Here: FEEDBACK me about the last part. It, again, took on a life of its own. On a Wing and Prayer Part two: Tsubasa (Wings) masaka: unbelievable, no way, I don't believe it, etc tenshi: angel aisuru: beloved "What do they say angels look like?" Lazily, Venus lifted her head of her hands, shifting light blue eyes over to where her charge, her best friend, and her princess was last seen. The Earth had not yet risen, it was not truly nighttime. Although the stars and Earth were nearing vision above the glass dome, the kingdom was now glowing with the beautiful inner light that illuminated it during 'daytime' hours. Echoing off the white marble walls and walkways, the light was pulsing, unearthly and mundanely familiar to all those who lived and breathed under the dome in the sky. Golden hair pooled around her sailorfuku skirt as the lady Venus lay on the princess's large bed, a book open under her spread fingers. "Nani?" "I said," Serenity's voice traveled through the slightly open doors that lead into her dressing room, "what do angels look like?" In that moment, for some reason, her friend sounded so heartbreakingly young and innocent, Venus had to remind herself that Princess Serenity was nearing her sixteenth year and was far to old for childish games. "Why?" Shrugging, the girl entered the room again, holding two silky white dresses in her hands. "I was just wondering what the earth people say angels are like in their legends." Serenity's hair was falling out of the royal style, the small knots of hair on either side of her head where loosening, and pixie waves danced and curled around her ears. Luminous eyes looked at Venus pleadingly, as the tiny, magical girl stood before her like some sort of vision. 'Angel.' Venus thought, shaking her head, 'with every definition of the Earthling word: angel, tenshi, Shugotenshi.' "I think Angels look like you, Serenity," Venus murmured, tears jumping to her eyes, unbidden. 'Little Serenity-chan, when did you get so beautiful?' Oblivious to Venus's sudden sentiment, Serenity smiled slowly. "Like me?" she murmured. She lifted her eyes to Earth for a moment, and out of habit her heart jumped a little in her chest. "But what *else* though?" she asked, her voice demanding in that breathy, pure way a child begs an adult to jump into leaves with them. "Well," searching her mind, Venus closed the book and sat up on the bed, "they always wear white. And have wings." Nodding, the princess turned, attempting to straighten the horrible mess she had made before her chambermaid could sigh and roll her eyes again. However, she had only one frothy white dress in her slender hand when the delicately guilded door to the princess's was pushed open. Mercury rushed in with mock-stateliness, and pushing back her soft, flawless hair, the senshi smiled a little. "Mars wished me to inform you that Endymion is sparring with one of his generals! Their moves and training are amazing, come and see." Shifting the sword in his hand a few times, Endymion watched his opponent carefully. He knew he was good, but it wouldn't do to get overconfident. He didn't let his guard down for an instant. The man across the way narrowed his ice blue eyes at the young prince. Kunzite knew the Endymion had been training hard lately, between study and sleep it was nearly all the man did. He couldn't help but approve, the silver- haired man noticed Endymion had improved greatly on stance and skill and he was already wonderful, a natural. Yet, something about the prince's reasons made him uneasy. It was almost as if the Earth Prince's spiritualistic powers sensed something worth preparing for. Endymion himself could not explain his sudden anxiety or need to be a better fighter, he just demanded practices and sparring challenges, every day. This was the first time Kunzite had challenged the prince himself, yet the general couldn't help feeling this time the younger man was ready. He lunged. And was right. Every move he made, Endymion defending flawlessly, the prince's reflexes were cat-like and lightening fast. Still, Kunzite was more experienced, and his offensive tactics backed Endymion up a few steps. Sweat beaded on both men's foreheads. "What skill," Venus murmured, arching an eyebrow in approval to the handsome general being watched by the many spectators filling the communications with their talk and cheers. "You could win in a sword fight against him, though, Venus," Mars said, crossing her arms and frowning appraisingly at the screen. Mercury was twirling a silver pen in her hands, debating whether or not this was worth taking comprehensive notes for her study on Earth behavior. Jupiter was cheering loudly with the more enthusiastic lunars, her hazel eyes alight as she mentally recorded the stamina and motions of the two fighters. Serenity was quietly captivated, standing off to the side in the front. The Princess of the Moon Kingdom and future ruler of the Silver Alliance stood with her hands clasped and her eyes glowing as she watched Endymion dodge another potentially fatal blow. He began to fight back, defensive stances changed to offensive and with renewed energy Endymion began forcing Kunzite back a few steps, and a few steps more. "Wonderful!" Jupiter cried out, "The deception, he was hiding his true skill until the opponent tired!" Kunzite's eyes narrowed as the seasoned winner was backed a few steps back, and further back, each time forced closer to the white line that symbolized Endymion's victory. Ice-blue slowly faded to black. For a moment Kunzite froze all movement. Then, with renewed, strange vigor, he leaped forward toward his prince and friend, the sword outstretched. "Is he going to kill him?" Venus cried, and the room erupted with reaction to Kunzite's strange behavior. Startled at the illegal lunge aimed at him, Endymion took a surprised step back, blue eyes widened in surprise and he stumbled. The force of Kunzite's jump arched the sword down... straight toward Endymion's heart. And several things happened at once. Serenity screamed at the top of her lungs, terror and pain and denial ripping from her lungs and echoing around the room. Kunzite's eyes reverted back to ice-blue, a horrified expression reflected in them. And a flash of white light appeared at the end of the sword, and suddenly it was harmlessly embedded into the wooden floor, to the left of the prince's shoulder. "Your majesty!" Kunzite cried, in concern, lifting Endymion's head slightly off the ground as the latter slowly opened his eyes. Giving his friend a sardonic smile, the prince slowly stood, lifting his right hand to run through his short black hair. His left shoulder was nicked by the sword, and deep red was seeping through the fabric of his tunic. Groaning a little, he fell gratefully on Kunzite's outstretched arm. "That was a close one, my friend." Endymion was thankful his voice did not give away how shaken he was. "It is true, my liege, you must have a guardian angel up there somewhere, looking out for you." Endymion raised his head and let out a short cry of frustration, "What is it with the world and 'angels' so suddenly? First Lady Beryl-" And, as they say, speak of the devil. The tall lady rushed in, a black and green dress clung beautifully to her lush body, her auburn hair was tied back in mounds of healthly, shimmering curls. "Oh Endymion-sama! Whatever happened?!" she cried, concerned, pressing a clean, scented handkerchief to his wound. "Yes, Kunzite, what did happen?" Mars asked, the little frown not leaving her face. "That darkness I felt..." Venus looked at the concern on marring her friend's beautiful face and felt a twinge of real fear. Shifting Serenity, who leaned heavily on Venus's shoulder, the senshi followed Mars' gaze to the screen. The half-lidded pale Princess watched her love through a haze of abundant eyelashes, her angelic eyes soft and, for some reason, very tired. "Lady Beryl, I'm not... sure exactly what happened," Kunzite was muttering truthfully, "I think I may have tripped.Ó He shook his head, confused. "Thank god you are alright, Endymion-sama," Beryl pressed her body closer to his, pulling his shirt open to reapply her handkerchief to his wound. Touching her lips lightly to the fabric, she frowned and gently ran her fingers through his soft hair, running them back from his face. Frowning, he backed away a little, "I'm not hurt too badly Beryl," when he saw her face he stopped for a moment, "but thank you for your concern." The redhead was offered a genuine smile and Kunzite left with the prince to find some medical attention. Venus held her princess a little tighter when Beryl displayed such lack of shame in front of Endymion. Jupiter actually whispered some uncomplimentary terms under her breath, but Serenity wasn't paying much attention. Her gaze was locked on the deep blue planet Earth, her pearl teeth nibbled at her lower lip as she stared, deep in thought. "V-chan? Do you know where I could find wings?" 'You must have your own guardian angel.Õ Kunzite's words echoed like a mantra inside Endymion's head as he walked into his bedroom, alone and bandaged well from his minor wound. Confused, the young man put a hand to his head. He knew Kunzite didn't trip. He also knew he should be dead right now, for all intents and purposes, the sword was aimed at his heart. Leaning against his window frame, he left his eyes drift, as they always seemed to, up to the moon. Radiant and beautiful in the sky, it supplied some peaceful light into his eyes. So many questions danced through his head, in a chaotic waltz he knew would do on well into the night. "Shugotenshi," he whispered suddenly, he did not know why, as he stared directly at the moon, "Thank you." Serenity held soft, glossmer wings to her chest, one of her white shimmering dresses floated lightly in her hands, and her water-shadow eyes met Endymion's stormy gaze through the monitor. The moon air brushed against her arms and she shivered. "You are always welcome, aisuru." Cautiously, two figures approached the pearl white doors of the Princess's chambers. The girl with hair as dark as midnight let her knuckles tap lightly on one of the slightly open doors, and it swung inward a little. "Princess?" the golden-haired senshi called into the room, looking at her companion questioningly. Giving her slim shoulders a graceful shrug, Mars entered the room. Since cloud-cover prevented the Communications Room from seeing Endymion's kingdom clearly, they assumed the Princess would be where she always was when mourning the lack contact with the Earth prince. However, Serenity's room was empty, and the soft curtains leading to her balcony were pulled back to reveal the marble terrace devoid of life, only the bright stars and blue Earth hanging in the sky. "Where is she?" Venus murmured, eyes darting around as if she expected her friend to run up from behind. Chuckling a little, Mars just shook her head, "She isn't staring at the Earth like a lovesick fool, so I assume our attempts to cheer her up would be worthless." Putting a hand on Venus's shoulder, Mars smiled at her friend, "She's probably just running amok somewhere, annoying servants to no end, as usual." Nodding, they turned to leave, both not telling the other of the dark, uneasy feelings filling their chests. On Earth, the air was warm, heavy and damp with the promise of rain. Heat lightening flashed in the far distance, and the sky was black with heavy clouds. A white-gold smudge in the corner of sky indicated the presence of a beautiful full moon, hidden by the thick atmosphere and hazy skies. The clouds were thick, but broken in places that revealed sparkling stars in the inky black. On the moon, an angel stood, arms outstretched and heart pounding. Watching, until a she saw or felt or created a break in those thick clouds on Earth, a break right under the full moon's light. "There is no turning back now," she whispered to herself, to the night, to the Earth, "It's time to fly." And the she surrendered to the beam of light and allowed it to whisk her to the blue planet she loved so much. Heavy. She was so...heavy... dizzily, Serenity opened her eyes, struggling to breathe. The air seemed gelatinous, clogging her lungs and crushing her delicate frame to the ground. Her fingers spread out in the soft grass she had landed in, and she pushed up on her hands to stand slowly. It was dark, the Earth did not emit a soft glow like the Moon. Instead, it seemed to hum, teem with life like Serenity had never known. She liked it, a little. Craning her neck back, the winged, white-clad girl looked to check for the comforting sight of the moon, but it was hidden by clouds, only a spot of light could be seen. Even though she knew it would be that way, planned it that way so she wouldn't get caught by the Communications Staff, it sent a shiver down her spine. Alone. Her heart was pounding and her hands were slightly damp. But it was thrilling in its own way. 'I am actually standing on Earth. On his planet.' And if she planned it right, she was also in that beautiful place she was so longed to be since she first saw it: the royal gardens. She was nearly used to her new weight, the new, wet air entering her body with each breath. 'This isn't so hard...' A nearby sound made her jump. "You shouldn't be out here," a familiar voice resounded in her ears, "it is going to rain soon." Rain? He stepped little closer, and feeling lightheaded, shaking, she slowly turned her head toward him. Endymion was squinting a little in the darkness, not sure who exactly he was talking to. He surmised it must be a courtier or some kind, as they were the only ones allowed in the gardens. Her dress was plainly visible even with the lack of good light, and she had long, light-colored hair, but that was all he could distinguish just now. Was she frightened? She seemed a little unsure, and some quality about this strange girl made him believe she was unearthly. Strange. Serenity watched the man before her, his hand above his head a little, his dark hair was unkept, falling slightly into his eyes. She knew his face as if it were her own, and she loved it more than anyone could imagine, but never had she seen him so real and so close. He held out his hand, carefully, to the unsure girl, "Are you alright?" Swallowing, Serenity could just stare at his outstretched hand, her eyes quivering. Even with all her daydreams and planning, the reality of the moment caught up with her as she watched his graceful fingers unfold to reach out to her, his hand open and waiting for hers. Surreal. Light, soft somethings were falling on her face, and Serenity tore her eyes away from her prince, to glance upwards. Blinking away raindrops furiously, she shivered in the unfamiliar feeling of water falling miles and miles just to splash warmly on her face. Rain. Thunder. A horrible, sudden sound broke the peace and Serenity gasped, her heart pounding. The noise came again, surrounding her and shaking the sky. Echoes and aftershocks rumbled through the sky and she turned wild eyes to Endymion in fright. The young man seemed confused by the girl's sudden fear. "Don't worry," he found himself murmuring, taking a step closer. For some reason the desire to protect this girl came from nowhere and created a home in his heart. It never did leave. But the princess was panicking, and quickly concentrated her power even as another thundering rolled around the clouds. Seeing, or willing, or creating another break in the clouds, the moonlight rushed to surround the woman like a long lost sister. She glowed with light, and for the first time, Endymion saw her clearly. He fell to his knees. Soft white light seemed to caress her pale skin, and gray eyes reflected the colors of the rain and the moonlight in their depths, while thick lashes fluttered in the light sprinkle. Her hair was silver, shimmering around her shoulders in twin rivers. Wings adorned her back and a satin white wrapped around her body. The rain around her lit up with sparkles, and with the confidence she felt, embraced in the light of her home, the thunder faded to the background. Endymion watched her, enraptured as she smiled at him, her eyes glowing with tears, love, and a tenderness he had never seen in another human being's eyes before. Not for him. Never before. "Tenshi," he whispered, his lips parted and his eyes wide, "Masaka." Was that sound her giggling slightly? Or was he imaging this whole thing? A roaring filled his ears. Leaning before him, with a strange feeling of detachment and a wonderful emotion of joy spilling in her veins, Serenity let herself press her fingers gently to either side of Endymion's face. Leaning down before him, she looked into his slightly glazed eyes and allowed herself one last luxury before returning home and to watching and longing from thousands of miles away. She pressed her lips to his. For just a few seconds they froze like that, the reasonable, logic- following future ruler of Earth sitting in the rain, and the ethereal angel leaning down to him, illuminating the raindrops that surrounded her, and tasting them on Endymion's lips. Then the moonlight took her, and she surrendered to it, taking her home. The moonlight disappeared and all at once it began to pour, violent water cascading down like bullets and buckets. The ground grew soggy and thunder and lightening raged war in the sky. Endymion let the rain pour down on him, his hair sending rivulets down his face and his clothes saturated through, yet he didn't move, his gaze never leaving the night sky. To be contiuned in part three: Tasogare (nightfall)