Pacopaco Ltd.

Let us see, shall we? Have we not noticed that this website goes rather unupdated? Interesting, interesting, say I! How Ironic that its web adress has retro in the name! If seven-and-a-half months were retro, then this website, unupdated for the most part, falls under such a catergory. I really think I should try to do something about it, and often I am somewhat inclined to take such action. Believe it or not, this day itsef happens to be nothing other than one of those times. How much updating will I do? This new paragraph is a start, but as for the rest of it, I'm not sure that God even knows. (10-14-04)

Welcome to Pacopaco Ltd! May I take your order?

Picture Gallery -- It was posted that there was a new pic here many months ago, however, it didn't work, so today, 6-3-03, there is now a new picture present. I'll prolly get some more up if I ever hook up my scanner again.

Horoscopes -- A new horoscopes keeper is in. Zane is providing your fortunes.

Pacolects -- Are you ready for enlightenment? Pacoism Quiz V!! (6-8-03)

Pacobytes--Songs by Paco, Sound Mixes by Paco, Animations by Paco.

PoPe RAbbit!!!!!--See the rabbit-- the legend- POPE RABBIT is here!! (last updated 6-4-03)

The Archives-- Newest Article (6-23-03)!! remember to send them to me for their ultimate publishage!

Links--Links reccomended by Pacopaco.

E-mail me-- With this you can send me articles if you'd like them to be posted. I would like that. You can also send me hate mail. That isn't quite as happy but its better than being ignored. If anything weird happens you could tell all of us here at pacopacoltd about it and we'd be interested. Maybe. So, go ahead, provide my inbox with somthing other than junkmail! Who knows, maybe this link is messed up and it will send your E-mail to a fameous person and they'll E-mail you back! Well, its worth a try, anyway.

Guetsbook--Please sign this if you come. I mean, it really isn't so hard, is it?

Pacopaco Ltd has servedsince November 22, 2002
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