Title: On Impulse - Part 2 Author: Alicia Blade E-mail: Kammi22@sprintmail.com Konnichi'wa minna-chan! HmÉ so you all liked the chicken part, ne? Tee hee, I hope this chapter matches up to the last in comedy! Please write and tell me what you think! I hope you'll enjoy! Gotta thank the incredible Lady Starra, great friend and terrific writer! I give her snaps for putting up with my incapability in working with that blasted site. BTW, we're still working on geocities until we can get xoom up and running. So here's the updated site, keep checking in with it, we're continuously making updates!! www.geocities.com/Tokyo/spa/4410 Welcome back Edeet-chan!! Enjoy the fic! "The Father who sent me also speaks for me, but you have never heard his voice or seen him face to face. You have not believed his message, because you refused to have faith in the one he sent. You search the Scriptures, because you think you will find eternal life in them. The Scriptures tell about me, but you refuse to come to me for eternal life." John 5:37-40 Part 2 - He's Not Really Crazy, Just a Little Hypnotized BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEÉ WHACK! Groaning, I pull my hand back from the silenced alarm clock, before rolling onto my side and staring at the red digits. 7:15?! Why on Earth do I get up so early?! Slowly, my eyes drift closed again. Could still catch some more sleepÉ BEEP! BEEP! "Ugh!" Throwing my legs on the other side of the bed, I grab the alarm clock, pulling the plug from the wall. Trudging to my window, I open it and toss the machine out to the street below. CRASH! BANG! I listen as the clock breaks into hundreds of pieces on the sidewalk below. Nodding and brushing my hands off, I head out to the kitchen. I really should have done that a LONG time agoÉ Okay, 7:20. What to do today? I have that chemistry class at 8:30É then physics at 11É Wow, I really don't wanna goÉ hm, guess I won't. I'm hungry though. Cheesecake sounds SO good to me right now! YummyÉ Hey! Serena should be going to school pretty soon! I wonder if she would want toÉ Like a light bulb flashing off in my head, a grand smile spread across my face. Jogging into my bedroom, I ran to get dressed and cleaned. I dash out of the apartment still slipping my arms through their sleeves. Can't miss her this time! That stupid alarm clock is more trouble for meÉ Well, speak of the devil. Grinning, I jump over the remains of a broken and smashed clock, continuing to run down the street. I freeze at the corner of the Juuban Middle School. Glancing at my watch I begin walking in the direction she would be coming from. Only minutes later, I could see her sprinting down the sidewalk, heading straight for me. Perfect timing! Without having caught my breath, I jog toward her. She doesn't notice me. When close enough, I reach out my arm, grabbing around her waist. Screaming, she turns and topples on top of me as we both go sprawling to the pavement. The sting of impact only lasts long enough for the warm body of energy to settle on my stomach. We're both breathing heavily and I can feel her gasps warm on my neck. Like lightning, she has pushed herself up to a sitting position, apologizing full speed as she attempts to stand off of me. My arms however, still wrapped about her waist, refuse to let her go. "Hey Serena! You're JUST the person I wanted to see!" I exclaim happily, sitting up with her unconsciously straddling my legs. "Huh?" She looks up at me, her light blue eyes widening in surprise when she sees my smiling face only inches from hers. "Darien?!" "Yeah, hey, you off to school, I presume?" For a moment her brow furrows in shock and confusion, before she rolls her eyes and forces herself off of me, despite my arms attempting their best to hold onto her. She seemed to notice when I didn't let go of her willingly, but ignored it. "Of COURSE I'm going to school! What kind of stupid question is that?!" I nod. "Yeah, I should be going to school too, but you see, I really don't feel like it, and I'm sorta hungry, and since we both know you missing one day of school isn't gonna make the slightest difference, I was wondering if you wanted to join me for some breakfast. Well, actually, I'm kinda in the mood for cheesecake, and I know of this bakery which serves excellent cheesecake, so ya wanna go?" I ask quickly, before gasping for air, pulling myself up to stand beside her. Her huge eyes gawk up at me. "WhaÉ?" seems to be the only thing she can utter at the time. "Come on, you're gonna fail the test or report or whatever it is anyway, so come with me instead. I know you want toÉ" I taunted. Suddenly, the confusion in her gaze fades away to anger. "I am NOT going to fail! But unlike SOME people, I have to actually TRY if I'm gonna get good grades, I can't just skip class whenever I feel like it!" I laugh. "That's just the thing, Serena, you DON'T get good grades, no matter how hard you try, so what could one day be, huh? Here, I'll make you a deal. Come eat cheesecake with me, and I'll get you back to school by third period, kay?" She shakes her head, slowly backing away from me. "Darien I don't know what's gotten into you, but this is NOT funny. I'm going to be late now, you know." I hold back a grin. "Aw, you're always late." Glaring, she bends down and picks up her bag, still stepping away from me. "Leave me alone Darien, I don't need this today! It's too early to be fighting with you!" And with that, she turned and began walking slowly away. I tilt my head to the side. Fighting? Who's fighting? "Hey, Serena, wait up!" "Go away Darien!" I laugh and jog up to her, draping an arm around her shoulders. "Aw come on, I wasn't trying to be mean, honest I wasn't! I just want to have some cheesecake for breakfast with you. Please Serena? Pretty please with a cherry on top?" She looks at me like I've gone crazy from the corner of her eye. I put on my best pouting face, moving my hands down to hers to hold on tightly. Placing my forehead against hers, I watch as her eyes widen tremendously and she once again begins backing away, trying to utter something or other that I can't make out. I follow her, still holding her hand in my grasp. "Come on, SerenaÉ" I whisper. She looks away toward her school, biting her lip gently, before turning back to me. "UmÉ IÉ don't know, Darien. I meanÉ IÉ" "I understand. ButÉ try being sporadic for once!" Serena raises an eyebrow. "For ONCE?!" I chuckle. "WellÉ again." There is a short silence as a bell is heard coming from the school only a block away. "You're late now anyway." She says nothing. "It's settled then! Come on, let's go!" I wrap an arm around her waist and begin pulling her toward the Pikestreet Bakery. However, only half a block down the street, she stops mid- stride, pulling herself out from beneath my arm and turns to face me with this 'what on Earth is HE smoking' look. "UhÉ ya know what, Darien, thanks and allÉ butÉ you're scaring me, and I have to go to school. UmÉ bye!" Quicker than lightning, she has turned and fled from the sidewalk, dodging other passerby's as I watch her leave. HmÉ that wasn't exactly how this was supposed to goÉ I stood there silently for a moment, chewing on the inside of my cheek, before an idea clicked. Wow, I'm just full of great ideas this morning, aren't I? Grinning to myself, I walk slowly up to the nearest payphone, picking up the white pages I search for her school's name. JuubanÉ JuubanÉ Aha! Juuban Middle school! Picking up the phone, I deposit a couple coins before dialing the phone number. "Hello, Juuban Middle School, how may I help you?" "Hi, I'm calling to remind myÉ daughter about her early dismissal this morning, for aÉ umÉ doctor's appointment!" GREAT lie! I am so proud of myself. "Alright, your daughter's name, please?" "Serena Tsukino. That's T-S-U." "Alright, here she is. And what time should she be released?" "UhÉ" I look at my watch. 7:40. Maybe she needs a bit more time off from me before I trap her again? "8:30." "Alright, we'll call her up and you can meet her at the main office andÉ" "Uh, that might not work too well. We're on an awfully tight schedule, tell her to meet me at the front gates, alright? Thanks, I appreciate it!" Click. SoÉ I have 50 minutes to kill now. What to do? What to do? The arcade bells jingle light-heartedly. I never realized what a happy sound those made! Wow, how coolÉ Turning back to the door, I ring the bell a couple more times. Chuckling, I spin around and step happily up to the counter. Andrew raises his eyebrow suspiciously as I near him. "Hey dudeÉ aren't you supposed to be in class right now?" he asks slowly. I shrug in response. "Didn't feel like going today. Ooh, can I have some of that cheesecake you were telling me about yesterday? I have a major craving all the sudden!" He gives me a most peculiar look. I check out my outfit to see if everything is in place and zipped before looking back up at him. "What? Do I have something in my teethÉ?" "UhÉ NO! I was justÉ surprised to see youÉ that's all. Cheesecake, you say? Coming right up! But why take just one piece? I'll give you a whole one instead!" "Now you know what I like, Andrew!" As he turns away, I think I hear him muttering something in the way of 'Unbelievable, it actually worked!' After he places a delicious looking pie and a fork before me, I waste no time in diving in. AhÉ I have been dreaming of this for DAYS! SoÉ goodÉ "Ooh!" I exclaim, dropping my fork after having eaten only about the equivalent to one piece. "I should stop!" Andrew's jaw drops. "YouÉ should?" "Yeah, so I can save some for Serena!" I spit out. His eyes widen. "SeÉSerena? Why Serena?" Clearing my throat, I push the dessert away from me on the counter. No longer am I tempted to eat itÉ right now, I only want Serena to be happyÉ and she will be, as soon as she gets out of that stupid schoolÉ Still got half an hour, though. SighÉ Too long to waitÉ "Well, I invited her out to breakfast, and she didn't want to come, so then I called the school and got her an early dismissal, and so I have to meet her in half an hour." As an after thought, I added, "I miss herÉ" "MissÉ herÉ You mean Meatball Head?!" "Don't call her that!" I snap at him. I see him jump back quickly in response. "Andrew, you know she hates that name!" "UmÉ sorry? ButÉ Darien, you call her that all the time!" "So? Doesn't mean you can too." I begin to pout slightly. "That's MY name for her. She's MY Meatball Head," I whisper stubbornly. "DarienÉ can I ask you a question?" he says slowly. I look up at him again, the anger immediately melted away. "Sure, bud, what's that?" "UmÉ whyÉ why do you seem to care for Serena so much all the sudden?" I raise an eyebrow, before settling into the seat with a small smile growing on my lips. "I've always cared for her. Who couldn't? She's so happy and bubblyÉ And sweet, beautiful, incredibly sexyÉ" I mutter, by eyes draping shut. "Serena, with her grand smile and loving blue eyes, is too perfect not to care for. I want to see her happyÉ only, I want to see her happy with me. I want to hold her and taste those sweet lips andÉ" I sigh, my head landing on my folded arms atop the counter. After a moment of dreaming, I slowly open my eyes to look up at my best friend. "You know what Andrew?" I whisper. He furrows his brow, leaning down closer to me. "Huh?" "I think I'm in love with her." With a secretive smile, I stand from the stool, pay for the cheesecake, and take the remains with me. On my way out, I grab two forks from a tableÉ oh, were they using these? Ah wellÉ I walk quickly to her school again, checking my watch constantly. Should be thereÉ rightÉ onÉ tiÉ There she is! My grin broadening, I run to sneak up behind her. She is clutching her bag confusedly, searching around in suspicion. She is SO cute! I can tell she has no clue as to why she is even out there in the first place. Poor girlÉ Silently, I sneak up behind her, before clapping one hand over her eyes. She squeals and stiffens against me, her arms tensing around the school case. "Mornin' Meatball Head. Ready for that cheesecake?" With the free hand, I lift the treat up in front of her, removing the other from her face. She is silent for a moment, before twirling around swiftly in my arms to stare up at me. Her clear blue eyes show nothing but shock. "YÉYOU?!" "Who were you expecting?" "My father! Look, I'd love to chat, but evidently, I have a doctor's appointment, and according to the office, my dad is going to pick me up at any moment and if he sees you he's gonnaÉ" "Do nothing. 'Cause he's not coming." "What do you mean he's not coming?!" she screamed at me. I only smirked, holding back a laugh. My, she was awfully gullible. Slowly, realization dawns and she tries to back away from my arms. I only hold on tighter, the cheesecake still held in my hands. "You're the one who called to get me out of class, aren't you?" I nod shyly, pasting on a guilty smile. Her eyes wander from mine to look somewhere at the ground behind me. Quietly, she mumbled, "And here I was thinking that I had actually forgotten about a doctor's appointmentÉ" I chuckle almost inaudibly. "Hey, umÉ do you want that cheesecake now?" "Cheesecake?" she asks, turning her attention to me once again. Holding her waist with one hand, I bring the dessert up between us. From here we can both smell its deliciously taunting scent. "We can go eat it at the park, if ya like. Or anywhere that ya pleaseÉ" Groaning, she rolls her eyes. "You don't give up, do you?" "Nope, not today!" As we finally begin walking away, the gorgeous angel still somewhat tense in my grasp, she asks quietly, "What's so special about today?" I bite my lip carefully, looking up toward the sky. "I'm not sure, really. Everything just seems to beÉ better somehow. I feel freeÉ" "I think you're scaring me again." Looking down on her, I begin to laugh jokingly. "Sorry, I'll try not toÉ Hey, you wanna go sky diving after this?" "Ya know," she mumbles through a mouthful of cheesecake, "this stuff if really good!" "That's what I thought! It's from the arcade, maybe we should go there after breakfast?" Setting her fork down in the empty tray, Serena looks up at me peculiarly. "No can do. As fun as playing hooky with the psychopath-of-the- day might be, the school will get suspicious if my 'doctor's appointment' lasts for more than five hours. They're expecting me back, ya know. And we surely don't want them calling home, now do we?" I chuckle, scraping the bottom of the tray with my fork. "Nope, wouldn't want that, Meatball Head." "Don't call me that. Oh, and another thing. You're going to have to write me a note for school, saying that I had the appointment and all that." "Not a problem." She smiles slightly, turning her head away to look at the lake down the hill that we sit on. The shade from the large tree overhead covers her with scattered spots of sunlight, glistening off her golden hair. I pull my knees up to my chest, tilting my head to the side. She is ignoring me for the moment, and a smile tugs at my lips while I stare at her openly. "You're beautiful," I say calmly. Her eyes widen slightly as she turns to me. "What?" "I said you're beautiful." I can see her gulp nervously. After a moment, she nods her head. "That's nice. Really, great Darien. Look, I don't know what you're taking, but I suggest you either cut down on the medicationÉ or take more of it. When was the last time you had a check up, anyway?" I laugh, following her gaze to the lake. "Hey, you wanna go for a swim?" A loud giggle escapes her lips. "Yeah right! In my school clothes, in the freezing cold lake, and with YOU?! I think not!" "Suit yourself." Standing, I brush myself off briefly, before tapping her on the shoulder. "What now?" "TAG, you're it!" And with that, I run off down the hill, jogging as quickly as I can. Out of breath, I reach the bottom, before turning to look back. She isn't there. Huh? My stare travels up the hill to see the blonde girl sitting in the same position beneath the same tree. Her lips are set in a straight line, her eyes, even from here, I can tell are clouded in confusion. Placing my hands on my hips, I frown noticeably. Finally, I throw my arms up in the air. "Come ON! What are you waiting for? Come get me!" She shakes her head, standing slowly. Brushing off her skirt, she bends down and picks up her bag and the cheesecake tray. I run a hand through my messy hair until she finally turns back to me. "Not now, Darien. I have to go back to school!" she yells. Oh for goodness sakes, the girl WANTS to go back to school?! Or does she just want to get away from me? Naw, that couldn't be it. "Aw, come on, just one short game?" "NO!" Folding my arms, I trudge quickly up the hill. She waits for a moment while I catch up and we both turn and begin walking slowly back up to the street. With an evil grin, I bend over and in a flash, have grabbed a hold of her school bag and taken off running. I hear her shocked squeal behind me. When I feel that I'm at a good distance, I turn back to her. She is standing in utter surprise, simply staring at me. "If you want it back, you're gonna have to catch me first!" I wink at her and wait for a moment. She rolls her eyes, turning back to the other direction. Then, with a loud sigh of regret, she turns on her heals and is chasing after me full speed. Grinning, I too turn and run. All the way down the hill I can hear her yelling and screeching from behind. With the handle in one hand, I speed over the small grassy knoll, headed for the lake. She screams when she sees my destination. With a huge smile, I jog out onto the main dock. At the end of it, I turn to see her just running onto the wooden platform. Innocently, I set the bag down on the edge. Her pace slows to a walk as she comes closer to me. Gasping for breath, she nears me steadily, before pointing a finger in my face. "If you ever pull another stunt like thatÉ" "Like what? Like this?" Immediately tying both hands around her waist, I send us both hurling into the water. Her quick screams dies into gurgles as we're submerged completely in the lake. Woah, that's cold! We come up quickly, Serena still in my hold, flailing her arms about madly. Eventually she stops struggling and calms down, relaxing slightly in my grip. Her gaze darts back and forth between my eyes. "WhaÉ what on Earth are you DOING?!" she yells abruptly, wrapping her arms around herself in attempt to keep warm. "It's freezing in here!" HmÉ I can help that. Really, I can. "Are you cold?" "No, this is the equivalent to a hot tub! Nice and toasty warm!" That WAS sarcasm, right? "Want me to warm you up?" "I WANT you to leave me alone! And I want to get out of this water!" She begins trying to turn in my arms, but I pull her closer, a devilish grin appearing on my lips. Reaching up two fingers, I trace them along her jaw until she turns to face me again. Not able to resist, I cup her face in my palm and lean forward, pressing my lips to hers. She stiffens immediately and refuses to move as my lips taste her tempting kisses. Finally, I release her. Well, I'M certainly very warm nowÉ My gaze rises to hers again. For a moment, she only stares in shocked silence, her mouth hanging slightly open. "JERK!" she screams suddenly, and the next thing I know, a loud clap is followed by a painful stinging in my face. "OwÉ" I mutter slowly, one hand coming up to lightly touch the slapped cheek. "Ya know, Meatball Head, that kinda hurtÉ" "No kidding, Sherlock!" With a few small splashes she has completely pulled herself out of my embrace, and is treading water a few feet away. I raise my eyes to hers again to see a look of total anger, matched with the easily recognizable expression of confusion. The pain slowly fading away, I let my hand fall back into the water. "What did I do?" She shakes her head, looking away from me. "You know Darien, I'm not even sure anymore. But I knowÉ that THIS was too much. I'm frightened, Darien. You have actually FRIGHTENED me. I don't know what's gotten into you today. I mean, maybe this was a dare or something. But whatever's going on, I would appreciate it if you would leave me OUT of it." Turning in the water, she begins to swim slowly back to the shore. Upon reaching it, she rings out her hair, wiping water away from her face. Steadily, I follow her. I chew on my lip for a minute, before reaching out to touch her arm gently. "Serena, IÉ "Don't touch me!" she snaps and I pull back carefully. "Are you mad?" Stomping her feet, she turns to face me bewilderedly. "No, I'm overflowing in joy! See, I'm skipping in happiness!" Now even I know that was sarcasticÉ "Ya know, Darien, you are managing to totally destroy ANY respect I had for you! ThatÉ that right there was my FIRST kiss! Do you know how many times I have dreamed of having my first kiss under moonlight? Or surrounded with candles? NEVER did I dream of it being in a freezing cold lake with a complete loony that I never liked in the first place! And on top of all that, now I'm soaked! Look at me!" "I justÉ wanted to have a little funÉ" "Yeah, well did you think of the consequences for even a minute, Darien?! I can't go back to school in wet clothes!" "So don't go back to school." "That's not funny! You KNOW I have to go to school! You knew that and you still dragged me in there! Are you crazy?! What made you so darn impulsive all of the sudden?!" I swallow, a small grin spreading on my lips. Shrugging, I turn and begin walking back to the dock. At the end, I pick up her case and come back to her, holding it out shyly. She glares at me for a moment before plucking it from my grip. "It'll be lunch soon. I'll go find Ami and see if I can go to her house and borrow a school outfit," she mumbles loudly. "Why do you want to go to school so bad?" "Never mind that Darien!" Once again she begins walking away on the hike up the grassy hill. I follow, running a hand through my drenched hair. "SoÉumÉ do you maybe wanna do something after school then?" "NO! Don't you think you've done enough damage for one day?" "What damage?" "Oh, never MIND! It's like you've suddenly been given the mind of a six-year-old or something. Don't you have any common sense left?" "Sure. I'm just deciding to ignore it," I laugh lightly. "Not amusing," she mumbles. After a moment of silence, I ask, "You aren't really mad at me are you?" We reach the top of the hill and she quickly turns in the direction of her school, saying nothing. Furrowing my brow, I reach out to grab hold of her shoulder. She pulls away harshly from my touch. Biting my tongue, I jog around to the front of her and place both hands on her shoulders, staring her squarely in the eyes. She glares back. "Look, Serena, I'm sorry. I meanÉ I just wanted to have a little fun. I only wanted you to like me a little. And besides, you said you were cold, and I thought that maybeÉ I could warm you up or something, I mean, just being with you I get all fuzzy and warm inside, so, I figuredÉ" Taking a breath, I pause to look down on her seriously. "YouÉ you really didn't have any funÉ at all?" As she gazes back at my serious face, slowly, I see the anger and determination melt in her gaze. She rolls her eyes, turning away for the moment and I let my hands slide down her arms a bit. Sighing, she returns her focus to me once more. "The cheesecake was good. I must admit that the cheesecake WAS good. AndÉ in a small, trivial wayÉ I suppose I kind ofÉ like this side of you. I guess. A little. Even if it is terrifying." My mouth cracks into a smile and she pushes by me slowly, brushing my side as she continued on her walk. Grinning, I follow after, threading my arm through hers. "I suppose it would me most gentlemanly of me to walk you homeÉ erÉ to school, mi'lady." With a small, ALMOST unnoticeable smile, she looks up at me from the corner of her eye. "So you know how to be a gentleman also? Well, well, well, we're just full of surprises today, aren't we?" "Yes, madam, we are." With a wink, I looked straight ahead and we traveled the rest of the way to her school arm in arm, sopping wet, as normal civilians turned to stare. Stay tuned for Part 3 - Bored out of My Mind Tell me whatcha though! Luv and God bless! <3 Alicia