Day taught life-sciences and science education at The Ohio State University
specializing in artificial ecosystem engineering, digital imaging of microscopic
biodiversity and the role of students' visual abilities in environmental
education. Rob is now the CEO of Lab-Ally LLC, a biotechnology and scientific sales company in Columbus, Ohio. Visit my blogs at here and here.
Although about 10 million species work together to make this site possible, Rob Day reserves the copyright. This site is no longer maintained and looks like it was built in the early 1990s because, in fact, it was.
My chat handle for most systems is "invasifspecies".
My linkedin profile is here.
Plant Biology 102N resource page.
PDF version of syllabus for "Teaching and Learning Life Sciences".
Day's TA mentor workshop resource page
Day's learning theory links
Rob Day's
Rob Day's
papers publications and aquarium / microcosm related documents
of the microcosm systems I created for The Ohio State University's Dept.
of Evolution Ecology and Organismal Biology (EEOB).
These systems are used to teach biological diversity to undergraduate students.
There are more than 15 separate marine and freshwater tanks housed in two adjacent labs. The total number of species maintained probably exceeds 1000 animal, plant and protist species.
Some images of microscopic organisms taken from the EEOB microcosms.
Don't see the image you want? I have an extensive image archive
featuring many hard-to-find species of microfauna and protists. For a small
fee I can send you specific images or, my entire archive. Since my
microcosms contain marine, freshwater and terrestrial species from almost
every phylum, I can even create made-to-order images of
species representing taxa of your choice. email me for details.
Miscellaneous images of other ecosystems at OSU. These were constructed for the Introductory Biology Program (IBP).
Pictures of Tremont Elementary School's "Wild World Ecosystem" project.
This artificial ecosystem was used to teach observational skills and science concepts to children in grades K-5. A digital video system we call "the stream stream" is used to send live or pre-recorded video images of macroscopic and microsopic organisms to computers in every classroom in the school. Rob is involved with teacher training and instructional support designed to bring state-of-the-art scientific content to the classrooms. Children as young as grade 3 are taught complex tasks such as using real microscopes to search for protists and creating their own digital videos.
The Tremont Elementary School Wild World ecosystem in the news: Article in "Upper Arlington This Week" Nov 8th 2000.
to useful aquarium / microcosm / microsope pages.
I get quite a few questions from visitors who stumble on this web site. The questions usually fall into three categories: students and hobyists asking about specific organisms, hobyists and teachers wanting to know more about the design, construction and uses of artificial ecosystems, and teachers asking about the integration of aquaria, microscopes and technology in classroom settings. I hope the resources on my links page will help you find some answers.
Rob's Yackety
Shmackety page.
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