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From: Return of the Shadow
                    TEMPORARY PAGE

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        Due to a recent mischievous activity the HTML, logs, and backup files were deleted from Resevil's Log Page's server.  This page is meant to act as a temporary fix to the problem until a new page can be designed and implemented.  The persons that were responsible for the mishap have been found and punished to the fullest extent.  Let it be known that when changes are made to this page your IP # is logged and sent to Resevil to discourage future disturbance.  Please bare with us though this "downtime" until we can replace the old page.  Btw, some logs were lost in the deletion, and Resevil will be utmost honored to replace those logs if you find yours missing.  Send lost logs or any new logs to: to have them posted.

Thanks, Res.

(#)Darkside Log (##)Thirdside Log

SullerMimicLeif.txt 09/29/1999
Resevil and Haste 10/23/1999
Overkillagain.txt 10/23/1999
VinnyUruk.txt 10/13/1999
orc.txt 12/01/1999
kulak.txt 12/05/1999
Kulak & Res. .vs. Mimic? 01/16/2000
kulakdies.txt 01/17/2000
magneto.txt 01/17/2000
mazeuruks.txt 01/17/2000
poop.txt 01/17/2000
mimicdies.txt 01/24/2000
giggleuruk.txt 01/24/2000
Raid on Uruk Caves 1/28/2000
Kulak & Resevil .vs. Mense 03/02/2000
ripkrakk.txt 03/04/2000
soclose.txt 03/04/2000
uruk.txt 03/11/2000
semiracanable.txt 05/27/2000
holo.txt 05/27/2000
inkubus.txt 05/27/2000
avathar.txt 05/27/2000
donde.txt 05/27/2000
donderip.txt 05/27/2000
ender.txt 05/27/2000
reslourne.txt 06/03/2000
dondE.txt 06/19/2000
donderip2.txt 06/19/2000
donderip3.txt 06/19/2000
ghash.txt 06/19/2000
canable.txt 06/19/2000
canable2.txt 06/19/2000
Brell .vs. Bakuta 6/19/2000
vain2.txt 06/19/2000
vaindies.txt 06/19/2000
sexton.txt 06/19/2000
raptor.txt 06/03/2000
fer.txt 07/22/2000
infernal.txt 07/21/2000

#Scion and Curb 05/05/2001
#Scion the Uruk-Hai 05/05/2001
#Scion .vs. Terari 05/05/2001
#Raid on Ungor. 05/05/2001
##Turvantus and Gorhum 04/10/2001
##Lhuths .vs. Dwarf 04/03/2001
##gorhumlhuth.txt 03/13/2001
ripsloth.txt 03/13/2001
##hobbitlhuth.txt 03/12/2001
##lhuthaelies.txt 03/12/2001
##lhuthfight.txt 03/12/2001
tobone.txt 03/11/2001
pivsklar.txt 01/25/2001
ripkilgortelanwyr.txt 01/13/2001
#raided.txt 01/03/2001
#satrixrip.txt 01/03/2001
tober2.txt 12/23/2000
tober.txt 12/16/2000
tobervskrakk.txt 12/13/2000
pidies.txt 12/13/2000
ragnus.txt 12/05/2000
ragnusvscano.txt 12/05/2000
ragvstemp.txt 12/05/2000
#pararip.txt 11/30/2000
#Dremon .vs. La 11/30/2000
Nalunrip.txt 11/30/2000
aerowyn.txt 11/30/2000
#Dremon .vs. Eften 11/30/2000
orcist.txt 11/17/2000
#drevsspa.txt 10/29/2000
jubjub.txt 10/29/2000
kulvsrag.txt 10/29/2000
draknite1.txt 10/29/2000
drej.txt 09/16/2000
ferlith2.txt 09/05/2000
klar.txt 08/30/2000
fersil.txt 08/30/2000
fervdon.txt 08/30/2000
Party 08/26/2000

Webmaster: Resevil
Update: 05/06/01