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My Info

My name's Melissa Dias. I am 19 years old and in June 2000 I moved from Rhode Island to Miami, Florida. This is my webpage, dedicated to my beliefs in Paganism and Wicca. I have been practicing this religion my whole life (almost), and believe that it has brought me a great strength and peace from within myself, as well as made me a better person. My interests include Singing, Wicca, Music, the Net, writing Poetry, going to the Movies, going to Malls, Hanging out with Friends, Playing Pool, and Getting Lost!
Over a year ago, I quit high school in my senior year. Afterwards, I realized this was a big mistake and went back to school to get my GED. Two weeks later I was on a flight to Miami, FL, where I live now. Here, I attend Miami-Dade Community College where I am a Marketing major and have completed half of my Associate's Degree. Part of my success has been amplified in the past 4 monthes. In January I met David, who has become the love of my life. We're working hard together to be able to move in with each other within the next 6 monthes. Hopefully in the next year I will have completed my Associate's Degree and will proceed on to Florida International University where I will hopefully aquire my bachelore's degree. After that, who knows? Career? Marriage? New Car? I know the God and Goddess will help me fullfill all of these goals. Blessed Be!
As always I am interested in your comments, suggestions and getting to know my fellow Pagans.
