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Caldena and Malopia's Tortall

Welcome, traveller, to Tortall, where women can become knights, mages can talk to animals, and immortal creatures roam the land.

My name is Caldena, let me show you around this realm. To the north lies the City of the Gods, where many study in sorcery. South of that is Port Caynn, not much further is the capital, Corus. In the Great Southern Desert, south of the capital and near the once cursed Black city, is Persepolis. And along the coast is Port Legann.

I think I have told you all of this realm, so please visit it. Welcome to Tortall, a realm of adventure and magic.

Updates: 19/11/2001

Hi!!! I'm VERY VERY SORRY that I haven't updated in a million years, but I have been very very busy, trust me. The other thing is, I am not too sure that I want to continue this site. You see, two years ago it was great, but now....about 4 members actually participate! :( So I think that I will close this site down. I won't exactly shut it down, but I won't update anymore and all the clubs will be closed. The only thing that would convince me NOT to do this is if you guys speak out and say that you WANT this site to go on. The problem is, I am willing to work for you guys but in return, I need a fun club, with a lot of members. So, you think about it and e-mail me. I haven't updated anything (sorry about that) because I just wanted to tell you this piece of information. Bye, ~ Malopia

Places in Tortall

Corus, the Capital

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Port Caynn

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Port Legann

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City of the Gods

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