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If you are or were a board regular in any format of's boards, and you're not seeing yourself here, get your picture scanned and saved (preferably .jpg or .gif) and send it on to me at

This page here contains all the photos that were on the last update of edicius's Rider page, with the exception of some of the "Special Recognition" folks. Anyone who has logged on since will be displayed on the newer pages.

All cries of pain over ugly photographs and all pleas to take down unflattering pics of you will go unheeded unless you produce a suitable replacement picture. Capiche?

(By the way, I will accept a cartoon drawing of you if it bugs you that much to see your face on here.)

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To our friend, gone but not forgotten...
Natalia Christina Day, also known as Brit Miss Chris, was a very special Rider who we had the fortune of knowing for only a few short weeks, until a car accident took her life. But in that short time, she managed to touch all of our lives immensely, conquering the distances that seperate the Riders over the internet. She will always be remembered as a true Rider and our friend, not to mention the Queen of British Profanities. As Kevin Smith himself put it, "She was a very classy lady and she will be missed."

If you've been on the View Askew WWWBoards for any point of time, you must have heard at least one mention of the infamous Big Time Joanie, or BTJ as she's more commonly known. For what seemed like an eternity, Joanie was the terror of the boards, insulting the Riders, making disparaging comments, and just generally being an annoyance. But we soon found that Joanie certainly wasn't the monster we had all made her out to be. She successfully redeeemed herself with a very sincere, very heartfelt posting. Even after all the strife Joanie caused us, along with her torrid past on View Askew, it can still be said that Joanie IS one of the Riders. As Kristian (K-Dog) said, "F**k the past." In fact, the reformed Joanie has returned to the boards for a few posts here and there from time to time.

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