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Sailor Moon Season

Sailor Moon Season! I liked this season primarily because of my Jeddy, but it's a very cool season. My only regret is that the Generals weren't turned pure again...that mean Queen Beryl *sniffle*. I want Jeddy back..

The Dark Kingdom

Queen Beryl is the leader of the Negaverse. She attacked the Moon Kingdom during the Silver Millennium, but failed because Queen Serenity sent the spirits of the people there to Earth. But she comes back again and attacks them on Earth. She has 4 generals under her that she controls: Jedite, Nephlite, Zoisite, and Malachite. She is really cool. She is led by Queen Metallica, who I know absolutely nothing about. She's a blob. In the end, she is destroyed by the Sailor Scouts after they defeat all 4 generals.
Yay! I love Jedite. He is awesome. Jedite is probably the least liked general there is. But people who think that are turdheads. Jedite is the best looking (well, sometimes Malachite looks better) and he has the COOLEST laugh. Listen to it in "Nightmare in Dreamland", which is the coolest episode ever. True, he failed Queen Beryl, but she didn't give him a chance. True, he killed off Titis in "Cruise Blues", but she was mean anyway. His death is the saddest, I don't care what they say about Zoysite and Sapphire and Prince Diamond. Besides, in the manga, Sailor Mars was in love with him. So hamenyada. Anyway. His job was to collect energy, which he did. But the Scouts were too much for him, so Queen Beryl banished him into Eternal Sleep, which was really stupid because he could have told her who all the Scouts really were, and he was the most devoted to her of all the generals. Another reason that Jedite is cool is because the first 4 letters of his name are "Jedi". And Star Wars is really cool.
Ok...I can be nice to Nephrite. I can. I used to hate his guts, but I keep telling myself "He's a villain, he is cool." But it hasn't been working..-_-;. That's ok though. Nephlite is a Negaverse general who is attuned to the stars. In manga, he was in love with Sailor Jupiter. He was murdered by Zoisite (heheh), because Zoisite, well, hated his guts. I guess *maybe* he's pretty cool, and he used to serve Mamoru as his general, so maybe Nephlite's ok..but he's still my least favorite general. And people, I don't care what you say, he is NOT CUTE, what the heck are you smoking!!?? Anyways, back in reality...
Zoisite is pretty cool. She's my third favorite general, right behind Malachite, who of course is behind Jedite. She is the only one who actually gets things done. She put up a fair fight for the Rainbow Crystals, and she was pretty even with Tuxedo Mask when Queen Beryl killed her off for doing too good of a job. She had almost killed Tuxedo Mask, when Beryl had given her direct orders not to. Anyway, her job was to collect Rainbow Crystals so they could make the Imperium Silver Crystal. As I said, Beryl killed her off for disobeying. She has the coolest laugh, which you can find on my Multimedia page. Another thing that makes Zoisite cool is that she is in the episode Kitty Chaos with Hercules the cat, who ended up carrying the 7th Rainbow Crystal. I think what makes her bad is that she says "Zoi!" which drives me crazy. Another note about Zoisite is that in the manga she was a guy, and her and Malachite were kinda gay. But that's ok. Zoisite was in love with Mercury in the manga.
Woohoo! Malachite is awesome. Most Sailor Moonies think so too, except for my mentally challenged best friend. I like him because IN SOME PICS, he is really cute. Like the one over there. Other times, he isn't so cute. He has those cool purple boomerangs, and he's the only one the Scouts killed. The rest were killed by eachother (Jedite-Queen Beryl, Nephlite-Zoisite, Zoisite-Queen Beryl). The scouts killed him in the AWESOME episode Day of Destiny. Which is also the episode where the boomerangs appear. Also, he says "Soon, the universe will be no more. Only the Negaverse will prevail!", which is one of my all-time favorite quotes. And he has white hair, just like Prince Diamond, who is wise and wonderful. Malachite's job is basically just to destroy the Sailor Scouts. He dies when Sailor Moon reflects a boomerang back at him.

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