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What's Up??!!

Hey everyone!!

Life as the Middletown Planner has been pretty crazy as of late. At a recent town council meeting I got to argue over a road abandonment with "The Ultimate Survivor" Richard Hatch, while also being able to explain the finer points of muncipal planning to hard-core girl punk band guitarist of the band L7, Gail Greenwood. It was all very sureal!!

Life is good with the job - the new Town Council really has me jumping, but that is good - there is no way I am getting bored anytime soon.

Life in Bristol is also good. The Town just had its "Grand Illumination" which always kicks the Christmas season off right. Downtown is a light with season cheer and bustling with shoppers, browsers and partiers.

The nightlife is about the same and can be glimpsed at below.

It's always hard to get away from your roots, that's why I always include a link to events in Newport. Check out this new site, I like it better than the one I had up before. Just click on the Castle Hill Lighthouse below.

The move is working out well, but the smaller digs did cause a bit of a problem when I unbound the enormous Christmas tree in the corner of the living room. Those damn evergreens are always deceiving in size when they are out in the parking lot!!!

Although Dylan and I are not taking our vacation to visit Lisa down in the Bahamas this Christmas vacation we are still going to try and venture to the land of sunshine during Dylan's February vacation.

If you didn't know the lucky lass is working down there at Club Med, Paradise Island for eight months. Hey ya can't beat a free place to stay!!!

And if you were wondering...yes I am still very into WWF wrestling!!! I love the stuff! You can't beat it for a change from the mundane weekly entertainment that is out there today. You've got action, comedy, drama and sports all wrapped up in one package - and there's never a repeat!!!

Click on my boys Faarooq and Bradshaw below to get the inside dirt - and check it out on TNN, MTV or the UPN network. I love to convert people!!!

Another standard on this site - Victor's Column - it seems is growing. Victor got a promotion at the East Bay Newspaper company and is now the editor for Warren as well as Bristol. So it looks as if there will be times when he will be writing columns for both.

This first column is from the Warren Times and ran last week while the Vic 2 pic below leads you to his Christmas Feast column.

And because this one column is near and dear to my heart, with myself and the rest of Victor's drinking buddies highlighted, I am leaving it up.

And don't forget to go visit Dylan at her site. She picks out her own graphics and tells me what to type so you can keep in time with her life to.
