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Meet a poet, Marilynn

This first one is for a contest please do not copy or even post without my permission if you want to put them up on your site just ask and I`ll gladly say ok ,but make sure I do thanks!=)


I`m afraid to take another step, afriad I`m going to fall off this mountain top that we workd so hard to get on top of. Your eyes tell me of your sorrows and sometimes I`m afriad we`ll never ever have another tomorrow. You come and go like the wind, but you left a mark like a hawk does on its prey. I try to listen to my friends, but that conversation comes to an end, I turn to you and that brings me blue, my feelings go up and down like a roller coaster for you. You can plainly see we have nothing left, nothing left but this cross, the ross that leads me seeking, searching, and wanting another. The cross that is my everything. The necklace you gave hoping I`d remember you, but all I want to do is forget you. Just remembering my cross is there to shield me and lead me on to another moondance.

Marilynn Elizabeth Kelley 12-9-99


I wish this place wasn`t here- I could build a fortress out of my thoughts- the time is irrelevent and you are too-- that stature out of you- teh night will be coming and I don`t what we are doing tonight- I just hope it is by candlelight- I love thinking of you- the thought of being near you draws me closer wanting to be nearer or maybe you just be sincerer -- words of wisdom come off the wall & stick to me or maybe fell wouldn`t it be neat if our lifes could be complete- maybe mine will if the lord wants it I just won`t taunt it-- gosh I really need to go or do I really need to throw more words and jives into my rhymes hoping I`ll solve the fact that I need to get backk to reality and life?

Marilynn Elizabeth Kelley 12-17-99


Maybe if I went to the west I could leave my mess here- hoping it would never follow me anywhere I`m wishing someday to fine someone who is real and finally say hey I`m doing allright- It is so quiet and I`m losing and trying to make a change- I wish I could hang with you and finally shake the static so you`d believe me I`lll try to love myself for now.

Marilynn Elizabeth Kelley 12-18-99


All the shades are turned- it could`ve been you- I ran into you today, we didn`t have much to say, my eyes turned blue, I`m afriad of assumption-- and I know you better then you think-- ya liking the drink-- should I believe you -- I better go, the snow is better and I`m stronger now.

Marilynn Elizabeth Kelley 12-24-99

Michigan- 12:06 am Indiana- 11:06 pm I was in Michigan

Here is a quote from her as well
"Love is the most mysterious thing on this hear Earth!"

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