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Mandy's Poetry Page, DO NOT TAKE!

Mandy's poems..

Secret Language
There's this secret language in this world where we live.
To master it, would be to answer the world's problems.
Instead, it taunts us with its mysteries.
These few people who know it,
stare down upon us.
What do we need to do?
How can this secret language be mastered?
Readig between the lines,
second guessing, trying to be empathetic,
Where does it get us?
Will this bring us closer to matering
this diliberate taunting of world play?
The speakers of this secret language
hold the answers.
How do they help?
That answer, my dear is quite clear,
they communicate with us, and explain
the enigma.

A Tragic Mishap
Soaring and care-free.
that was he.
Not a care in the world that night.
How tragic of a night!
Laughing and loving
not knowing it would be the last
He thanked his brother and friends
for such a wonderful night.
Then suddenly, with many regrets this world he left
What a tragic mishap!
Death was first to open his door,
yet happiness and bluss would have been just
a few days more.
Such a tragic mishap!
He left them, his bride, family and friends alike
All who knew him, loved him, admired him
now are left to wonder,
How this tragic mishap could happen.

Dedicated to Herbert Dresbaugh III
Feb. 10, 1971-Dec. 5, 1999

I know I am truly blessed,
for I ahve found magic
I have found the secrets
to live through life's troubles
I have found the will to go on
the laughter in the worst situation is mine
and how? Why?
Becuase I know I have magic
and I am truly blessed
Do you want to know my secret?
lean close, and I'll whisper it in your ear.
The secret to life is this magic I've found
and this magic I am blessed with
could no better beexplained than
the pure magic of True Friendship

A Tragic Mishap
Soaring and care-free,
that was he.
Not a care int he world that night.
How tragic of a night!
Laughing and loving
not knowing it would be the last.
He thanked his brother and friends
for such a wonderful night.
Then suddenly, with many regrets this world he left.
What a tragic mishap!
Death was first to open his door,
yet happiness and bliss would have been just
a few days more.
Such a tragic mishap!
He left them, his Bride, family, and friends alike
All who knew him, loved him, and admired him
now are left to wonder,
How this tragic mishap could happen.
Dedicated to Herbert Dresbaucgh III Feb. 10, 1971- Dec. 5, 1999

Finding the right moment in time
is the key to all successes.
Perfection can be achieved
if it is found at the right time.
But of course, the occurance
of this is a rarity.
And mistakes are made,
some unrectifiable and others easily rendered.
Those that remain broken
tear at your soul.
And never would people think
that me, Miss Perfection, could ever make such a mistake.
What people dont see,
what I refuse to show,
is the consequences given to me
by one unrectifiable mistake.
Fear of damaging people's feelings
kept me quiet for oh so long.
But a gentle nudge sent me flying o're,
into that dark abyss.
Standing before me is my mistake.

Live Life
Im going to live life for what it's worth.
Im going to smile more,
to laugh more
to love more
each and every day.
Life is an adventure,
and fate knows its plan.
Im going to live life with a smile on my face,
with love in my heart,
and with laughter in my soul.
In my life troubles are bound to come,
but better days will be around the corner.
With family and friends abound,
I know Im truly blessed.
They lead me away from darkness
and into the warm sunlight of love.
So, Im going to live life to the fullest,
set an example,
for you, for my family, for my friends, and for me.
Then maybe when bad days come,
we still live life to the fullest.

What defines friends?
Is it the person who likes you best?
Or is it the person that is there for you no matter what?
in the eyes of a person who is blessed with true friendship,
The latter is true, but with so much more.
With a loving heart,
a sympathetic ear,
caring hands,
and a fierce protective nature.
Its the warm feeling deep inside
when a friend calls just to say hi.
Its the outrage you feel
when someone speaks disapprovingly,
or when a friend is hurting,
and there is not a way for you to stop the pain.
Its the shared laughter and tears
That accumulate throughout the years.
Its shared confidences, thoughts, and fears
that bind you to a person with a special bond
The beholder of such a friend, of such a feeling,
is blessed with eternal happiness.
Good times and bad times fade and blind into one,
all because of that special someone, a friend.

Conflicts and situations arise constantly.
How we react,
What we do,
all depends upon one person alone, you.
Those choices affect more than you know.
What a big responsibility!
To know that your words and your actions
affects the lives of people
So, the choice is yours, my friend.
You may choose to go on the way you are,
unaware and uncaring.
Or you may choose to become aware
and start anew.
The options are there.
What WILL you do?

The final day of school,
the last breath of life,
the dying green of plant,
all seem tragic to a point.
But why should they be?
What good would that do?
To the world an end seems tragic.
But why?
Every end gives way to chance for a new beginning.
So, next time an end comes near,
realize "every new beginning
comes from some others beginning's end."

More poetry to come
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Copyright © 2000, Sarah Curtis Revised -May 10, 2000