ÒDo not use while sleepingÓ ~instructions on a hot-air hair dryer ÒA heart can freeze. Or it can burn. My pain will ease, if I can learn: There is no future. There is no past. I live this moment as My last. ThereÕs only us. ThereÕs only this. Forget regret, or life is yours to miss No other course. No other way. No day but today.Ó ~Mimi RENT AuthorÕs notes: ItÕs me again! With another wonderful part. Stop making rude comments about my social life. I know you are! Disclaimer: ::to the tune of Oh Christmas Tree:: O Sailormoon O Sailormoon! You do not belong to meÑe! You belong to Takeuchi NaoÑoko, sadly. Walking the Thin Line: Part Three It had been a bad day. Just a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day and thatÕs all there was too it. No higher power, no strange karma, no string of destiny that seemed to be tightening around her, leading up to...something. It was just a *normal*, albeit miserable, day. At least thatÕs what Tsukino Usagi told herself as she walked home from her detention. Her morning had begun with her running extra late because Luna wasnÕt there to wake her, and it just got progressively worse from there. She tripped and fell on her way to school and was now sporting the Ôband-aid on the kneeÕ look favored by most ten-year-olds. Her eyes were glassy from listening to Haruka-sensei lecture to her in the tone of voice of someone whose boyfriend must have cancelled on her again. And she felt like crying, she still hadnÕt found Luna! And she was beginning to worry. But, come hell or high water, she was also *determined* to have a least a little joy in the purgatory these last few hours had brought her. Joy in the form of the new Sailor V game. Usagi plastered a smile on her face and walked into the arcade. And the smile bid a quick ÔsayonaraÕ as Usagi looked over to the counter and saw a little black cat sitting there as if she owned the place. *Her* little black cat. Sitting with...sitting with... ÒARRGGHHHH!!!!Ó Usagi roared at the ceiling. ÔSomeone up there hates me *a lot*.Õ She marched to the counter. ÒKonichi, Odango-san. Ogenki desu ka?Ó Mamoru asked in an even baritone, as if he did not see the steam emitting from her ears. ÒLUNA!!!Ó She cried, rushing forward and taking the cat in her arms, squeezing her until LunaÕs eyes seemed to pop from her head. ÒOh, IÕve worried so much!! Where *were* you?!Ó Mamoru watched Usagi look at Luna as if she expected her pet to answer her back. For a second a disturbing connection flickered through his mind, something about a dream he had last night... But UsagiÕs sharp questioning to Luna snapped him out of his reverie. ÒShe was with me.Ó Mamoru answered in a smooth, conversational tone. He then purposely avoided UsagiÕs gaze as he motioned to Motoki to bring him more coffee when he got a chance. ÔI have her attention *now*Õ he thought, perhaps a little immaturely. Usagi gasped. ÒShe was WHAT?!Ó Suddenly the poor little odango didnÕt look as if she knew whether to feel relieved, betrayed, or angry. She chose the last one. ÒChiba Mamoru, even I didnÕt think youÕd stoop so low as to kidnap my kitty!!Ó She cried, backing away from him and tightening her arms around Luna possessively. ÒI didnÕt do anything of the sort!Ó he retorted, ÒI just woke up this morning and your stupid cat was in my room.Ó ÒThatÕs impossible! How would she know where you lived?Ó ÒAre you calling me a liar!?Ó ÒPlease could you to take this outside?Ó a slightly irritated masculine voice broke into the altercation. ÒNa..?Ó they both turned to face Motoki with confused expressions. ÒYou are scaring the customers...Ó Motoki nodded his head to the throng of bewildered faces staring out at the two from the crowd. ÒHey, IÕm a paying customer, too, Motoki-kun...Ó Mamoru began but Motoki cut him off with a raise of the eyebrows. ÒWhen was the last time you paid for anything, mi amigo? Look, no problem, but could you two at least *try* to keep your voices down?Ó the friendly arcade employee looked as if his easy-going nature was being tried severally. ÒHai, gomen.Ó ÒIÕm so sorry, Motoki-Ôniisan!Ó Usagi said, suddenly feeling heat raise into her face. He answered with a tight smile and turned back to the huge amount of orders he had waiting for him. Usagi stared at her feet. ÔGreat, now oniisan is angry at me.Õ That bothered her less than she thought it should. Which bothered her. Luna meowed a little and Usagi was brought back to the present with a quick jolt. Mamoru watched Usagi blush and look down miserably when Motoki reprimanded them. He suddenly found himself debating whether or not to tell her about Reika. Something he would never normally do. That bothered him. ÔAnyway, itÕd probably break her silly little schoolgirl heart.Õ And that thought bothered him, too. Keeping his voice down at MotokiÕs request he hissed, ÒWell, I brought your cat here, but IÕm sick of taking care of it for you. CanÕt you even handle caring for it yourself? Are you so helpless that we canÕt even trust you for that?Ó Usagi sucked in her breath, his words unknowingly had hit on her deepest insecurities. Was she so helpless? How could someone like her fulfill the awesome responsibilities of being and Sailor senshi, let alone their leader? And baka-Mamoru knew none of this, how dare he talk like that? ÒI am not helpless,Ó she hissed back, leaning to him with fire in her eyes, Òand even if I am, I donÕt require *your* help so why donÕt you just leave me alone?Ó ÒBelieve, Odango, there is nothing IÕd like more,Ó he lied, Òbut it just seems you leave chaos in your wake and IÕm always there to have to deal with it.Ó Confusion. ÒLike what?Ó she asked in a normal voice. ÒLike bringing your cat here to find you. What was she doing in my apartment, anyway? ItÕs suspicious, Odango atama, and IÕm not sure IÕm comfortable with it.Ó ÒWith what? With a housecat knowing where you live? ThatÕs crazy, baka, are you paranoid or something?Ó Usagi was finding it hard to keep her temper in check. The truth was, she was worried about LunaÕs motives in seeking Mamoru out, but she couldnÕt get to talk to Luna until later and right now every horrible thing that happened to her today was brought to the surface and focused on the smug young man in front of her. ÔAnd frankly, the fact that he is just so utterly attractive makes him a million times *more* annoying.Õ Usagi noted to herself, as she geared up for another argument. ÒIÕm surprised you know a big word like ÔparanoidÕ, but for your information I live on the tenth story. And my door was locked, so explain that?Ó ÒMagic?Ó He glared at her. ÒIÕm getting sick of never getting a straight answer from you Odango atama!Ó ÒWell, IÕm sick of you, period!Ó ÒThen why are you still here?Ó He challenged her. ÒGood question, Mamoru. IÕm leaving.Ó She turned around and headed for the glass sliding doors and freedom. ÒChotto... Odango atama?Ó MamoruÕs strained voice followed her, he sounded as if he was struggling not to laugh. ÒHai?Ó ÒDo you have Luna with you?Ó Color rushed to her face, and she hated his laughter. ÒStop it!Ó she cried, looking frantically around the arcade for Luna. But he didnÕt stop. Mamoru fell back into his seat, snickering. Usagi felt tears burn in her eyes, embarrassment welling up in chest. ÔWhy in front of him? Why canÕt I just prove to Chiba Mamoru that IÕm more than a careless child? Oh, Luna how could you DO this to me?Õ Luna perched back on the beam where she had watched them the first time, when Usagi bewitched Mamoru by taking his hand. It wasnÕt the most comfortable place in the world, but she had to make sure Usagi didnÕt leave yet. For once, Luna felt at a loss what to do. It seemed those two were destined to hurt each other with words! In fact, if she hadnÕt felt the electricity yesterday she would be certain they were meant to be adversaries and nothing else. Perhaps she was even wrong about this entire thing. But Luna didnÕt want Usagi to find her and leave the arcade just yet. So when Motoki came out of the storeroom to her left, Luna deftly jumped over the top of the open door and into the dark room. Nestling herself against the shelves, she shut her eyes and tuned her ears to the noise from the arcade for her ownerÕs familiar soprano trill. ÒDo you need help, Odango Atama?Ó Mamoru asked with mock-concern. ÒIÕm *fine*, thank you.Ó She answered snippily as she walked about the arcade, looking behind games, under feet and dodging people. Mamoru was following her around making comments. ÒIf you are sure. But I doubt youÕll find your cat behind the crane game.Ó ÒYou know what would help? You leaving.Ó He crossed his arms, leaned against the wall as Usagi let her eyes travel the ceilings, searching. ÒWell, gomen nasai, Odango, but thatÕs the one thing I canÕt do.Ó He said, watching her lazily. ÒWhy not?Ó She glared at him. He shrugged. ÒGot nowhere else to go?Ó she teased, ÒNo hot date or anything? IÕm *so* shocked.Ó He smiled. ÒSmart aleck.Ó Usagi smirked. Then sighed. ÒI canÕt find her, Mamoru.Ó Mamoru couldnÕt help it as laughter took him over again. ÒStop it!Ó ÒI.. just canÕt believe you were so indignant about being responsible and you were about to...just...leave...oh, Odango you should have seen your face...Ó he struggled for breath. Any comfort Usagi may have been feeling at the newfound amity toward Mamoru disappeared in a fiery wave of fury. There he goes again. ÒHow dare you accuse me of not caring about Luna!Ó ÒI didnÕtÑÓ ÒMaybe itÕs because I care that IÕm so worried! And I donÕt think sheÕs helpless but she is so small and-Ó ÒIÕm sure sheÕs fine, Odango atama. Calm down.Ó ÒI will not! What would you know about caring, Mamoru? You are the coldest-hearted person I ever met!Ó ÒRather be cold-hearted than empty headed,Ó he shot back, Òor odango Ð headed as the case may be.Ó ÒJerk!Ó ÒSTOP IT!!Ó Suddenly, Usagi felt her arm being taken in a forceful hold and turned around to face Motoki, his fair face burning and fires of hell visible behind his eyes. ÒIf you two refuse to take it outside,Ó he hissed, pulling them over the closed storeroom door, Òthen take it *inside*.Ó With that both Usagi and Mamoru found themselves in the dimly lit, dusty storage closet. And Motoki slammed the door with all his might. ÔWow, heÕs angry.Õ Mamoru reflected dimly. ÔI canÕt believe heÕd have the strength to haul both of us in here.Õ Mamoru paused, Ôbut I *was* in shock and taken by surprise.Õ He nodded, male ego back in place. He turned back to Usagi. Who was glaring at him. ÒYes, your majesty?Ó he asked sarcastically. ÒI canÕt *believe* you got us locked in here.Ó She couldnÕt really make out his features all that well, but she assumed he was raising his eyebrow as he said, ÒMe?Ó ÒThatÕs what I said. Are you deaf, too?Ó ÒWhat? I didnÕt hear you... you werenÕt quite high-pitched enough. Shall we try again?Ó Her voice grew cold, and eerily quiet. ÒYou, Chiba, are the most arrogant, stupid, immature, mean, insensitive ego-driven chauvinistic pig to ever walk this planet.Ó Silence. Mamoru took a deep breath and answered in a chocolate-smooth voice, ÒGoodness Odango, and you say it like itÕs a bad thing.Ó She screamed in frustration. ÒKonichiÕ Motoki-san!Ó Rei leaned her hands on the counter and faced her friend. ÒHow are you doing?Ó ÒStressed. ItÕs busy today. And school stuff has been piling up.Ó ÒYou do look frazzled.Ó Ami observed sympathetically. Rei perched on a nearby stool, ÒWell then we wonÕt order anything. But I was wondering if you had seen Usagi today?Ó Motoki rolled his eyes. ÒHave I. SheÕs in the storage room.Ó He nodded his head to the closed door. Muffled voices filtered through, a high feminine voice and a quieter, deeper one. ÒWhatÕs she doing in *there?*Ó Rei asked, surprised. ÒFighting with Mamoru.Ó Two pairs of eyes widened immeasurably and stared in silence at him for a moment. He shrugged. ÒThey were annoying me, so I threw them in the storage room. They still havenÕt shut up.Ó A vexed scream. Smug laughter. A muffled retort. A scuffle. Silence. ÒThey want each other so bad.Ó Rei said. Motoki nodded, ÒDuh.Ó ÔDamn his laughter.Õ Usagi thought. ÔDamn his obnoxious, self- satisfied remarks.Õ She was loosing her confidence in her ability to keep up this battle of wits. Especially since his wealth of clever retorts seemed never-ending and her head was starting to hurt with all the thinking going into keeping herself from crashing and burning. One thing she did NOT want to do in front of Mamoru. Luna was watching fascinated from the shelf, wondering how their mutual attraction could be so obvious to everyone but them. ÔMy god,Õ she thought, Ôthey really believe they hate each other.Õ ÒOk, why donÕt you just shut up right now and maybe Motoki will let us out.Ó Usagi said making a face at him. ÒI resent the implication that I am the entire reason we are locked in here, Usa. I personally would much prefer to have avoided any conversation with you at all, but since you seem to enjoy my company so much...Ó ÒEnjoy?! IÕd rather pull my hair out then hang around with you!Ó ÔWhat did he call me?Õ ÒThen why donÕt you? Sometimes I think you lie about what you really think of me, Odango atama.Ó He winked. ÒShut up!Ó ÒBy the way, band-aid is *really* sexy. No, I mean it. So, whoÕd you trip over this time?Ó Usagi was seeing red. Through a mist of angry tears she remembered the kids who would tease her in grade school, boys teasing girls because they had no other way to communicate between the sexes. She and Naru would taunt, ÔBe quiet! Be quiet or IÕll kiss you!Õ. It wasnÕt flattering how they would all shut up, but it worked. It worked. Hell, she was ready to try anything to shut this man up. Or shake him up a little. Nothing could phase him! ÒSHUT UP!!Ó Usagi was annoyed at what he had made her almost convince herself to do. ÒMake me.Ó And she did. He asked for it, really. Crossing the room in two steps, she stood on her tip-toes, took his face in her warm little hands and pressed her lips to his. ÔFinally!Õ Luna thought. ÒUm...Motoki-kun?Ó Ami asked as he hurried past them on his way to the kitchen. ÒNi, Ami-chan?Ó ÒWell, I know you are busy but I just wanted to point out that Usagi and Mamoru have been in there a while...Ó ÒThinking I should let them out?Ó ÒWell, actually,Ó Rei looked worried, ÒI havenÕt heard anything from them for a while.Ó Motoki looked considering. Rei jumped as she just thought of a possible reason for the sudden silence. ÒOh my god, Motoki!! One of them killed the other!!Ó ÔHis lips are so warm...Õ Usagi wasnÕt sure what she expected him to do. Pull away? Slap her? Laugh at her? Shut up? But it never, ever occurred to her that he might actually respond. Or that she might like it. She heard him suck in his breath, and felt him relax slightly under her touch. Slowly, he brought his hands to rest on her waist, jumping when he felt skin where her shirt had ridden up as she stretched to reach his mouth. Dark hair fell forward and tickled her face as he leaned his head down, pulling her closer. The room was spinning around Mamoru in slow circles. He was pretty sure gravity had titled and time had stopped. Blonde hair was everywhere. Blonde hair and soft skin and her warm little body pressed against his. She smelled like vanilla and spring air and tasted like sugar, sunshine and... he couldnÕt even begin. Mamoru wondered if heÕd ever be able to live without this taste, after having experienced it. 'Odango Atama...finally...' He tried to speak but he couldn't, refusing to remove his lips even long enough to form words. He brought his mouth to her neck, hair, and back to her lips. She whimpered a little and Mamoru wondered why he hadn't gone insane yet. "Shh..." he murmured. He ran his hand down her arm. He felt Usagi shiver under his touch. Usagi couldnÕt think. She couldnÕt breathe. She was pretty sure her heart was about to leap from her chest and join his. Anything to be closer to him. She wrapped both arms around his slim waist. ÒUsako...Ó Mamoru blindly reached a desperate hand to the back of her head, gently coaxing her lips open... ÔOh I do *not* think so, Chiba!Õ Luna thought. ÔThis may be destiny but sheÕs my responsibility!Õ And so thinking, Luna jumped down from the shelf and onto UsagiÕs shoulder, bouncing into her arms. She shrieked, and yelled, ÒLuna!Ó Mamoru gasped and jumped away, his body already protesting the lack of warmth, his head spinning in circles of desire and denial. Usagi stared at Luna, shock registering in her eyes as she slowly came to terms with the situation. Luna gave her a mock-disapproving stare and Usagi had the grace to blush. ÒSo you found your cat, eh, Usagi-chan?Ó Wide-eyed horror. Usagi turned around to face Motoki, Rei and Ami looking at her curiously. ÒMinna-san!!Ó she cried. Ôoh my god...no...Õ ÒYes, Usagi-chan, itÕs us.Ó Rei gave her a weird look. ÒAt your rescue. As usual.Ó ÒLooks like we are sprung, Usagi.Ó Mamoru gave Motoki a dry smile, ÒYou threw away my coffee didnÕt you?Ó ÒIt got cold.Ó Mamoru smirked. ÒSure.Ó ÒSo it looks as if you guys are both still in one piece.Ó Rei observed, teasingly. ÒBut you could cut the tension with a knife.Ó She added, glancing between Usagi and Mamoru with a strange look. ÒAre you ok, Usagi-chan?Ó Ami pressed a cool hand to her friendÕs forehead, ÒYou are flush...and warm.Ó She flushed even more as the previous moments came flooding back to her. ÒIÑIÕm ok.Ó ÔThey didnÕt see. They came in right after Luna fell on me. They donÕt know.Õ ÒWell, letÕs get going. IÕm not staying in here anymore. You are lucky neither of us is claustrophobic, Motoki.Ó As Mamoru left, he passed the girls, brushing UsagiÕs shoulder inadvertently. At the electricity of his touch, Usagi jumped a little and looked up into his stormy eyes. He stared back for a moment, confusion, uncertainty, and intense longing evident in his gaze. Quickly, though, a mask of indifference covered his face, and he raised his eyebrows at her smugly. ÒJa ne Odango-Atama. See you around.Ó Despite his cold words, Usagi felt strangely content. ÔJa ne... What did he call me before? Usako? Well, if he called me that, then I should find a name for him. Because I felt something. Important. You care about me. You want me. And you wonÕt be able to run forever...Mamo-chan.Õ Back outside the storeroom, Usagi blinked in the bright lights of the arcade. ÔThis is twice IÕve gone in here to play video games and havenÕt had a chance.Õ She thought, repressing the urge to giggle hysterically. She realized giddily that she really, really wanted Mamoru to kiss her again. How long must she wait? ÒUsagi.Ó Luna whispered in her ear. Usagi suddenly turned crimson and she remembered her intelligent, *talking*, nosy cat had witnessed the entire scene. ÒHÑhai...Ó ÒIÕm going off again, ok? You are alright with the girls, ne?Ó ÒUm...hai...Ó Luna nodded. ÒGood. This time donÕt worry so much, I know what IÕm doing.Ó And with that Luna left UsagiÕs arms and began to leap through the city at amazing speeds. She left behind the voices of the girls, convinced UsagiÕs temperature meant she was ill. Luna knew they would take poor, dazed Usagi home and put her to bed like the dutiful friends they were. In fact, if Luna played her cards right, she wouldnÕt have to talk to Usagi at all that night. Although she wanted to chat about The Kiss, she also knew her little teenage keeper would want an explanation about her being in MamoruÕs apartment last night, and she didnÕt have one yet. So Luna decided visiting Mamoru was much safer. She didnÕt have to talk, and he was probably still recovering from Usagi. Besides, if worse came to worse she had the perfect excuse to get him to see Usagi again. Luna herself. ~~ The end. For now. Yes, thatÕs right. I planned it up to here, now IÕm stuck for a bit. So enjoy. I was going to end it right when she kissed him, but I decided, Ônah, letÕs stick some romance inÕ. Oh, and I donÕt read soft porn at all, so thatÕs why IÕm bad at writing kissing scenes. Gomen. Quick note about the Tokyo accent: In Tokyo, a very cosmopolitan, modern city, the Japanese syllable ÔwaÕ is slowly disappearing from the language. ThatÕs why IÕve written things like ÔhelloÕ as ÔkonichiÕ and not ÔkonichiwaÕ. Because Sailormoon takes place in Tokyo! Yey! I feel adding little Japanese sayings gives fanfiction a realism that is charming. I can almost see and hear the anime characters when it is put in stories I read. So that is why I do it. IÕm sorry if that annoys you, as I know it does some people. Random thoughts: I like Motoki. Chocolate is good. Where do my car keys go when IÕm not using them? Should I go to Prom this year? Popcorn is yucky. I like coffee. Too much. MK is weird. Is it true about green M&Ms? When will the next part of this story be out? What is the sound of one hand clapping? I hope I get into college...