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NA2006 "QL at the Falls" - pictures by Urs König

In autumn 2006 (September 30th) another QL event did happen in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.

US2004 group photo
Also at this QL-show a group photo was shot. It is incomplete as some guys already left or were (still) busy with QL-stuff.

Here's my journey report:
As I had collected again enough bonus miles to take an intercontinental flight from Zürich via Frankfurt to Toronto I finally decided to join this show. I was so busy at work that the final decision to come was made the weekend before the show. My wife said: “Do something good to you. If QL-thinkering makes your mind happy, go for it.” Even the flights were booked since more than a month the car and needed hotels were booked just days before the journey. I arrived on Thursday September 28th in Toronto. The day after I drove to Niagara Falls where we all met at 6 p.m. for the traditional group diner. We went to a Korean restaurant just across the street. For me this was my first and only Korean food experience. On Saturday September 30th the QL show was held at the meeting room of the Super8 Hotel. 11 QL-thinkerers (not counting their wifes and other family members) were attending. Jim showed the new QDT FileManager and an intensive discussion about suggested additions to it happened. Tony was busy all day to fix QL’s of the North American users. I had some good chats with Colin and Herb on Memory Management. Herb and myself continued to swap experiences and files for over an hour after the show had ended. It is definitely not enough to have a NA QL-show every second year (not only to fix that many broken systems). On Sunday those who stayed went downtown to the Falls. Those who stay in the Toronto area will meet for a dinner on Tuesday.
Urs König, October 1st 2006

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