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Emblem of
The Rosicrucian Fellowship

Our Purpose

We are here to provide a place for folks interested in Rosicrucian Teachings to begin their studies, or for fellow Rosicrucians to meet, study and discuss topics of interest. This site is currently providing general information on Rosicrucian teachings, but is strongly influenced by The Rosicrucian Fellowship. There are numerous free materials useful for Rosicrucian Study at the Rosicrucian Fellowship's home page and I highly recommend this site as a starting place! For example you will find in html format most of the publications from the Fellowship as well as many online courses which are free. The beginning student of Rosicrucianism can spend many years with the material at this site alone!

I am a member of several Rosicrucian Organizations and have been studying the Western Mystery Tradition since 1969. I welcome all seekers after spiritual truth who are truly interested in personal and planetary transformation!

Our Academy now provides Spiritual Counseling based on Rosicrucian Principles. This service is completely free!

Special Note The Rosicrucian Newsgroup is now back up! This will be our main newsgroup for posting questions, news, etc. of a general nature. While this board was down I created a second one:The Rosicrucian Forum . This group will serve for more detailed posts of a technical nature or for longer posts which deal with a topic more completely. Feel free to check them out.


Some Links To Consider
Rosicrucian Academy Counseling
Rosicrucian Study Curriculum!
Rosicrucian Newsgroup!
Mystic Christianity
Rosicrucian Fellowship
Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Dancing With Angels!
Theosophical Society of America
The Rosicrucian Forum
Hermetic Links
Rosicrucian Resources
Esoteric Organizations
Corpus Hermeticum
Brothers of The Rose Cross
Mystic Christianity - 2
Ancient Wisdom
Ancient Rosae Crucis
Fraternitas Rosae Crucis
The New Age of Aquarius
New Link
New Link





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