The goal of Pumpkin Patch Preschool is to give children a positive first school experience. We believe children learn best in a loving, caring, accepting atmosphere.
Our Mission: We provide a Christian setting. We want to share our nondenominational Judeo/Christian faith, beliefs and values. We desire to honor and glorify God in all we do and we dedicate the program to the Lord. We believe children are blessing and a gift from God. We feel that each child is uniquely created. We seek to demonstrate the unconditional love of Christ to each child. We desire to assist each family in their role of nurturing and encouraging their child's development and learning. Our Day: Each day at Pumpkin Patch consist of: Self-Directed Learning: During this time children may choose different activities to engage in from our learning centers. The learning centers include the art area, sensory table, large motor area, dramatic play center, manipulative & game center, the library area, puzzle table and computer center. Activities are added and changed frequently.Each session the children alternate between these planned large group times.
A nutritious snack is provided each day. This part of our routine is also seen as a time for learning as we stress good hygiene, cooperation, manners, and other social skills.
Small Groups:
This teacher directed time provides children the opportunity to learn new concepts from the different unit themes we study, as well as, the chance to develop and build important early learning skills.
Outdoor Play:
If the weather permits we try to arrange for some outdoor play at the end of our day.
Staff_2014 - 2015:
The staff at Pumpkin Patch is made up of a team of experienced teachers that meet the Qualifications set by the Minnesota Department of Human Services Licensing standards.
Parent Communication
A newsletter is distributed each month to keep families informed about upcoming events, units of study, special days, and any other important information. Conferences are also scheduled twice a year, one being the pre-admission conference in the fall and the other a parent teacher conference in the spring.Tuition 2015 - 2016
1 day/week = 76.00/month
2 days/week = 152.00/month
3 days/week = 228.00/month
* The tuition is prorated and based on the number of sessions a child is enrolled in.
There is a $25.00 registration fee due at the time of enrollment.
Friday, March 21, 2025 website is owned and operated
by Richard V. and Jan Maree Anderson copyright 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 by