On a Wing and a Prayer Part five: Kowagaruno (Fear) By Antigone 2000 Tension was rising steadily, seeping into every heart and dulling every smile, even as the sun rose over the breathtaking moon palace. Mercury walked with quick footsteps down one passageway, her shoes making far too much noise for her comfort. ÔRelax,Õ she told herself harshly, brushing soft cobalt hair back from her stunning yet worried face, Ôthere is no reason to be jumpy.Õ But someone as intelligent as the senshi of water could not deny that her statement was not entirely true. The EarthÕs alarming descent into darkness was only gaining in momentum, yet it was not the speed at which the evil was showing itself that had all to Queen Serenity secretly biting their nails, it was the places it had manifested itself. Instead of turning the common people into turmoil, it was the noble houses that were first falling into schemes and plots, and it seemed all but Prince EndymionÕs closest friends were after his throne and his life. Most Lunarians were sure the nucleus of the darkness was Beryl, but the senshi knew she wasnÕt the center of it all, only the focus point. The truth could be far, far worse. But it wasnÕt just the Earth that had been troubling the people of the Moon in these past few weeks, Mercury reflected, sadness filling her. But her train of thought was quickly halted as she came to the familiar doors of the communications room and braced herself as she pushed them open. As usual the activity was deafening, and intense, and Mercury felt a slight headache begin to pulse just beneath her eyes. Walking up to Venus, she bowed and announced herself formally. Giving her a quick, dry glance the blonde senshi just answered, ÒSave the formalities, Mercury-chan, no one is even watching.Ó It was true, all eyes were glued to certain monitors, most ears were covered by thick headsets, and those that werenÕt were so busy running errands and delivering messages, that no head was even raised at MercuryÕs entrance. Sighing, the shorter girl shook her head. ÒHave you ever seen it this bad?Ó She wasnÕt just talking about the pandemonium in the room, and Venus knew it. The leader of the senshi answered hoarsely, eyes still trained on the monitors, ÒNo.Ó ÒVenus?Ó Mercury seemed unsure how to bring this up, but knew it had to be asked. ÒHai?Ó ÒHave you noticed anything... strange,Ó Mercury gestured toward the largest screen, showing Endymion in a heated argument with Kunzite, Òabout the Prince of Earth?Ó Giving her a side-long glance, Venus debated for a moment before deciding to answer. With a deep breath, the senshi leader turned and looked her friend directly in the eye, ÒYes. I have noticed what you have, as well. ItÕs more than strange...Ó her eyes drifting back to Endymion, she shook her head, Òand I wish I could figure it out.Ó ÒPerhaps Queen Serenity could-Ò ÒI think,Ó Venus said quickly, pausing before finishing her sentence, as if unsure of how to word her thoughts, ÒI think she knows. IÕmÑnot sure we should bring to her attention that we know. It might have an... adverse effect on the way things are going.Ó Paling, Mercury turned to Venus, shocked at what her friend was insinuating. ÒAre you saying this is her doing?Ó she whispered, ÒBut that is forbidden!Ó Venus just shook her head, ÒIÕm not saying anything,Ó she said, Òbut I think we should just wait until we know more.Ó Nodding, Mercury crossed her arms against a sudden chill, ÒYou can leave now if you want, your shift is over.Ó Shaking her head Venus lifted her eyes back to the monitor. ÒIÕll stay.Ó In a small yet magnificent room, all white marble and ornate carvings, on an elaborate dais, floated a small orb of light. The white light shimmered off the wall, making the faces and flowers carved into the wall seem to be alive. It also danced off the smooth cheekbones and silver eyes of Queen Serenity, reflecting the look of the white marble onto her face, a sight both extremely eerie and somehow hauntingly beautiful. Graceful hands clutched the sides of the dais, eyes trained solely on the silver crystal. It turned slowly, almost of its own vocation, seemed to have a life of its own. ÔStrange,Õ the Queen thought, eyebrows knitting slightly as one thin finger traced a side of the crystalÕs edge, ÔitÕs reaction... could this mean...?Õ Stepping back slightly, the tall figure of the Queen bowed slightly, lacing her hands together in front of her. Her two streams of hair gleamed in the silver light, falling to the floor, the crescent symbol on her forehead danced with moonlight. For a moment she seemed unreal, ethereal, and nearly transparent, glistening wings seemed to extend from her back. The crystal still glowed as brightly, sending its light in circles around the room, reflecting a spark of silver off the silent tears running down Queen SerenityÕs face. ÔPrincess...Õ ~~ Mars groaned a little, struggling against the urge to bang her head repeatedly into the lovely marble wall behind her. The communications room was like hell on a warm day, and the senshi of fire was too agitated by the horrible foreboding she felt for her princessÕ future to concentrate too much on the inner workings of the many links alive and buzzing. Mercury had seemed extremely relieved that her shift was over, looking as if all she wanted to do was go to sleep. Venus had stayed a while, discussing with Mars what to do about the informing the Queen of what they had observed about Endymion. Lifting midnight hair from her back for a second to cool off, Mars sighed. She had one opinion about that and one opinion only: The Queen must know. Even if VenusÕ suspicions were correct, then the Queen would tell the senshi to disregard it, and they would. Mars could honestly not see the big deal. She could, however, see and feel the impending danger, and suddenly, even in the heat of the communications room, Mars shuddered and drew her arms around herself as she shivered. ~~ ÔPale. She is so pale...Õ, Jupiter shook her head harshly, banning such thoughts from clouding her mind. The tiny girl next to her glanced up, question and concern in her beautiful silver-blue eyes. ÒJupiter-chan,Ó she said softly, Òdaijoubu-ka?Ó ÒHai,Ó the older girl said, forcing a smile over the rush of protectiveness and helplessness that welled up inside of her, ÒIÕm fine, Princess. DonÕt worry about me.Ó Serenity sighed, nodding defeatedly, eyes nearly slipping shut as she struggled to regain her footing as she walked along side her friend. Everyone had been so worried lately, so worried...why again? Serenity was having trouble focusing on just one thought, her mind spun in strange, scary circles and she felt like a little child lost in a horrid funhouse. EndymionÕs people were dying, she knew, dying and frightened. Evil and darkness festered through her beloved beautiful blue planet, running rapid and unstopped, the crown should have been the first to fall, yet Endymion was safe. He was safe... minna... mother... Jupiter forced her eyes away from the fading child-angel beside her, forcing herself not to examine the horror and dread inside of herself. The entire kingdom was afraid for young SerenityÕs health, the poor child seemed to be waning more and more everyday. She was still the cherished Princess the entire empire at fallen in love with, yet the bubbly laughter and life that spilled from her form once had been a long time absent. Pale, thin, withdrawn, the brightest feature on her sweet face were her eyes, less silver now and a blue bright as if with fever. It was not something even the poorest farmer could hide from, the concern for the princess weighed heavier than the fall of the Earth on the minds of all the kingdom. All but Serenity herself, that is. The poor princessÕ attention was caught up almost constantly in EndymionÕs struggle on Earth, and as much as the senshi tried to distract her, it was as impossible as pulling the sun from the sky. She loved him, they now knew it was not a simple crush or fancy. Her life was his if he wanted it, even Queen Serenity seemed aware of this horrifying turn of events. They all loved her too much to give her up. ÒJupiter-chan,Ó SerenityÕs voice cut right through the senshiÕs thoughts, and the taller girl quickly reached out her arm to support her Princess, who stumbled lightly on to JupiterÕs arm. ÒSerenity?Ó Jupiter cried, concerned. Tiny cold hands tightened on JupiterÕs large gloved ones, and forest green met blue eyes wide with child-like fear. Stumbling, the young girl put a hand to her forehead, eyes filled with tears, ÒIÕm...Ó But her soft voice faltered and her eyes fluttered closed before Jupiter could even register what was happening. In a voice so torn with fear and grief that Jupiter hardly recognized it herself, the senshi screamed her princessÕ name one last time as the slight girl collapsed, white as death, into her guardianÕs arms. ÒSERENITY!!Ó ~~ Entering the QueenÕs study, Venus bowed low, lifting her eyes to her Queen slowly. The older woman looked up from her book, giving Venus a smile that did not quite reach her worried silver eyes. ÒYes, Senshi Venus?Ó Venus cleared her throat a little, and glanced at the queen, ÒIf I may, your majesty, I have something to tell you.Ó Turning, the Queen raised an eyebrow to her senshi, ÒGo on.Ó ÒItÕs,Ó Venus took a deep breath and decided, ÒitÕs about Endymion.Ó ÒAh yes,Ó the Queen said, ÒHis apparent immunity to the darkness spell.Ó Breathing a sigh of relief, Venus relaxed a little and proceeded to voice all her concern to the Queen, ÒI guess itÕs a good thing in many ways,Ó the senshi said, Òby all logic he should have been one of the first to fall to the evil, perhaps right after Beryl. Yet while observations show his people falling to evil in alarming amounts, even his court and best friends!, he remains completely untouched. It seems almost evil itself in its unnaturalness. How can one human resist so much-Ò ÒAh,Ó the QueenÕs voice was measured in volume and fluency, yet still quickly cut off VenusÕ rapidly escalating speech, Òyes, it is impossible for one human to resist that much pull to the evil within.Ó She stood, a rustle of shimmering skirts the only sound as she moved to the large picture window and watched the Earth rise slowly over the kingdom. Confused Venus followed her Queen, pressing, ÒBut then how can Endymion possibl-Ò ÒBecause he isnÕt.Ó The QueenÕs answer was sure and quick, ÒHe isnÕt resisting anything because there is nothing to resist.Ó Venus was silent, letting the QueenÕs words sink in. ÒThe Evil isnÕt even trying to overtake him...Ó she murmured, Òbut why not?Ó The Queen shook her head slowly, silently. ÒIt is quite an enigma, is it not?Ó ÒHe is the sole holder of the crown of Earth, rumored to be the one born with the power of the planet deep within him. Beryl lusts after him, and the generals are his friends. Whatever is doing this should be putting *all* its energy into tainting him with dark power,Ó Venus mused, Òit just doesnÕt make sense!Ó ÒUnless they *are* putting all their energy into tainting him,Ó the Queen said sagely, obviously having thought about this already. ÒBut you said he couldnÕt resist it if they did!Ó Again lifting her eyes to Earth the Queen whispered, ÒThere is no other explanation.Ó ÒOutside help,Ó Venus finished the QueenÕs thoughts, wonder in her face. ÒYes,Ó she answered, Òbut how?Ó ÒThey throw evil at him, and it doesnÕt effect him at all... as if... some how it was being taken from him before it could work,Ó Venus said, Òbut what would be strong enough to do that?Ó The Queen looked up slowly, realization and horror dawning on her face. Slowly, she turned to Venus, whose eyes widened as well. For a moment they stood like that, a single thought in both their minds. ÔThe crystal.Õ Suddenly a horrified scream echoed quietly from another part of the palace. For Venus, everything instantly fell into place, and she felt as if the floor had been ripped from under her feet. ÔOh my god. Serenity!Õ ~~ Endymion slammed the rolls of parchment onto his desk angrily, and whirled to face his four generals, fire in his blue eyes. ÒYou expect me,Ó he said darkly, his voice dangerously quiet, Òto *believe* these theories and reports?Ó Kunzite narrowed his eyes slightly, no respect or feeling in his stature to his prince and friend. ÒThey are the truth, your highness.Ó ÒSays who?Ó he asked, his voice rising, ÒBeryl? Her ÔnetworkÕ of spies?! We have our own informants, means to huge amounts of information and truth. What of them? Why donÕt we use that?Ó ÒWith all due respect,Ó Nephrite sneered, his words a sharp parody to his tone of voice, Òour sources arenÕt nearly as adept at secrecy as BerylÕs are. If we are truly being watched constantly from the Moon-Ò ÒWill you listen to yourself, Nephrite?Ó Endymion said, ÒSpies from the Moon, an impeding attack... if someone told you of this a year ago you would have laughed!Ó ÒWell IÕm not laughing now!Ó Nephrite said, his voice angry. The three other generals stood behind him, eyes trained on Endymion suspiciously. ÒFor so long youÕve been denying knowing anything of this civilization on the Moon, and recently we find out youÕve known longer than we have!Ó ÒThey are not what you think,Ó he started but Nephrite cut him off. ÒPerhaps *you* are not what we thought.Ó ÒSilence!Ó ÒYou cannot order me anymore!Ó ÒI am your prince!Ó ÒA prince without a kingdom,Ó a sly, feminine voice slithered through the doorway, where Beryl leaned against the frame. Her face was all large green eyes and feigned innocence as her lips lifted in a slow smile of greeting to Endymion, Òwith all due respect, of course, my liege,Ó she drawled, giving an exaggerated bow. ÒBeryl, leave my chambers. Immediately.Ó She laughed, a horrid sound, and shook her head. A small amused smile danced her around too-red lips. ÒNow, now my dear Prince. I would truly be more careful about what I said and did if I were you.Ó Walking closer to him, she tilted her head and bit back another smug and knowing smile, ÒBut I guess it is too late for *that*, now isnÕt it?Ó She winked. Casually, she picked up a parchment off his desk and let it dangle from her long-nailed hand, running her eyes down the information printed on it. ÒAh, yes, the Moon.Ó She looked toward the Generals, ÒI assume my network of spies is up and running?Ó They nodded. ÒBeryl, how dare you go behind my back with this! Issuing spies in peacetime without royal command is a criminal offense!Ó Endymion tried to focus on BerylÕs face but found he couldnÕt, a dizziness seeped into his mind whenever he tried to look directly at her. This time the generals joined her when she laughed, and she circled Endymion, he turned to follow her with his eyes. ÒI hardly think this counts as peace time, on the eve of an inevitable war.Ó Kunzite pointed out, and Endymion glared at him. ÒSo, Endymion dear,Ó Beryl added, conversationally, Òfraternize any more with the enemy since we saw you last?Ó ÒSo Beryl,Ó he said, attempting her casual way of talking although his voice was trembling with anger, Òmake any accusations without proof since we saw *you* last?Ó She smirked in a way that made Endymion shudder. ÒTouchŽ, my prince.Ó Endymion never knew how Beryl had gotten ahold of the information about the Moon, but somehow not only had she found out, but convinced his people of the Moon KingdomÕs existence, and that was evil and must be destroyed. And they believed her. He felt control slipping from his fingers, and concern for Serenity seemed to cloud his judgment when he needed it most. He needed to warn her, but he had not seen her since she slept in his arms weeks before. At night, the dark-haired prince desperately tried to convince himself that his angel- princessÕ kingdom must know of BerylÕs plot from their surveillance. However, he knew deep inside that Beryl had a power all her own, a power deep enough to keep the people of the Moon from knowing the Earth even knew about them until too late. The hidden enemy. How blind he was. All Endymion knew was that he could not let his people be deceived, although he had a sinking feeling it was far too late. His mind called forth the image of his angel, light eyes smiling into his, soft arms drawing him into a hug. For a moment his heart literally ached with need for her. To him, knowing she was safe was the only thing that mattered, even if the damage to his kingdom was already done. ÒThese people are not our enemies,Ó he said, desperately trying to pull at least one of his former friends back to his side, Òthey have watched us for thousands of years and never once made a move against us.Ó Beryl raised her eyebrows. Endymion was really beginning to loathe that smile of hers. ÒPerhaps they are just waiting for a weakness.Ó She grinned, suddenly, ÒYet I think turnabout is fair play, donÕt you?Ó Beryl was asking the generals, who seemed to agree with the sick humor in this statement. She turned her eyes to Endymion, ÒI am not sure if you have been entirely aware of all the things I have been doing for the power of this kingdom. You see, while they have been thinking they have been watching us, we have actually been filtering into through their system. And now the tables have turned, greatly.Ó Endymion felt ill. ÒBeryl-Ò Her smile grew, ÒOh, but Endymion, you havenÕt heard the best part.Ó Leaning against the doorway again, she spoke over his head, to the four men behind him, ÒI think now is the perfect time to launch our attack, since their kingdom is now in utter turmoil.Ó Endymion forced himself to look directly at Beryl, eyes narrowing slightly, ÒWhat?Ó ÒYou mean you donÕt know?Ó Her voice dripped with counterfeit surprise. Jadeite bit back a laugh as Beryl walked slowly to Endymion, looking at him with barely contained insolence. ÒItÕs sad, really, although it is just the opportunity true victors always take advantage of.Ó Endymion just silently regarded the loathsome creature before him, forcing himself to take measured breaths. ÒHow ironic you would be the last to know.Ó She twirled a strand of deep red hair around her finger, ÒAnd that I would be the one to tell you,Ó Beryl shook her head, obviously taking deep delight in this situation. ÒI donÕt have time for-Ò EndymionÕs command was spoken over quickly by ZoisiteÕs smooth voice, ÒWe canÕt expect the Moon to be ready for a war at this time, my prince.Ó They seemed amused. Leaning back to look at him, Beryl put a sarcastic hand to her heart, an overdone pout on her lips, looking directly into his eyes. ÒAfter all,Ó she said, her voice was resonant with false sympathy that clashed greatly with the triumphant smirk barely under the surface, Òtheir princess is dying.Ó ~~ AN. Um... Thanks to Jay-chan (W.Bymeeh, read her stuff now, it's wonderful and puts me to shame) and Loralei-chan for pre-reading for me!