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Number Name Type Location Picture
001 Bulbasaur Grass/Poison Choose it at the beginning of the game
002 Ivysaur Grass/Poison The evolved form of 001 Bulbasaur
003 Venusaur Grass/Poison The evolved form of 002 Ivysaur
004 Charmander Fire Get it from Prof. Oak at the beginning of the game.
005 Charmeleon Fire The evolved form of 004 Charmander
006 Charizard Fire/Flying The evolved form of 005 Charmeleon
007 Squirtle Water Get it from Prof. Oak at the beginning of the game.
008 Wartortle Water The evolved form of 007 Squirtle
009 Blastoise Water The evolved form of 008 Wartortle
010 Caterpie Bug Viridian Forest
011 Metapod Bug Viridian Forest
012 Butterfree Flying/Bug Evolved from 11 Metapod
013 Weedle Bug/Poison Route 25
014 Kakuna Bug/Poison Route 25
015 Beedrill Bug/Poison Evolved from 014 Kakuna
016 Pidgey Normal/Flying All over the place. Check the beginning.
017 Pidgeotto Normal/Flying Evolved from 016 Pidgey
018 Pidgeot Normal/Flying Evolved from 017 Pidgeotto
019 Rattata Normal Very common
020 Raticate Normal Evolved from 019 Rattata
021 Spearow Normal/Flying Very common
022 Fearow Normal/Flying Evolved from 021 Spearow
023 Ekans Poison In red pack. Route 4, 9, 8, 11
024 Arbok Poison Evolved from 023 Ekans
025 Pikachu Electric Veridian Forest
026 Raichu Electric Use a Thunderstone on 025 Pikachu. Or in the Power Plant.
027 Sandshrew Ground Route 4, 8, 9, 11
028 Sandslash Ground Evolved from 027 Sandshrew
029 Nidoran(Female) Poison Safari Zone
030 Nidorina Poison Evolved from 029 Nidoran(Female) Also in Safari Zone.
031 Nidoqueen Poison/Ground Use Moonstone on 030 Nidorina
032 Nidoran (Male) Poison Safari Zone or Route 22 (left of Cerulean City)
033 Nidorino Poison Evolved form of 032 Nidoran(Male)/Safari Zone
034 Nidoking Poison/Ground Use Moonstone on 033 Nidorino
035 Clefairy Normal Mt. Moon or Exchange Corner in Celadon City
036 Clefable Normal Use Moonstone on 035 Clefairy
037 Vulpix Fire Pokemon Mansion in Cinnabar Island or Route 7 or 8
038 Ninetales Fire Use Firestone on 037 Vulpix
039 Jigglypuff Normal Route 3
040 Wigglytuff Normal Use Moonstone on 039 Jigglypuff
041 Zubat Poison/Flying Caves such as Mt. Moon
042 Golbat Poison/Flying Victory Road (in the cave area)
043 Oddish Grass/Poison Red Pak only. Routes 5,6,7,25
044 Gloom Grass/Poison Evolved form of 043 Oddish
045 Vileplume Grass/Poison Use Leafstone on 044 Gloom
046 Paras Bug/Grass Safari Zone/Mt. Moon
047 Parasect Bug/Grass Evolved form of 046 Paras. Safari Zone
048 Venonat Bug/Poison Safari Zone/Routes 12,13,14,15
049 Venomoth Bug/Poison Safari Zone/Victory Road Cave
050 Diglett Ground Diglett's Cave(duh...) It's close to Vermillion City
051 Dugtrio Ground Evolved form of 050 Diglett/Diglett's Cave (Very rare!)
052 Meowth Normal Blue Pak only. Routes 5,6,7,8
053 Persian Normal Blue Pak only. Evolved form of 052 Meowth
054 Psyduck Water Cinnabar Islands/Route 24,25
055 Golduck Water Evolved form of 054 Psy duck/Cinnabar Islands
056 Mankey Fighting Red Version only. Routes 5,6,7,8
057 Primeape Fighting Evolved form of 056 Mankey
058 Growlithe Fire Red Version only. Pokemon Mansion
059 Arcanine Fire Use Firestone on 058 Growlithe
060 Poliwag Water Cerulean City, Vermillion City, Route 22
061 Poliwhirl Water Evolved form of 060 Poliwag. Try fishing on Route 9
062 Poliwrath Water/Fighting Use Waterstone on 061 Poliwhirl
063 Abra Psychic Routes 24,25
064 Kadabra Psychic Evolved form of 063 Abra
065 Alakazam Psychic Trade 064 Kadabra
066 Machop Fighting Victory Route and Rock Tunnel
067 Machoke Fighting Evolved form of 066 Machop. Victory Road
068 Machamp Fighting Trade 067 Machoke
069 Bellsprout Grass/Poison Blue Pak only. Routes 5,6,7,8.
070 Weepinbell Grass/Poison Evolved form of 069 Bellsprout
071 Victreebel Grass/Poison Use Leafstone on 070 Weepinbell
072 Tentacool Water/Poison The Sea Route/fish on Route 12
073 Tentacruel Water/Poison Evolved form of 072 Tentacool
074 Geodude Rock/Ground Mt. Moon
075 Graveler Rock/Ground Evolved form of 074 Geodude
076 Golem Rock/Ground Trade 075 Graveler
077 Ponyta Fire Pokemon Mansion on Cinnabar Islands
078 Rapidash Fire Evolved form of 077 Ponyta
079 Slowpoke Water/Psychic Sea Route
080 Slowbro Water/Psychic Evolved form of 079 Slowpoke
081 Magnemite Electric Power Plant.
082 Magneton Electric Evolved form of 081 Magnemite
083 Farfetch'd Normal/Flying Trade a Spearow to the person in the house left of the shop in Vermillion City.
084 Doduo Normal/Flying Route 17 and Safari Zone
085 Dodrio Normal/Flying Evolved form of 084 Doduo
086 Seel Water
013 Weedle Bug/Poison Route 25
014 Kakuna Bug/Poison Route 25
015 Beedrill Bug/Poison Evolved from 014 Kakuna
016 Pidgey Normal/Flying All over the place. Check the beginning.