Welcome to the MRL

WELCOME TO THE MICROSTOCK RACING LEAGUE SITE. The M.R.L was formed after A.M.S.R.A was disolved, in order to help guide Microstock Racing back to where it belongs: as a STRONG and affordable alternative for racers. The M.R.L was formed by racers for racers, out of love for microstock racing.
John Springsteel

Microstock video clip just added to streetfire.net! Link to video
NEW VIDEO-Opening Day 4/29/07

Jeff Weinacker wins season opener!
Ace Lane Photo

The MRL welcomes rookie Carl Weinacker

The MRL at Ledgewood Mall March 2005

Visit our on-line store

Our home track is the inner 1/5th mile at Wall Township Speedway, NJ.
Microstock Links:
*Microstock Racers Forum*
Wall Township Speedway NJ
MRL on-line store
K&K Outlaw Modified Microstocks
World Formula Microstock Tour
Ace Lane Racing Photos
Email: microminded@aol.com