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PC Automated Shutdown
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Here it is, remember the times when you have to download a file, and it takes a long time and you need to be some place else. PC Automated Shutdown is here, the program is designed to receive a user input to automatically initiate a shut down sequence of the computer as instructed by the user e.g. in 1 hour, at 11pm.

Read Beforehand

PC Automated shutdown is packaged in zip format and you will need WinZip to open it up. You can download PC Shutdown at your own risk.

There is 2 main functions for the program, time input in minutes or time input in 24 hour time e.g. 22:00 = 10pm, 9:00 = 9am. The program has been tested on windows 98se, me, 2003 and xp. So yeah try it out, its quite easy to understand hopefully.

(C) Lieven Tan, 2004/05