Way a Moped

Why A Moped? Well..

Why Would You Want To Own a Moped

1, A Moped is a great alternative to a bike and a car.
2, Mopeds are very economical, this might be very important with rising gas prices
3, In Europe that really all that they use and that many people cant be wrong.
4, If you are a male in particular it is a great way to get driving experience for the insurance company and if you also want a car your rates will be a little lower.
5, In the summer they are ideal
6, There are never parking problems
7, Gas prices

Way do I ride a Moped

1, The feeling is all I need to say
2, Its a new sence of freedom.
3, Its different and I enjoy that
4, quick and easy to learn and control
5, I get from point A to point B usually in better time than a car
6, Why Not
7, I love to ride my bikes, I'm just "moving up"
8, I read somewhere someone say- you know that feeling of riding you bike down a big hill, well that’s the feeling you get on a moped, ALL THE TIME.

The Downs to Owning a Moped
In the rain and winter its bad
People will stare at you, if that bothers you
Some drives get mad
Most Drivers dont know what you are
you have to know the laws, and whats going on around you because few others do.