Join the Indonesian WebRing in three easy steps...It's free!
Step 1
READ FIRST! Requirements to join the Indonesian WebRing are:
The site you enter must an Indonesian homepage which owned/run by an Indonesian.
Your page must *NOT* contain any sexually explicit content such as nudity or profanity or any links to the same.
If your page meets the requirements and you would like join the ring please fill out the form below and follow the directions to add the code/HTML fragment to your page. After submitting your site to Ringmistress of Indonesian WebRing you should go back to this page and continue to step 2 to get your HTML fragment.
Step 2
To join/participate in this ring, you must insert the
following code/HTML fragment in your homepage. Press the Highlight All button, copy with right click mouse and then paste the code/HTML fragment into your homepage as soon as possible.
INFO: You can place the Indonesian WebRing code/HTML fragment right on your first/front page or on a separate "Webrings" or "Links" page.
NOTE: Please be sure to replace "--mail--", "--name--" and "--id--" areas of the code to avoid broken links. If you are having a problem with the code/HTML fragment please feel free to email the Ringmistress.
This is how the code/HTML fragment of Indonesian WebRing should look in your page:
Make sure to notify the Ringmistress of Indonesian WebRing when you have put the code/HTML fragment on your page. After that Ringmistress will review correctness of your code/HTML fragment and adds you to the ring!