Title: On Impulse - Part 3 Author: Alicia Blade E-mail: Kammi22@sprintmail.com Hi Minna-chan!! Not a whole lot to say this time around, except thanks to everyone who's been emailing me, I'm glad you're enjoying this fic so far, and hope that continues! I'm sure you're all getting tired of these changed but for right now, please check out our site here: www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Spa/4410 NOT at the xoom site! The guestbook is working, so we might end up staying with geocities. SighÉit's all so confusingÉ ^_~ But please go check it out! The site is based on first season romances, like this one! Enjoy!! "When the creatures stopped flapping their wings, I heard a sound coming from above the dome. I then saw what looked like a throne made of sapphire, and sitting on the throne was a figure in the shape of a human. From the waist up, it was glowing like metal in a hot furnace, and from the waist down it looked like the flames of a fire. The figure was surrounded by a bright light, as colorful as a rainbow that appears after a storm. I realized I was seeing the brightness of the Lord's glory!" Ezekial 1:25-28 Part 3 - Bored Out of my Mind I strolled down the block leisurely, whistling a tune to myself. My hands were relaxed in my pockets, my eyes grazing across the windows, no longer having any idea of what I was looking for. Nothing, I guess, other than something to do. With Serena back in school, I was clueless as to how to fight loneliness and boredom until 3:00 this afternoon. What to doÉ what to doÉ Maybe I should buy something for Meatball Head. I know that she's not completely mad at me anymoreÉ but a guy can never be too sure. Chuckling, I stare happily ahead of me, watching people as they passed me by. I'd never really noticed how many different kinds of people there were in Tokyo. Tall ones, short ones, scrawny ones, chubby ones, silly ones, loud ones, shy onesÉ They're everywhere! Anyway, realizing that this train of thought has no point, I return to my prior thoughts. What was I thinking of again? Aw yes, the beautiful, incredible, sweet and loving Serena. I could write a song about her! I'll have to work on that laterÉ I wonder what she's doing right about nowÉ studying? Doubt it. Maybe talking with her friends. Or passing notes back and forth while the teacher has their back turned. Who knows? I wonder if she's wishing now that she hadn't gone back to schoolÉ my offer for playing hooky all day was very serious. And it's rather easy to skip classes, as I've realized today. Maybe I'll have to take Serena to the park again another time. We could go swimming in the lake again! Or I could kiss her againÉ which is worth a thousand slaps in the face! Suddenly, my eye catches on something in one of the windows. What have we here? AÉ tattoo and piercing shop? Grinning somewhat curiously, I walk in, listening as the beads hanging in the doorway jingle together. Inside I see that it's a fairly dark store, though clean enough. Small pictures decorate every wall, and a large counter is covered in sets of all types of earrings. Almost immediately, a woman walks out from a backroom, wiping her hands on a dishcloth. Stringy blonde hair was pulled into a short ponytail. A black tank top showed her bare midriff, along with a diamond glowing in a hole in her bellybutton. Her thin eyebrows were covered in more piercings, her earlobes were decked in them from top to bottom, and tattoos wrapped around her rather muscular arms. "Hey, what can I do for ya?" she said in a careless tone of voice, smacking on some gum as she spoke. "HiÉ umÉ I'd like to getÉ I dunnoÉ uhÉ something." She raises her eyebrow curiously. "SomethingÉ as in get another hole in your body that you obviously don't need, or somethingÉ as in stain your skin a couple different colors that will create a picture you'll be sorry you got in 20 years, though enjoy showing off to your grandchildren?" I bite my lip nervously. "UmÉ I'll takeÉ the colors oneÉ" "I'll go sterilize the needle. You start thinking about what tattoo ya want." And with that, the scary lady left into the backroom again and I began looking at the many small pictures plastering the walls. After glancing over the crosses, the animals, the letters, something caught my eye, and without a second thought, I knew I had to have it. Yeouch, that hurts! EwÉ this is gonna be soar for a couple daysÉ I lightly poke the small picture on my upper arm again, inhaling sharply and pulling back before touching it again. The creepy lady holds up a small hand mirror for me to see the tattoo and despite the pain, I smile widely. It's perfect! The picture is of a long-stemmed red rose wrapped around an Arabian sword. I don't know why it caught my attention so much, butÉ it just seemed to remind me ofÉ wellÉ me. I pay the lady the total for her torture services and leave the shop, still tapping at the picture dangerously. Finally, I decide it would be better to leave it alone and I return my focus to the shops littering the sides of the street. You'd think with all the places to go in Tokyo, a guy would be able to fight off boredom a little easier than this! HmÉ maybe I should go buy a gift for Meatball Head? I'm liking that ideaÉ My eye catches on a jewelry store and I smile devilishly, walking in without a second thought. Inside, the large glass cases glisten with hidden treasures beneath. I wonder what her favorite stone is? Gemstones? Rubies or amethysts orÉ naw, this one should be easy. After all, what girl doesn't love diamonds? I hurry to the case filled with diamonds jewelry of every type as a man comes up on the other side of the counter and offers to help me. I grin down on all the gorgeous necklaces, earrings, rings, and tennis bracelets, before returning my gaze to him. "Yeah, I'm shopping for a very special girl." He smiles back knowingly, a sort of dazed loneliness, and yet happiness, glowing in his eyes. Sliding the case open, he asks, "And about how much money are you planning to spend on this very special girl of yours?" "However much it takes." He raises an eyebrow before reaching his hand in and pulling out an open case, setting it down on the counter before me. "This is one of our finest pieces. 24 karat gold, finely cut and polished 14 karat diamonds. You can see the excellent craftsmanship in the layout of the piece, as well as the clear coloring in the stones. Any lady's dream." My hands gingerly hold the small chain up to the light. Okay, so small isn't the word for it. The necklace is embedded in miniature white diamonds, and a dainty teardrop tinted pink in the light hanging from the center. My breath catches as I hold it. Closing my eyes for a moment, I imagine Serena wearing this around her slim, pale neck, and a smile tugs at the corners of my lips. "I'll take it." She will love it. I know she will! I can't wait to give it to her! I check my watch again. It's only noon?! Can't anything make time go faster? This is so not fair! SighÉ Three more hours. Only three more hours to go before I can see her glowing smile and laughing, crystal blue eyesÉ What could you possibly do to take up three entire hours?! Ooh, this day is torturous! Absolutely tantalizing! Hey, I knowÉ I could do something I've always wanted to do! That could be so much fun! And besides, I do need a major rush right about nowÉ "TAXI!" Alright, here we go. Take a deep breath, remember what the instructor told you now. You didn't sleep through an hour of lessons for nothing! JustÉdon't forget to pull the cord. Bend your knees, clench your fists, and away we go! "KOWABUNGA!!!!!!" I screamed, hurling myself out of the small jet plane. "WHOOOOOOOWHEEE!" Woah, look how fast the ground seems to come! Okay, getting a little dizzy now. I think it's about time to pull the cordÉ "Whew!" I gasp as my stomach flies back up to my throat and I am pulled suddenly backwards. My chute opens up above me and I grab onto the little steering ropes, floating down easily. Looking over the horizon, I smile at the glistening snow-tipped mountains. Looking down again, I chuckle to myself at all the ant-people bustling back and forth amidst the toy-block cities. As my stomach begins to settle back to its original position, I sigh and move my gaze once again to the clear blue sky before me. On wings of colored silk, I glide down to the ground, stumbling once or twice before collapsing to my knees beneath the huge parachute. "I will have to get Andrew to do that with me one of these days. What a rush! Hey, what time is it?" My legs are still a bit shaky as I stroll down the sidewalk. My mind can't seem to release the feel of floating weightlessly through the air. I have almost half an hour, so I should reach the arcade at about three o'clock exactly at this leisurely pace. And I can't wait to get there! I come to a screeching halt as I see where I am. Looking up, I read the sign hanging above the large, fancy restaurant I have come to. 'The Garden of Love Bistro.' I wonder if Serena would like to eat thereÉ Of course she would! The girl loves food, and I'm sure she doesn't get to eat out at fancy restaurants as much as she'd like to. I walked in to make reservations for that evening, making sure to arrange for special accommodations, before once again hurrying off to the arcade. This day isn't over yet! Walking into the arcade, the first thing I notice is a head of blonde hair with two meatball-shaped buns hunched over the counter, talking secretively to another blonde in a white apron. Serena and Andrew seemed to be in deep conversation as I walked silently over to them, and suddenly, curiosity overcame me. I always wondered what they talked about when I wasn't aroundÉ Ducking behind one of the video games close enough so I could hear their conversation, I listened intently, grateful that Andrew hadn't seen me come in. Not once did I feel the pang of guilt of eavesdropping, like I always had imagined I would. "SoÉ you saw him when?" "This morning, when I was on my way to school." "And WHY do you think he's lost his mind?" Serena sighed. "Well, first he tried to get me to skip school and go have cheesecake for breakfast, and then I just thought he was on a sugar high or something, but he was acting really weird so I left and went to school." "Uh-huh, thenÉ" "Well, at about 8:20, I got a call on the intercom saying I was supposed to meet my dad out by the gates for a doctor's appointment. AndÉ I didn't remember having an appointment, but I didn't argue since it was an excuse to get out of school, and I went out to wait. After a little while, there he was with his blasted cheesecake." I could see Andrew holding back a chuckle, but then he asked her to continue. "He took me to the park, and I was a little wary, but everything was going okay. But thenÉ something happened and we ran out onto the docks and the next thing I know, he was throwing me into the water, andÉ andÉ kissing me." Andrew couldn't hold it in any longer and broke into loud obnoxious laughter. Serena stared at him in shock. "This isn't funny, Andrew! I mean, sure, Darien isn't my favorite person in the world, but I am genuinely concerned for his mental well- being!" Grasping at his stomach, Andrew fell down to the floor behind the counter. "No more, please, no more!" he howled between his laughter. Serena leaned over the counter to look down on him. "HmÉ maybe the problem is that he's been spending too much time with YOUÉ" Catching his breath, Andrew stood again, gasping and letting a few last chuckles escape. "Serena listen to me. DarienÉ has not lost his mind. He didn't have a choice in everything that he did." After a moment of silence, Serena jumped off the stool and pointed a finger in Andrew's face. "I knew it!" she exclaimed proudly. "I KNEW this was a dare! So, who was the loony who told him to kiss me?! And throw me in the LAKE! Wait 'til I get my hands onÉ" "Woah, Serena calm down, it wasn't a dare." She blinked a couple times, and her hands, busy imaging that they were strangling another, fell to her side. "ThenÉ why didn't he have a choice? Did someone threaten him orÉ" "No, you seeÉ Darien and I went to this nightclub last night. The main act was a hypnotist andÉ well, I managed to convince the lady to hypnotize him." "HyÉhypnotize him? Into doing WHAT? Getting fresh with every girl he comes across?!" Chuckling, Andrew diverted his eyes for a moment, forcing himself not to break into uncontrollable laughter again. "NoÉ she hypnotized him into acting on impulse for 24 hours." Serena stared at him a minute, slowly sitting back down on her stool. "OnÉ impulse?" "Exactly. You see, generally, Darien has an incredible amount of self control, but until midnight tonight, if he has the notion to do somethingÉ he'll do it." Serena's eyes became light as she stared into space. "ButÉ that would mean thatÉ he's always wanted toÉ to kiss me." "Exactly." I furrowed my brow suspiciously. What is Andrew TALKING about?! I'm not hypnotized! Senorita Leilani was a fake! I kissed Serena becauseÉ becauseÉ I've always wanted to. And I had the notion. No! I am NOT hypnotized! I just want to have a bit of fun! Whatever, Andrew and Serena can believe whatever they want. Who knows, maybe this will convince Serena to loosen up a bit moreÉ "So you see, Darien's impulses aren't 'unhealthy', he's justÉ living out his dreams, so to speak." "If he gets the idea to do something, he'll do itÉ" Serena whispered, mostly to herself. Andrew nodded. Ever so slowly, a grin spread across Serena's lips and I could see her body relax. "Well, THIS is rather interestingÉ So you're saying that the cheesecake, the games, the kissÉ is all stuff he's probably wanted to do for a long timeÉ just, had the common sense not to try to pull it off. ThereforeÉ he reallyÉ doesn't hate me like I always thought he didÉ" Her pale blue eyes took on a peculiar joyous light with that discovery. "Basically. Actually, I was talking to him this morning too, and he said something that might interest youÉ" Huh? What did I tell him? What did I tellÉ uh-oh! He's not gonna tell her I love her, is he? That would ruin all my plans for telling her that tonight! "Yeah? What did he say?" "He told me that he loÉ" "Andrew! Serena! Fancy running into you two here!" I exclaim happily, popping up from my hiding spot and walking over to the two at the counter. They each turn to look at me in surprise. Walking over, I kiss Serena's cheek lightly. "Good afternoon, gorgeous." She only stares at me, and I don't know if she heard what I said or not. Her eyes seem to be searching for something, analyzing me carefully. "Darien! So good to see you," said Andrew, recovering from his moment of shock. "Hey, want some more cheesecake?" I grin at him. "What do you think?" Smiling, he walks into the kitchen and I turn all my attention to Serena. "Have a good day at school?" I ask, claiming a seat next to her. Her eyes never stop staring at me closely, though she does seem to relax slightly, even managed a nod. "Yeah, I did. Ami was nice enough to lend me one of her uniforms." "Oh, good, I'm glad you didn't get into trouble. I wouldn't have forgiven myself." "RightÉ" she whispers almost as if she wasn't sure what we were talking about, but wanted to be agreeable. I furrowed my brow. Was she listening? "Yeah. Hey, guess what I saw today?" "Hm?" "A couple monkeys getting tattoos while I was jumping out of a plane." "Oh, that's niceÉ" she whispers. I laugh loudly, snapping her from the trance. "Huh, whaÉ? Monkeys?!" "Never mind Serena. Where were you? Getting a bit more spacey than you already are could be dangerous, you knowÉ" She blushes slightly, looking away. Right then, Andrew returned with a plate of cheesecake and handed me the dessert. "Thanks. Would either of you like some? My treatÉ" "No, thank you, I think I've had enough cheesecake for one day." "Suit yourself." I see Serena and Andrew trade a 'secretive' smile as I begin eating the cake. "I was wonderingÉ" said Serena slowly, looking at me from the corner of her eye, "if you wanted to go to the mall with me today? I mean, you don't have to, butÉ Well, I think I'm beginning to like your company." I nearly choke on the cookie-crumb crust. WhaÉ? She's INVITING me to go somewhere with her?! "Yeah, I'd love to!" I exclaim happily. She smiles widely, before sending a mischievous grin to Andrew. "Great then!" she stands up, offering me her arm. "Shall we?" I laugh, maybe this >ahem< 'hypnotized' thing isn't so bad. Standing, I thread my arm through hers and walk out of the arcade. After a moment I realize I didn't pay for the cheesecake, but shrug it off. I have better things to think about right now. I watched her analyzing her appearance carefully in the mirror, shocked by what I saw. She turned around a couple times, before grinning up at me. "What do you think?" I gawked for a couple minutes more, before a smile crossed my lips. "You lookÉ incredibleÉ" She blushed slightly, turning back to the mirror. "Thank youÉ" She sighed, pouting slightly. "It's a shame I can't get it." I raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And just WHY can't you get it, princess?" She rolled her eyes at me. "Did you even LOOK at the price tag? This dress costs a fortune! BesidesÉ where would I ever wear it?" Walking over to her, I hold onto her hands, stepping away to look her up and down. "No, my dear, you MUST have this dress. It was made for you!" "Darien, I can't ask you toÉ" "Oh, I'm going to buy it for you, no excuses! AndÉ I know the perfect place for you to wear it." She raises her eyebrow up at me curiously. "Where?" "It's a surprise," I whisper teasingly, spinning her around, still holding onto both arms. She faces the mirror now, her back to me, her arms crossed in front of her stomach as I hold onto her hands gently. "I want to take you out tonight. And I want you to wear this," I say into her ear. She blushes lightly, turning her head away. "Are you sure you have enough moneyÉ?" "Positive. Now go change so we can buy itÉ and we need to go find some shoes to match, now don't we?" She giggled. Turning, she gave me a look that stopped my heart before standing on her tiptoes and kissing my cheek. "I'll be right back then." I kissed the top of her foot, listening to her giggle before I slide on the satin shoe. "What about this one, Cinderella?" Crossing her legs, she stretched her foot out, turning her ankle this way and that. "It's quite beautiful, my prince." "And it fits like a dream," I add. She stands, leaving me on my knees before her, and begins walking around the designer shoe cases. "I love it!" she exclaims cheerfully. "Then it's yours." "But, the priceÉ" "It is but a small price to pay for your happiness. Money is NOT an issue." For the next three hours, I would never know just where my money went. Could have had something to do with the clothes, the jewelry, the snacks I bought. ButÉ none of it really mattered. We walked through the mall hand in hand, as she chirped about this and that, before I would lead her into another fancy store, urging her to try something on. And everything looked spectacular on her. And every word that came out of her mouth made me smile. Soon, I thought I could see her eyes shining with something other than hatred for me. A look that made my heart soar. Every minute she seemed to be standing a little closer, holding my hand a little tighter, talking a little happier. Everything was perfect. "Ooh, wanna do that?!" I asked suddenly, pulling her from whatever conversation I had been too lost in thought to notice we were having. She looked up to see where I was pointing and giggled slightly, shrugging. With a huge smile covering my face, I dragged her over to the small photo booth. I pushed the curtain aside, making sure it wasn't in use, before pulling a dollar out of my pocket and sticking it in the slot. "In we go," I said, stepping inside and sitting down on the small bench. She giggled, ducking in beside me. At first we tried to sit side by side, but it didn't work too well with the tiny bench, so finally I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her down onto my lap. She squealed in surprise, before laughing loudly at our predicament. "Select backgroundÉ" I said, reading the screen out loud. She settled her head on my shoulder before looking up at the TV in front also. "Which one would you like, princess?" She analyzed the six possible backgrounds for a minute, reading them out loud. "Best Friends ForeverÉ WantedÉ ooh, how about King and Queen?" "Sounds good to me." She pushed the corresponding button. "The light will flash every 5 seconds," it read, and a small timer appeared at the bottom of the screen, where our current images were being shown. I began tickling her and she screeched, pulling away roughly, her eyes and mouth wide open. FLASH Slapping me in the shoulder, she once again tried to settle down, but her giggles continued to come as she hid her face in my chest. FLASH "Alright, let's be serious," I said mockingly. She looked up at me and I winked, before crossing my eyes and sticking my tongue out. Once again, she broke into fits of laughter. FLASH She placed her right hand on the other side of my face, pressing our cheeks up together and we both made funny faces. She had bunny ears, and I had one set of antlers. What a cute couple. FLASH "How many are there?" she asked, turning to me speculatively. I shrugged. "Five?" The countdown was nearly over, so I quickly leaned forward, kissing her cheek, right at the corners of her lips. She gasped, and later I would see the look of total surprise on her face. Though, in the picture, it did seem as thought she was enjoying it. FLASH That was the picture we kept. Laughing and giggling, we emerged from the small booth, holding onto each other as not to lose our balance. We waited for our picture to develop, joking the whole time. Suddenly, I remembered something. Ceasing my laughter, I looked down at my watch and gasped. "Oh! We're going to be late!" "Huh? Late for what?" "Come on, let's go!" I screamed, grabbing onto her hand and pulling her off to the nearest exit of the mall. "Wait, our picture!" "Oh yeahÉ" Stopping, I dragged her back, catching our picture as it fell from the slot in the side of the booth, before hauling her away again. "Darien, where are we GOING?!" Stopping suddenly, I turned to her, kissing her forehead. "You'll see when we get there!" I taunted. That was the last thing I said to her for awhile, as we both started running to our destination, unknown to a curious Serena on my heels the whole time. Stay tuned for Part 4 - By Candlelight Check out First Love: A Sailor Moon Story Archive at www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Spa/4410 Luv and God bless! <3 Alicia