember everything that happened 20 years ago as you go through the game. Moves and such. btw. the clothes he was wearing and scythe in his staff 20 years ago have been lost, and he will eventually find them around the end of the game. They will fit him now and they will be the best in the game. He will also learn why he fought and what he was fighting. He is a seraph angel, on a mission of god, to cleanse the world. But why didn't he return to heaven when he fufilled his mission? Because he failed of course, a piece of his enemy was still alive and over time he regenerated and 20 years later he comes back. And because of his return, the hero remembers in fragments his quest. This game will probably be blasphemy to the christians and such, but thats how i like it. They need to realize theres more than one possibility. I don't want it to be a fantasy world, but I want fantasy characters and such to invade the real world.


At the beginning, if you do a special move or a strong attack, you will see a skeleten in robes(ethereal) probably death, help him/her with the scythe... death will grab the scythe from behind him/her... I think it would be cool if you met him 20 years later.