This web site is devoted to people who have pets, are looking to adopt a pet, or are just curious about adopting one. Please browse through the site, and recommend it to your friends. Also, please remember to keep in mind the option of Click here to visit our partner web-site, Animal Friends .
An excellent site to look at if you're interested in adopting, or trying to find a lost pet is PetNet. Click here to go to PetNet. PetNet allows you to view a number of animals currently being offered for adoption locally. They even have their own search engine to use for the site.
It is important to bring your pet to a veterinarian for routine check-ups and vaccinations. This site includes some good general veterinary information, under the subheading "local vets." Click here. You can find local veterinarians in the Yellow Pages. The ASPCA Ani-Med toll free phone line offers information on a huge range of topics. Call 1-888-252-7387 Enter (or dictate, with rotary phones) the 3 digit number for the topic you are interested in. For a complete list of topics, click here. Rhode Island Animal Shelters
GO! Here is a list of all the local shelters and organizations. National Organizations are listed at the bottom. At the top, are some brief tips for locating lost pets.
GO! Here is advice and information about selecting the pet that is right for you. Included is information on the various ways of obtaining pets. Remember NEVER to give a pet as a gift. Despite the best of intentions, it rarely works out.
GO! Information about spaying/neutering your pet. Please, if you have not already, have this procedure done on your pets.
GO! Information on pet assisted therapy. This will tell you what it is, and how you can get involved.
GO! Training tips, and how to teach your pet basic commands.
GO! Want to make your own treats for your pets? This will give you some recipes.
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