yume no naka futari de ita yo ne dare yori mo chikazuite ano toki no anata ni okuru wa ima ai wo todoketai We were together in a dream, weren't we? We were closer than anybody else I'll give you back then My love now ~romanzation and translation from Heart Moving -ending song for first season Sailormoon Which I like but everyone else in the entire world hates. IÕm proud of this. ÔDid you just tell me to fut the shuck up?Õ ~ELHS AuthorÕs notes: By the way, IÕm writing Mamoru as his manga character. Even though the whole Ôsaving LunaÕ thing happened in the anime. . All that changes is his entire character -_-, and his age. HeÕs 17 ok? My age.(!) Because I canÕt make him as vulnerable as a 20 year old. ThatÕs all. Luna, in the manga and Japanese anime, is not an 80 year-old British woman like DiC made her to be. SheÕs young, barely a kitten, and her voice is as youthful as UsagiÕs. She has a very strong sense of duty, but sometimes doesnÕt know what sheÕs doing. When she doesnÕt, though, sheÕs good at Ôwinging itÕ so it looks like she does. ThatÕs it minna-san! Over and out. Walking the Thin Line Part two ÒI canÕt believe she made me apologize!Ó Usagi was still flush with righteous indignation; even two hours later, sprawled on the floor in ReiÕs temple, an unread manga issue sitting in front of her. Ami sighed, tilting her head thoughtfully, ÒI donÕt know Usagi. I mean, if he did save Luna, then perhaps your reaction was a bit inappropriate.Ó ÒWhose side are you on anyway?!Ó ÒWell, I know whose side *IÕm* on!Ó Rei answered smartly. ÔWhy do I have the feeling IÕm not going to like the answer?Õ Usagi sighed. But since Rei was waiting for it, Usagi asked, ÒWhose side, Rei-chan?Ó ÒWhy, the cute guyÕs, of course!Ó ÒHE IS NO--Ó Rei smirked, ÒUsagi, I know you hate the man, but surely you arenÕt *blind*!Ó Ami decided to cut if off before it went any further. Besides, she was curious about something. ÒUsagi-chan, why do you hate Mamoru-san so much?Ó ÒWhatÕs there not to hate?Ó She answered flippantly, ignoring the little voice in her head that insisted on nagging her with the image of fierce blue eyes, soft hands... and the furious, hurt look on his face when she screamed at him for only trying to help her. ÒWhat isnÕt there to like?Ó Rei sighed, leaning for a second on her broom handle. The words were barely out of her mouth before Usagi was screaming, ÒShut up, Rei-baka! You donÕt even know him!Ó ÒDo you?!Ó ÒWell...Ó Ôsomehow I feel like I should. Like I should be the one to know all his secrets, and protect him from his fears. Talk him to sleep so he wonÕt have nightmares. Have him hold me when I cry. I feel like no one else should have that right...Õ Usagi blinked in surprise at the maturity and comprehension so unusual in her thoughts. ÔNow where did that come from?! I donÕt feel that way...do I?Õ ÒName three things.Ó Ami suddenly piped up. ÒNani?Ó Both girls asked, surprised. ÒUsagi-chan, name three things you hate about him.Ó ÒWell heÕs... a jerk. HeÕs mean. HeÕs always in a bad mood, he never apologizes for anything. HeÕs much too uptight and sensitive. He needs to lighten up. I donÕt think he smiles a lot. He seems to have so much pain...Ó UsagiÕs voice had become less and less harsh as her speech went on, she realized her heart was twisting a little in her chest and she couldnÕt figure out why. Rei rolled her eyes. ÒUh-huh. Oh, yeah, you re-eally hate this guy. That means heÕs mine, right?Ó ÒUrusai!!Ó ÒRei, Usagi! Stop it!Ó Ami tried to raise her voice, wondering where the heck Luna had to go off to, and what she expected the girls to do without her here. Besides teasing Usagi about her denial of the obvious attraction between her and her handsome rival, the meeting could get stale pretty quickly. Especially with all this fighting. ÒAnyway, why are you so upset that you had to say you were sorry to him? I mean, IÕd be psyched to have an excuse to talk to him...Ó Rei was just drifting off into a dreamy state when Usagi answered. ÒBecause! I actually admitted defeat. Now, heÕs gonna be all stuck up about it and tease me-Ó ÒHe teases you anyway.Ó Ami pointed out. ÒBut now he has the upper-hand in our...you know...our...Ó ÒLove-hate relationship.Ó Ami braced herself of the barrage. Usagi nodded, ÒYeah, ourÑWHAT?!Ó And here it came. ÒAMI NO HIDOI!! You are supposed to smart, how could you... I do not...I mean, feel that way about...Ó ÔDo I? Do I?!Õ ÒI have to go find Luna.Ó With that, Usagi fled the temple. As she walked swiftly away, book bag hugged to her chest, she realized she probably had not left the premises in the most subtle way that could be imagined. But she didnÕt care. She didnÕt care. Ami was wrong. There was nothing between her and Mamoru. She couldnÕt care about him that way! She was a senshi, wasnÕt that enough?! Did her heart have to betray her by falling for someone she knew she could never possibly have? ÔHeÕs soÉ So what, Usagi? You gonna finish that thought? A week ago you would have finished that sentence with a word so vile you couldnÕt say it out loud and nowÉ now you want to what? Go home and daydream about his lips and his hands and the way he looked at you?Õ Usagi shut her eyes in frustration and kicked a stone down the sidewalk. ÔI do NOT need this.Õ ÒLove-hate relationship...Ó Rei said thoughtfully, watching her friend run down the steps of the shrine. ÒYou might be on to something there, my friend.Ó Ami looked at Rei curiously, ÒI thought you were interested in Mamoru- san?Ó ÒOh I am. HeÕs hot, Ami, IÕm sure you donÕt notice these things, what with studying and all-Ó here Ami raised her eyebrows but Rei failed to notice. The PriestessÕ voice got a little quieter, her hazel eyes lowered to the floor for a moment. ÒI would be very, very interested in him. But what you pointed out is true. Usagi cares about him more then sheÕll say.Ó Silence for a second. Ami was hesitant, but she did finally speak her mind, matching ReiÕs quiet tone. ÒI think he may feel that way for her, too.Ó Rei nodded. ÒI know.Ó ÒRei-chan?Ó She looked up, ÒHai?Ó ÒCan you name three things about Mamoru-san that made you like him? Besides his looks?Ó A moment. Then, ÒIie, I canÕt.Ó Ami nodded. Rei smiled, it didnÕt quite reach her eyes, but it was a smile nonetheless. ÒI see your point, then, Mizuno-samaÓ here she mock-bowed and Ami swatted at her, giggling. ÒNow, how do we get them together?Ó ÒNani?Ó ÒWell, they like each other, right? Then it should be easy. All w-Ó Ami shook her head. ÒNo, I think itÕs best we let destiny run itÕs course. TheyÕll figure it out soon enough, you canÕt ignore feelings like that for long.Ó Rei looked about ready to protest again, so Ami decided to use a more persuasive argument. ÒIsnÕt it fun to watch them in action, though? Why would you want to end those infamous squabbles before their time?Ó Rei laughed, ÒYouÕre right. It would be amazingly great entertainment, if only they werenÕt so obviously mentally ripping each othersÕ clothes off. I swear, Ami-chan-Ó ÒRei no eechi!Ó Ami lowered her voice, ÒCan imagine what Usagi would do if she heard you talk like that?!Ó Rei shrugged, ÒBlush a lot? She knows itÕs true. But you are right. I canÕt help but have this feeling someone is already working on those two.Ó ReiÕs psychic moment passed after a second and she looked around the temple for a moment before saying, ÒBy the way, Ami-chan, where did Luna say she was going this evening, anyway?Ó ~~ ÔYou can wake up anytime now,Õ Luna thought, staring at Mamoru through the glass doors of his balcony. She had been out there for almost two hours already, it was starting to get dark. Luckily, the day had been warm, but the small cat had a feeling it would start to get cold really soon, and itÕd be very nice if the man would just *wake up* from where he was napping on the bed, and just *see* her and maybe let her in where it was *warm*. ÔWho sleeps in the middle of the afternoon anyway? I mean, besides Usagi... jeeze, heÕs just as bad! Wake up!!Õ He looked as if he may be having a nightmare. Luna wondered for a second if his sleep was often disturbed by bad dreams, that would explain the tired look she had seen in his eyes a few times. The look that seemed to go away when Usagi was around. ÔWhich reminds meÕ, Luna thought, ÔI have to get home before she worries. LetÕs hurry this a long a tad.Õ She meowed as loud as she could, once. Twice. Scratched at the glass a little. Meowed again. Mamoru was, apparently, a really light sleeper. And he startled awake almost immediately and eyed the cat outside with a suspicious, if glassy, expression. ÔLet me in!Õ Luna mentally screamed. Blinking a few times, he stumbled to the door and slid it open. Luna immediately jumped onto the vacated bed and sat up regally, her tail curled around her front paws. MamoruÕs sharp eyes were looking at the balcony critically, and back at Luna, again, narrowing a bit. Not saying anything he met her gaze for a few moments, with eyes so shrewd Luna couldnÕt help but wonder how Usagi managed to stare at him for a few minutes without looking away. Even Luna felt she couldnÕt handle his challenging gaze too much longer, even though she carried the small fame for staring that came with her species. Sweatdropping a little, Luna decided to break the ice. ÒHello Chiba Mamoru.Ó She said in a voice so regal it was easy to imagine the Egyptians worshipping those like her. When Usagi first heard Luna speak, she screamed in terror. Ami was surprised but inquisitive. Rei was instantly on guard. Mamoru, however, just looked vaguely perplexed. Luna watched him pick a small bottle of aspirin near his bed and squint at the expiration date. His eyebrows knitted together for a moment, then he turned to Luna with the air of someone all-to-used to abnormal situations. ÒCan I help you?Ó he asked. Luna was at a loss. What was she going to say? ÔSo, Mamoru-san, are in love with my owner? Or what?Õ Luna swallowed. ÒThank you for saving my life.Ó ÒYouÕre welcome.Ó A pause. ÒYou can speak.Ó He said needlessly, spreading his hands as if he expected a detailed explanation, and his face said he would force it out of her if she refused. ÔSorry, buster, not this time.Õ ÒPerhaps you are dreaming.Ó Mamoru shook his head. ÒI know dreams,Ó he said quietly. ÒThis is not a dream.Ó Luna raised one feline eyebrow, ÒAre you saying, Mamoru-san, that someone as schooled and knowledgeable as you believes in talking animals?Ó ÒStranger things have happened. Many of them to me.Ó He answered dryly, the weary look back in his eyes. ÒChiba Mamoru,Ó Luna was glad she had taken pains to find out his last* name. It sounded much more formal to call him by his full name, and she was just so proud of the Ôall-knowingÕ tone of voice she had practiced just for him. ÒHai, Luna-neko-san?Ó Was that *amusement* Luna heard in his voice? Indeed, he seemed to have accepted LunaÕs explanation of this being dream. In fact, he had, the only disturbing thought going through his mind was ÔGreat, now IÕm dreaming of her *cat*, tooÕ. If any wonder at the manifestation of his subconscious into UsagiÕs cat talking to him remained in his mind, he didnÕt dwell on it. Instead, he allowed himself to relax a little. Hell, it wasnÕt every day you got to converse with a member of the animal kingdom, right? ÒWhy did you walk away from Usagi today?Ó His silence was louder then if he had screamed at her. He leaned back on his bed, putting his hands behind his head. Studying the ceiling he answered, ÒItÕs none of your business.Ó ÒBut if you are dreaming, arenÕt I only in your mind?Ó ÒHow does one know if they are truly dreaming or truly awake?Ó He answered. ÔGreat,Õ Luna thought, Ôwho does he think he is, Confucius? He seems determined not to answer me at any rate. IÕd better just plant the seeds I came to.Õ ÒWell, easy for you to say, you donÕt have to deal with her hurt feelings whenever a certain rude sempai offends her.Ó Amusement again. ÒSomeoneÕs been rude to her? Think I could take him?Ó Luna felt slightly miffed at not being taken seriously. ÒI was *talking* aboÑÓ ÒI know.Ó He sighed again, shutting his eyes for a moment. ÒI donÕt really believe someone as insignificant as I am has the power to ruin that girlÕs day. I donÕt think anything short of an international disaster could ruin Odango AtamaÕs day.Ó Luna felt herself become defensive on behalf of the young girl she knew had faced more danger and pain then most people. ÒThere is a lot about Tsukino Usagi you donÕt know, Chiba Mamoru.Ó Surprised he looked into LunaÕs eyes, for once the humor gone from his features. ÒLike what?Ó he whispered. The tired look was gone from his eyes. Instead of answering, Luna jumped back out onto his balcony. She turned back to him, ÒFind out, then, if you want to know so much.Ó ÒWait!Ó he reached out for her but she stopped, poised on the edge of his balcony rail, out of his view. With a sigh, Mamoru fell back down onto his bed, staring at the ceiling with a thoughtful expression on his face. ÔI almost wish that wasnÕt a dream,Õ he thought, shutting his eyes. ÔThat she really did put that much importance into what I think. If she did, I would be so much more careful about what I said to her, and how I said it. Everyday it would be my mission just to make sure she knows exactly how delightful she really is. To me and to everyone else. To the world...Õ As he slowly drifted off to sleep, Luna crept back into the room and watched him, a sympathetic look in her eyes. When he shivered as the air from the balcony grew colder, Luna pulled a blanket over him as best she could. Then, she laid down on the pillow on his floor and watched over him. He was having another nightmare. The last thought that went through LunaÕs head as she fell asleep was that if Usagi were here to watch over him, Mamoru might never have such horrible dreams again. Meanwhile, half a city away, a small blonde girl, (who at the moment unbeknownst to her was the focus of both a small catÕs and a young manÕs thoughts) was furiously searching for her pet. And when Luna couldnÕt be found, after crying hysterically until Ami called and managed to calm her down, Usagi decided she was very, very angry. And she wasnÕt sure why, except that anger was a better feeling then confusion and heartache, which she had been feeling since the meeting at ReiÕs temple. So she fell asleep angry at Luna for making her apologize, bringing all her feelings for Mamoru to the surface, and then leaving her *alone* to deal with them. And she was also very angry at Mamoru, simply for the comfort of feeling angry at him. And when people fall asleep angry, they stay angry the next day. And when Usagi is angry bad things happen. Regrettable things... and some not so regrettable. The sun rose over Tokyo the next morning, bearing first witness to what was maybe the strangest of all Ôfateful daysÕ. End part two And there I leave you all. * I say Ôlast nameÕ very loosely here. Because although in English we consider our family name to be our Ôlast nameÕ, in Japan we all know they introduce and refer to themselves with the family name first, given name last. But since the term Ôlast nameÕ works better, I just left it there. We all figured it out. QUIZ: How did Luna get up onto MamoruÕs balcony, about 10 stories up? (Answer: Magic. It may useful to know this is also the explanation for the answers to most trigonometry proofs, and every single applied physics problem out there. It also explains how TVs and radios work. You may want to keep this in mind).