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In case you were wondering...

First things first; this website does not depict a real nation. Rather, it is an example of a micronation, one that is more a state of mind than a nation state.

I am a post-graduate student in Southeast Asian Studies at Northern Territory University, situated in Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia. I first came across the saga of the Kingdom of Humanity/Republic of Morac-Songhrati-Meads while researching the Spratly Islands dispute. My interest was piqued by the occasional reference to the Songhrato by Spratly scholars and I am tentatively considering using this topic as the basis of my proposed Doctoral thesis.

This website therefore serves a number of purposes; firstly (as you can no doubt tell) this is my first stab at producing a website and with the proliferation of micronations on the web, I thought M-S-M would be as good a subject as any to base my first foray into crude web designing which would fit in nicely amongst the likes of the Kingdom of Talossa and those represented by the League of Secessionist States (LOSS).

Furthermore, this operation has given me the opportunity to put the information I have regarding M-S-M into perspective and has allowed me to gain a greater understanding into how and why the Meads' et al did what they did. Finally, if I am truly fortunate, somebody will read this who knows more about the saga of the Kingdom/Republic and will contact me with the information. That's the plan anyway.

The Republic's flag is actually that of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the regional forum which should be the organisation looking after the good of the islands. I downloaded the flag off the FLAGS OF THE WORLD WEBSITE. Morac-Songhrati-Meads does have a real flag; it is described as yellow and black with two figs in a white star. I picked the ASEAN flag because it was easier to download that image than design a copy of the real flag. However, if you see the real Songhrati flag on the internet, or one resembling it, please contact me so I can appropriate it.

The Queen Michelle who lead the Government in Exile during World War II and who previously was the distinguished ornithologist is in fact Michelle Miller, fellow NTU Postgraduate Southeast Asian studies student who happened to come across this website and demanded that her brilliance be acknowledged somehow in the history of Morac-Songhrati-Meads. I hope this is appropriate Michelle. Similarly, M-S-M IOC delegate Grant Philbrook saw the website and suggested that it would be greatly improved by his presence. Grant is in fact seriously interested in becoming an IOC delegate so any national leader in the hunt for someone to rort huge amounts of cash out of bidding nations I can highly recommend Grant as your man (or woman, if that's what you prefer).

To conclude this rather lengthy and tedious page I want to reiterate that although there was once a group of people (as many as 200 according to one report) that lived on the Spratly Islands and referred to themselves as the Kingdom of Humanity/Republic of Morac-Songhrati-Meads, as far as I know, there is no such thing as a Songhrati Government in Exile so please do not pester that nice, hard working Kofi Annan about their plight. What you should pester Mr Annan about is the environmental degradation that over fishing and natural resources extraction has wrought. Perhaps you could also mention something about the plight of the graceful Saunders Gull.
