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Sleepless Whispers Homepage
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Welcome to the Sleepless Whispers website. This site was created by and for the users of The Sleepless Whispers Forum; here you will find links and information about the forum, as well as its users. In the Galleria you may read about the latest contests and user groups. If you wish to join, please visit the Forum, or for more information, follow this link to Places.

History behind the sleepless whispers...

The Sleepless Whispers Forum has been in existence since April, 2000. It was first conceived as a bulletin board devoted to young writers. (and was named at the time, The Sleepless Writers Forum) This creative tradition lives on in the Sleepless Stories and Poetry boards, and the Sleepless Writers user group. In the early summer of 2001, Sleepless merged with a newly developed forum, Whispers, which was an open discussions board about current events and social issues.

Two years after its conception, Sleepless Whispers maintains this dual purpose, to debate and to create.


To view the old Network54 hosted Sleepless Forum, please click here.

Gallery and Contests      Forum Guide and Instructions      The Sleepless Whispers Forum

User Group Lists      Administrators      Sleepless Guestbook

(If you have any questions regarding Sleepless, please email me anytime.)

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