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The Macaroni and Cheese Test...

So this is My first quiz ever! Since I just could not find a "What Macaroni and Cheese are you?" Quiz (wonder why) so I decided to make one so I could find out which I am... and now I know. Time for you to discover your 'inner cheesiness". And remember kids, respect others the way you would want them to respect you... what that has to do with mac and cheese, who knows...

What do people think when they buy you...?

Whatever shuts the kids up...
I wish these food stamps came in prettier colors...
I ain't no prostitute..
I can't wait to take you and home give you a bath...
Mmmm, this would go well with some illicit drug or alcohol...
Mmm, creamy goodness...
I want it now!!!
I'd like to see the wine list please...

On a night on the town, how do you like to be dressed up...?

Shirt, jeans... whatevers comfortable...
It doesn't matter... whatever I wear, will be coming off soon!
Blue, even different shapes sometimes
Whatever Salvation army has on sale this week...
In my best outfit, I am out to impress you know, thats how I bring in the money...
I wear my bathing suit... I like to swim.
In that silver number... keep everything locked in tight.
Doesn't matter. I'll probably be home in half in half an hour anyway...

If you were to be, say, cooked... how would you like to be handled...?

The milk... help, help... I'm drowning...
Doesn't Matter... As long as I'm paid for well, and appreciated...
Um, could you not cook me please... I'm not into that sort of thing...
Just throw me in a bowl and microwave me... You think I have time to boil... or a stove?
8 - 10 minutes, assuming the kids don't drive you crazy before then...
Whatever. If I'm this cheap, do you think I care about quality?
No milk for me baby. Just cut open that silver bag of goodness and I'm good to go...
Was that water even boiling? Is it over already?

What are the people eating you most likely to say...?

Eww. This is not so much yummy...
Bleach, this is too hard for me to swallow...
This is so bad... no tip for him!!!
No powder, or milk. Yet, still creamy...
Thanks Mom, you're swell...
Good thing I'm using a spoon instead of a fork...
My sex life isn't any of your business...
I don't even need my hot pot anymore...

How much do you cost?

$4.00, including that whole gallon of milk you used dumbass
$.79 a box
$75 an hour, depending on the sexual favor...
3 / $0.99
$2.49, but worth every penny
$1.50 for a six pack
Doesn't matter, you're gonna throw it away anyway...
$8.95, but its made for you, so it's all good...

What are your favorite movies?

French Kiss, The Godfather series
Disney films...
Porn. Straight or gay.
Clueless, Empire Records, Breakfast club...
I can't afford movies...
Sci-fi, like my cheesy bag
None of these actually....
Titanic, Noah's Ark, Waterworld

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