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3rd Orbit Logo

3rd Orbit's

Monster Truck Madness 2 Home Page

Notes from CH_2005:

(12/26/1) Merry Christmas
Well I was going to get on here and post this message yesterday but I forgot.

(12/21/1) New styles.
Well i cant get the formentioned card to work. Even YM couldnt help too much. I might have to bring it clea accross the country to him. I am redoing the webpages to all look like htis one. You should see more change around here cause i have 1.5 weeks off from school. I fexed the counter today cause the graphic one wasnt working. I'll put it back up later. Oh yea i just noticed that this website is just over a year old now. Although it hasnt been online a year yet i suppose. I dunno i deleted all the old news :( I guess this ney style is like a birthday gift. Cya.

(12/13/1) My comp.
I'm gonna buy a new 3d grapics card. It is a 32MB NVIDIA Dimond Viper D770 Ultra. I'm gonna buy it used from a friend for $20 USA. I might set up my comp with 2 monitors. I'll keep you posted.

Man you are going to see A LOT of changes around here. As my friend said I finally got off my butt and updated. Boy I finally did and look at all the changes. I didnt just add the side bar I totally reformatted the download table for details, and I spaced out the trial page. I took off the borders of the pics that are hyperlinks and i think that looks better.

(12/10/1) Links Page FIXED!
Finally found out what was wrong with the links page. I wend to a HTML forum and made a new thread asking for help and the answer came real fast. I just left out one little quotation mark. Here is a link to the thread.

(12/9/1) Links Page Updated.
I did some work on the Links page today. Now I fixed the link to YM's site and added Haggy's MTM2 and some info to TRI's and KC's descriptions.

(12/5/1) Webring!
Look below to see that we are now members of a mtm2 webring. This is a great way to share more of my weird trucks with all the great mtm2 fans everywhere.

(12/5/1) Back in buisness!
Alright now. I have my computer back up and running. I have a new 20GB harddrive instead of my old 8GB. Also i have a cd burner so i can back up stuff alot. I'll be posting more trucks here soon. If you have any iddeas please e-mail to me. I have a cool truck that i need to upload to vales and here soon. I'm gonna get unlimited internet soon. I sent in a form and it should be processed soo. That weill mean i'll be onlin A LOT. as you noticed i cleared out the notes section here. From now on i'll post news at the top of the notes section not the bottom. I need to move lots of trucks from vales to here too.

This site was:
Created: (12/1/00)
Updated: (12/26/1)

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Copyright © 2000 3rd Orbit
Everything on this site is made by CH_2005, tracks, trucks, and even the the web pages themselves. You can e-mail CH_2005 at Buttons headers and "3rd Orbit" Provided by COOLTEXT