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Welcome to A.C.I.E.L. Encampment, a chartered body of Ordo Templi Orientis. We are situated in the City of Brighton, U.K., where we have been established now for over 2 years. We hold regular monthly meetings and, although we cannot perform Initiations at present, we are happy to provide information about O.T.O. and Thelema.

Our goals are to promote the Law of Thelema and to provide a place for like-minded individuals to come together and discuss common goals, spiritual aims and practise group efforts as they see fit. We recognise the higher goals of the O.T.O., those that encompass the whole of human endevour, but seek to fulfill those goals in our locality first. We fully affirm our role as knight-monks of Thelema, we strive to destroy intolerance where we find it, to thwart those who would hamper our liberty and to allow the Light of the Gnosis - the Word of our Father To Mega Therion to flower in our midst.

Any individuals in the local area who would like us to send them a more detailed information pack about O.T.O. please contact us at;

Or if you would like to write to us, our address is:-
A.C.I.E.L. Encampment O.T.O.,
P.O. Box 3193,
BN2 1SY.

The nearest Iniating body is Shemesh Lodge in Hastings. Applications for initiation should be addressed to the National Secretary at;

Peace, Tolerance & Truth.

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