A.N: Finally! I'm so sorry this took so long! I know you all forgot me, and forgot what this fic was about. Gomen nasai! But really, I cheated myself, didn't I? Thank you to Jay-chan and Lena, who beta-ed for me. EMAIL ME!! Onegai! Disclaimer: Last time I checked, (which I do a lot), I was not Naoko Takeuchi. Maybe next time. But for now, I don't own Sailormoon. On a Wing and a Prayer By Antigone Part Eight: Sayonara (farewell) Stumbling with a lack of grace embarrassing to a senshi of the princess, Venus, out of breath, blonde strands of hair floating back from her flushed face, entered Princess Serenity's personal chambers like a bullet. The door slammed against the wall echoing like a cannon, and wide deep blue eyes focused on the white-sheeted bed to the side of the room. The *empty* bed. Venus was not prone to panic, nor anger, but for a moment after realizing her weakened princess was not anywhere within these rooms, both irrational fear and a few choice words for the guard outside were whirling in her mind. "SERENITY!!" she called, just barely fighting the prick of tears resting on her lashes, "Princess!! Where are y-" "Hai?" a soft voice resounded even over Venus's yells, and the senshi froze as the sheer silky curtains moved aside, grasped in a tiny, perfect hand, to reveal one gray-blue eye peering out from the balcony. "V-chan?" Serenity stepped all the way through the doors, latching them softly behind her with a muffled 'click', the only sound in the room. The princess was thin, but healthier than Venus had seen her in so long. Her eyes were concerned, confused at her friend's state, but shone with a confidence and peace that was too long gone from her gaze. Venus murmured her name with something akin to relief and joy, and for the second time in as many days Serenity found herself crushed in a loving embrace until she could barely breathe. The Queen had told Venus herself that Serenity was better but, to see it, to believe it& "Thank you," she whispered into the heavens, unsure of to whom she spoke, "For bringing Serenity-chan back to us." And in the senshi's arms, Serenity's body shook with sobs and laughter, combined into one singular sound of sisterly love that echoed in the room. "Have you gone mad?" she asked, lightly, eyes smiling up at her friend. "The world has," Venus answered, serious again, her eyes dulling as the weight of all that was to happen again settled onto its place upon her shoulders. Slowly guiding Serenity to the bed, Venus sat down next to the tiny girl, taking one hand into hers and locking her gaze to gray eyes. "Princess," she said softly, "there is something about Earth I must tell you." "She knows," a deep voice said from the balcony, one door hung recently opened, the curtains blew in the soft breeze across Endymion's face as he stood against the cool glass, sad eyes searching the senshi's. In an instant Venus was standing, eyes wide with anger and warning. In battle stance she drew on her power and Endymion's hand moved to his sword. Venus radiated panic and shock, but it was obvious she knew what she was doing, and how to do it. Within the moment, Serenity stood slowly, one hand hovering over her mouth and Endymion raised his hands and lowered his head slowly in submission. "I came to warn her," he said softly, "to tell you all." Venus had not moved from her wary position, she watched him carefully with distrust, as Endymion raised blue eyes to meet hers. "I have lost control," he continued, in quiet, measured tones, "This battle must be won. By your kingdom." He stood only in his black uniform, armor and cape gone, a single sword hung from around his waist. Strands of black hair fluttered across his forehead, and he raised his head not with the confidence of a Prince with a kingdom at his back, never again, but with the inborn pride of a man following what he knew was right. Slowly, one large hand closed around the silver hilt of his sword, drawing it from the scabbard little by little until the entire shimmering blade was visible. His gaze never leaving Venus's, he knelt on one knee, shifting the sword in his hands. She watched him, her face expressionless, her eyes hard. Feeling as if air had left her lungs frozen and stung her eyes, Serenity stepped forward, the white simple nightdress hung to her bare feet, her hair falling loose into her face, still every inch a princess. Watery eyes nearly spilled over as Endymion closed his hands around the blade and lifted the hilt in offering to the girl before him. "Princess," he whispered, as she closed both small white hands over the silver. For a moment the rising sun caught the kneeling prince and the white angel standing over him, so much like the first time, but the weapon now glinting in the light a reminder that it could be the last. Venus watched this spectacle with unbelieving eyes, her mouth open slightly as Prince Endymion pledged loyalty and protection to the Princess of the 'enemy'. A thin trickle of crimson ran down to the tip of sword, a ceremonial sliver of blood from the small cuts in Endymion's palms. Breaking the spell, Venus cleared her throat loudly, and Serenity bid her lover to rise. The heavy sword fell softly onto the lush carpeting. Dizzy with the implications of what just happened, Serenity stood nearly unseeing as Venus and Endymion snapped to attention. There was much to be done. "Endymion-sama," Venus said sharply, bowing quickly to him, "I suggest if you wish to help you report to the training fields to assist Mars and I with the battle plans and formations." Her voice taking on a sympathetic edge she added, "Since you know the likely actions these people will take." He nodded. "And Serenity," Venus said, her tone heavy, "your mother wishes to see you. Immediately." She glanced from Endymion to her princess, unable to disguise her disapproval and forced acceptance of the situation. Shaking her head, Venus turned toward the door, adding with a pointed sarcasm that would have made Mars proud, "I suggest you both put on some decent clothing first, however." The doors slammed on silence. Allowing two hot tears to escape down her face, Serenity lifted Endymion's hands and pressed her lips to the cuts on his palms. Outside, the taller girl leaned against the wall, her head falling as glittering blonde hair hid the tears on her face. "Serenity-chan," she whispered to the cold, unforgiving marble floor, and found no words to form what she felt in her heart. ~~ Hands curled together nervously, fingers weaving in and out of each other, Serenity stepped forward into her mother's chambers. Her hair was brushed back into the royal style, a small tiara floating on top of her light bangs. Her dress was immaculate, white and shimmering, her eyes gleaming with more blue than gray beneath black lashes. But her mouth was tugged downward as if she was trying not to sob out loud. Queen Serenity looked up meet her daughter's eyes. They stood, like mirror images of each other, flowing hair, white dresses, pale skin. The princess found she could not force her throat to make sound, her lips moved to form one word. Not an apology, she could not excuse something as deep as loving Endymion by saying she was sorry: she wasn't. It wasn't simply, 'I love you', because both the Princess and the Queen understood that the bond between them was motherly love and so much more, it was pointless to try to voice something that obvious. No, soft pink lips just moved to form two syllables as both pairs of eyes filled with tears. 'Mother'. The Queen took two steps, and enfolded her daughter in her arms, and the Princess shut her eyes and returned the hug, clutching her mother like a small child. It was forgiveness, it was love, but also, they knew deep in their hearts, it was farewell. ~~ Violet hazel eyes narrowed, shielded with dark black eyelashes against flawless skin, as Mars scowled at Venus and the young man following her, the armor of the Earth Kingdom across his shoulders. Jupiter turned slowly, as well, standing beside Mars with an expressionless face, and Mercury lifted her chin slightly. "Good morning," Venus said. Mists lifted off the Palace lawns, the hurried armies preparing what they could while the senshi supervised. "Where's Serenity?" Mars directed her voice to Venus, short and harsh, ignoring Endymion, "She's better, isn't she? I want to see her." "She's with her mother," Venus explained, lifting one gloved hand to the man standing slightly behind her, "this is Endymion." She added, needlessly. Three pairs of eyes hard like the jewels whose colors they reflected stared back at the dark-haired prince. Not a word was spoken. Endymion felt their bitterness toward him, their distrust, but felt that change to shock as he lifted his hands to show the thin red lines down each of his palms. "Selene," Mars cursed softly, meeting his eyes for the first time, "do you know what you did?" Dark blue gazed unwaveringly into violet, and Endymion felt some of the shock lift into slight respect. They shared a love and loyalty to Serenity, a tie that could never be broken between the five people standing together in the early morning sunlight. "What I had to do," Endymion replied. He did not realize how much he had been desiring approval until the senshi of fire gave him a small smile. "Welcome to the moon," she said softly. ~~ When the sun set the senshi were ready with the Lunar troops for battle. As the golden orb sent the very last of its comforting rays across the kingdom, Endymion stood with the senshi, his sword held high, his eyes locked with so many others on the green-blue planet he used to call home. As the first stars appeared in the sky and the soft blue of the sky changed to dark purple, Serenity buried her face in the cool of her mother's dress as they stood on the large balcony before the battle field. When the light disappeared and the night brought its darkness, the first waves of invasion could be seen on the horizon. It began. ~~ Venus turned, slowly, and the other senshi followed suit, in the few moments they had before chaos erupted. The Queen stood proud, eyes sad with the destruction she knew she would have to see. Beside her, a smaller, frightened girl pressed her hands to the edge of the balcony, calling to her childhood friends with a choked voice. "Mars-chan! V-chan! Jupiter! Mercury!" Each name sent a new tear down her flushed, frightened face. Shaking her head, Mercury gave her a mock-stern look, only the softness and love in her eyes giving her away. Jupiter saluted, winking slightly to her princess. 'Don't worry,' her stance seemed to say, 'it takes a lot to take me down.' Venus just blew a kiss, 'Imuto-chan,'she mouthed, using the pet name she had called Serenity when the little silver-haired princess was barely walking. 'Little sister'. Mars offered a brave smile, waving back slightly. For a moment the battle-ready senshi felt something akin to regret, pain, fear. What were they giving up? Yet, the same girl they loved so much was the embodiment of all they were prepared to die for. And, heads held high, they turned back to the impending war, the troops as ready as they were. The Earth Prince stood slightly apart from rest, aware of the looks he was receiving, aware that most of the kingdom knew his face if nothing else thanks to his fame on the planet they were now faced to fight. He watched out of the corner of his eye as Serenity called from the balcony to her senshi, who promised with their looks to make it okay. For her. Blue eyes darkened as he lifted his eyes to the sky. Out there were four men he swore had as much loyalty and friendship for him as the senshi for Serenity. Perhaps angels are stronger than men. Then he would have to be stronger as well. 'I love you, Serenity,' he thought to her, as she returned his words into the wind from high upon the balcony. Her mother took her hand and led her away, into the depths of the palace where the Queen would use the crystal, to help how it could. She would be safe there, he knew. 'I will return to you,' he thought, 'I promise. Somehow.' ~~ The room was silent, like death, the sounds of the raging battle fading completely away. Even her mother's breathing was so soft that if felt to Princess Serenity that she herself could be dead and not know it. For a moment a shaking hand paused against her chest, checking for the familiar steady rhythm of her heartbeat, wishing she could be as certain of lives of her loved ones. Filled with the white glow of magic, the room hummed with the crystal's light, pulsing and surging in completely soundlessness, pulling at the new- forged connection inside the young princess. Sending out a desperate prayer for her friends and lover, Serenity lowered her head and allowed herself, like her mother, to succumb to the crystal's incessant calling. ~~ Outside the palace, death was anything but silent. It was screaming, ripping, exploding all around the beauty that was the moon kingdom. Sweating, Venus ran to block a sudden attack on the wing of the palace she knew the monarchs were in. The crystal was sending a white light to protect what it could, but for once, for once in the history of the entire universe, it was not enough. As a golden chain of hearts pulled back a few men of the Earth army, Venus heard a snarl behind her. Turning, watery blue eyes grew in surprise and bloodless lips opened for a scream that never came. Before the senshi stood Beryl herself, Endymion's generals flanking her on either side. ~~ Dark lashes lifted, the dazed trance-like expression fading into lucid shock, as black pupils shrunk into gray-blue irises. Serenity turned to her mother, who was still locked in the crystal's protective spell. Her heart pounding, hands sweating, mind spinning, the Princess turned on one heel and sped toward the palace doors, heading a call inside her she couldn't deny. It was moments before the cold air of the outside surrounded a fallen angel, vulnerable and tiny in the storm of battle. But none of that mattered to her: The darkness inside her pulled her mercilessly, concern and fear for her friends ripped at her mind, and her heart screamed for Endymion louder than the war that raged. ~~ A.N This was supposed to be the last part, but I added some stuff so I think it will have one more part and than an epilogue. Not that you care. What do I want? E-MAIL! When do I want it? NOW! What do I want? E-MAIL! When do I want it? NOW! Wh- ah, you get the idea. :)