ÒI closed my eyes, drew back the curtain To see for certain What I thought I knew. Far, far away someone was weeping, But the world was sleeping. Any dream will do.Ó Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat ÒThe problem with the rat race is, even if you win, you are still a rat.Ó AuthorÕs notes: Characterization? What characterization? I donÕt need no stickinÕ characterization. Thank you to Mona, and Eien no Starlight, and Nishi and all who gave ideas I used. If I missed anyone IÕm sorry, but let me know and thanks! Disclaimer: If I owned Sailormoon... the storyline and artwork wouldnÕt be NEARLY as good as NaokoÕs. So youÕd all hate me. Walking the Thin Line part seven ÒYikes,Ó Sailormars murmured, as she walked to the area where the youma fell. Ò*That* was pretty close.Ó Ami nodded, ÒIÕm just glad that I was up so late studying that I heard the scream. Luckily, no one was hurt.Ó She dropped the wrist of one of her two neighbors, satisfied they were both healthy enough to be brought home. Sailormoon rubbed her bruised arm. ÒI could deal with *not* dealing with this so late at night,Ó she whined, ÒI need my beauty rest you know!Ó Sailormars laughed for a second, ÒHai, Sailormoon, I agree there.Ó Both Ami and Luna cringed, waiting for an argument but none came. After the few moments it took for Sailormoon to realize Mars was actually insulting her, to the few moments it took for her to be distracted by the forth person visible nearby, she had completely forgotten the original offense. ÔTuxedo Kamen...Õ she thought, ÔheÕs here.Õ ÒUm...same to you, Mars!Ó She pulled out of nowhere, hoping it sounded sincere. It didnÕt. But luckily, they didnÕt think anything of it. Mercury left quickly for her nearby home, after making sure her neighbors were ok, waking groggily on their property. Before leaving Sailormoon, Sailormars looked over her shoulder quickly. ÒYou ok, Odango atama?Ó Sailormoon didnÕt have to pretend to be annoyed at her friendÕs comment. ÒDo *not* call me that! And IÕm fine.Ó She stuck out her tongue at Mars as the dark-haired miko shrugged and walked into the night. Finally just Luna, Sailormoon and Tuxedo Kamen remained, he was standing slightly behind the halo of a street lamp, hidden the shadows where only Sailormoon was aware of his presence. She just wasnÕt sure what to do with this knowledge. The blonde gave a quick glance at Luna, who appeared to be watching her with interest. No doubt wondering why she hadnÕt started home yet... but how could Sailormoon tell Luna not to talk? How could she convey that they had company, without him seeing? As it turned out she didnÕt need to. As for Tuxedo Kamen, he wasnÕt needed in the recent fight so he hadnÕt shown himself at all. Instead, he watched Usagi, or Sailormoon, and tried to evaluate the evidence to support his rather shocking theory on her identity. But it was Sailormars who had given him the final proof. No one had the nickname ÔOdango atamaÕ but Usagi. In fact, Mamoru was quite proud of how it spread through her friends, what with Rei calling her that and now Sailormars... But he shook his head quickly, clearing it of all thoughts and focusing it on the anger he felt, toward both the golden teenager and her small cat. Although one could argue that Mamoru spent his entire live in the act of deceiving, and that the entire incentive behind Tuxedo Kamen was, naturally, one of concealment and therefore deception. However, all fairness aside, he hated to be tricked. Because so much of his life had been nothing but lies, he didnÕt exactly have a great history of being trusted or given reason to trust. But the fact that Usagi, Usagi!, had actually lied to him... the one person he thought he could trust... Never mind he had pretty much lied to *her*, that was *completely* beside the principle of thing. And so he thought, as he marched purposely toward the two figures. Luna nearly jumped out of her skin, eyes wide and face apprehensive as she looked to either side, watching for another senshi within shouting distance, but the streets were deserted. Sailormoon, however, just lifted her head and tried to face him bravely, although uneasiness flittered over her expression. Taking full advantage of the imposing, mysterious figure he knew he made in the tuxedo and mask, letting the cape swirl in the moonlight, Tuxedo Kamen walked straight to them until he was only but a foot away. Sailormoon refused to back down, not moving or leaning away from him but trying to meet his eyes through the white haze of the mask that hid him from the world. Luna watched him, frowning and wondering why the intent on his face was so familiar. ÒStay away from her!Ó the cat commanded, not caring if Tuxedo Kamen saw or heard her speak. Just as long as he left Usagi alone. Tuxedo Kamen just shook his head at her, coldness and icy anger radiating off him in waves. ÒWith all due respect, Luna-san, IÕd prefer not to, if thatÕs ok with you.Ó His voice was smooth and polite, but the underlying sarcasm gave him away. Both Sailormoon and Luna gasped, Sailormoon turning her head abruptly to glare at Luna, ÒDid you talk to him, too, Luna?! Why?!Ó While Luna demanded, ÒHow did you know my name?!Ó It was second before the man knelt beside the cat, resting his arm across his knee. Leaning his head down as if he was confiding a deep secret, he said in a dry voice, ÒI had this dream...Ó With a smug half-smile he rose, taking pleasure in the amazed and enraged look on LunaÕs face. Then he turned his attention to Sailormoon. ÒKonbonwa,Ó she whispered, inclining her head. He was silent. Sailormoon wasnÕt sure she liked how he was looking at her. Luna was *sure* she didnÕt like it. What did he think he was doing? Usagi had no idea who he really was, was Mamoru *trying* to play with her feelings? And Luna felt her heart break a little for Usagi, and her dreams and feelings for Tuxedo Kamen. All this time, he was destined for the Princess. He couldnÕt be in love with Sailormoon or Usagi. ÔOf course,Õ Luna thought, watching him step closer to Sailormoon and say something quietly, Ôperhaps someone should tell *him* that.Õ Sailormoon was fiercely commanding her stupid heart to please *stop* feeling like it was going to pound right out of her chest. She had so many good intentions, but... Tuxedo Kamen took a step closer to her, reaching out a gloved hand to brush her arm. Swallowing, she suddenly remembered all her fantasies about him, and all the times she felt such dept to him for saving her, and all the many time she wanted to keep *him* safe. All at once Sailormoon remembered her feelings for him, they were not going away as easily as she assumed they would. ÒYou did well tonight,Ó he said, softly. She glanced down at where his hand met her arm, her eyes half-lidded. Her eyes flickered back up at him. ÒThank you,Ó she whispered. Tuxedo Kamen watched her reaction carefully, all the time wondering how he could not have seen it before. Of *course* this small girl was Usagi, unsure but somehow confident, extreme power weighing on her shoulders, but somehow still buoyantly bouncing through life. Lightly running his hand up her arm to her face, he brushed flaxen wisps of hair back behind her ears, remembering when he had watched her sleep that night. All that time she had been Sailormoon, and he had never known. Well, heÕd show them both. Somehow. He kissed SailormoonÕs cheek suddenly and she started, almost backing away. ÒWatch it!Ó Luna said warningly to him from her spot by their feet. Tuxedo Kamen glared down at her. ÔYou who brought us together, now trying to break us apart?Õ he asked to her in his mind, ÔWhy? You must have a reason. Why give me a taste of heaven if you were only going to take it away?! Was this all a perverse game to you?!Õ An unfamiliar and very hated burning sensation built up behind his eyes, and he felt defiance in every cell of his body. Tuxedo Kamen turned back to Sailormoon, who was watching him as if she was debating whether or not to bolt. The moonlight did strange, ethereal things to her skin, reflected in her confused eyes, bounced in waves off her light hair. He had his arms around her before he realized what he was doing. ÔYou canÕt keep me away from her, Luna, donÕt even try.Õ And he pressed his lips to hers, quickly, desperately, shocking her as much as she had shocked him in the arcade. ÔItÕs payback time,Õ he thought. So Usagi had dreamed of this moment almost every night until just recently, and it was always almost like this. After a battle, waxing moon, sky full of stars, and warm lips on hers. But in the dream, the mask didnÕt brush so uncomfortably against her face, and Luna wasnÕt sitting right at her feet screaming at Tuxedo Kamen to let Sailormoon go. And of course, in the dream she wasnÕt falling in love with another man at the time. But he was... a really good kisser... she blushed as that thought flew through her mind, however true it was. One arm was tight around her waist, his other hand was resting on the back of her head, twisting blonde curls between gloved fingers. Through the infamous link between the two, she could feel his emotions build up, and the beating of his heart against hers was heartbreakingly apparent. Yet, Sailormoon slowly reached her hand up to his, gently, reluctantly, miserably, but unwaveringly pulling his arm away from her. She stepped back and met his gaze, the man to whom she owed her life, owed her confidence, owed her strength. The man who was at many times her Ôother halfÕ in battle, the man she trusted with her life. Tears were streaming down her face, her hands shaking as they reached up to wipe them away. ÒIÕm...sorry.Ó she murmured, crossing her arms a little and backing away a few hesitant steps. ÒI... I canÕt...Ó Tuxedo Kamen watched her, his heart in his throat as he realized the reason why she was backing away from him. ÔShe loves Mamoru,Õ he thought, Ôshe wasnÕt lying to you.Õ Awe spread over his features, a true smile tugging at his mouth, at his heart. This heavenly little beauty in front of him, actually *loved* him. Actually *loved* Chiba Mamoru. It was foreign concept, he could possibly dwell on this a while longer... Luna meowed, and suddenly he snapped out of his stupor and realized the cat probably wanted him to explain everything to Usagi. She was most likely right, he guessed. He was pretty new at this whole ÔloveÕ thing, but it probably was common courtesy, at least, to admit when youÕve purposely confusing her with your alter ego. ÒOk, ok,Ó he muttered to Luna, then looked at Sailormoon, whose hands were covering her face, sobs shaking her shoulders. ÒSailormoon?Ó he said gently, reaching out to her. The second his fingers made contact with her arm she pulled away violently again, the sobs growing louder and cutting at his heart. ÒPlease...donÕt...Ó she hiccuped, shaking her head, ÒI have to leave...Ó turning shakily, Sailormoon found Luna through her blurred, tear- filled vision and beckoned to her. ÒSo soon, Usako?Ó he said very softly, furtively. Freezing in her tracks, Sailormoon turned slowly, tears still tracing their way down her face. ÒWhat...what did you say?Ó He was silent, inclining his head invitingly. ÔWould you like to know? Then donÕt leaveÕ. She stood for a moment, before walking to him slowly. Hesitatingly, as if she was afraid heÕd run away, she reached up carefully and took the side of his mask between her thumb and forefinger. Sailormoon then looked at him questioningly. ÔMay I?Õ Tuxedo Kamen watched her anxiously, feeling as if she was about to expose him, suddenly there would never be any hiding, ever again. Did he want that? He could refuse her, he could leave, she was giving him a chance to go. ÔItÕs just Usagi-chan. ItÕs ok. What is she going to do? She loves you. DoesnÕt she?Õ He nodded slightly at her. ÔAll right, Usako. I end the masquerade.Õ The white paper mask fluttered to the sidewalk, and Sailormoon found herself staring into familiar, warm blue eyes. Her stomach dropped, and her mouth fell open. She then burst into a fresh batch of sobs and before Tuxedo Kamen could worry, she had thrown herself into his arms. Surprised, he blinked a few times before bringing his arms back around her, comforting her. ÒAre you that disappointed?Ó he teased, taken aback by her reaction. Sailormoon shook her head slowly, her hot tears spreading into the fabric of his jacket. ÒIÕm not even that surprised,Ó she whispered. ÒYou arenÕt?Ó She smiled a little. ÒItÕs strange, but now that I know, all I can think is...Ó ÒOf *course*,Ó they murmured the last part in unison, sharing a look that said volumes. Luna cleared her throat loudly, and the couple looked down at her. ÒI hate to break up the party here, but will you two look at yourselves for a moment?Ó Tuxedo Kamen lowered his head, and stepped away from Sailormoon, picking the mask off of the sidewalk. Sailormoon just looked at her cat, confused. ÒThis does not exactly ooze professionalism, first of all. Second, the girls still have no idea who Tuxedo Kamen really is. In fact, we didnÕt know until tonight. There is still no proof in my mind,Ó Luna directed this comment to him as well, Òthat he isnÕt an enemy. Except for his dreams of the moon princess whichÑÓ but Luna found she couldnÕt bring herself to say the last part of what she was thinking out loud. Instead she just sighed and turned for home. ÒSailormoon, letÕs go.Ó Luna watched them share one last look, and Sailormoon whispered, ÒTomorrow?Ó He nodded, and was gone. ÒWe *can* be together, canÕt we, Luna?Ó she asked, still watching the place he had left. At LunaÕs silence she turned to face her guardian cat. ÒCanÕt we?Ó she repeated desperately, again. Luna was silent the entire way home. And to her surprise, so was Usagi. Sleep actually came very quickly that night to Usagi, the moment she shut her eyes she was fast asleep, mist and dreams swirling behind her fluttering eyes. Memories, and twisting pains, and dark recollections among flashes of light played for her confused mind, someone desperately reached for her screaming a name that was hers, but somehow wasnÕt. Light chased darkness chased light and she woke up with a start. The alarm clock was ringing in her ear, singling the beginning of a new day. She frowned, disappointed it wasnÕt Friday already. But still there was something about today... Usagi jumped up, remembering. It was just a few hours ago she had left Tuxedo Kamen...Mamoru... and he did promise to see her today. For a moment everything went fuzzy around the edges as exhaustion and anxiety danced a strange duet in her chest, and her mind digested slowly what had come to light the night before. Luna was, surprisingly, still fast asleep on UsagiÕs bed, even as the blonde ran out the door to school. It had been a very late night for the little cat. First, after Usagi was asleep, Luna had left to go to Central Control with the problem she could just not keep to herself anymore. Although using Central always seemed a little blow to her ego, the monotone voice of the machine was also a bit patronizing... but then again, it knew what it was doing. And Luna had to ask, because it wasnÕt clear in the mission what to do if Sailormoon fell for the PrincessÕs true love. Especially since he appeared to be returning said superheroineÕs affections. Sigh. Sometimes Luna wished Usagi-chan came with a manual. After quickly going over the password and proper introductions, Luna launched right in with the information she had gathered. ÒI have found the man who dreams of the princess.Ó ÒWonderful, although he may not be as much of a help as you think. He is said to be as ignorant as we are about the Moon Princess.Ó Luna sweatdropped, shamefully. ÒWell, yes, of course, but perhaps we are less ignorant about different things. Besides, it turns out this man fights with us as Tuxedo Kamen.Ó The machine actually sounded shocked. ÒI warn you, Luna, this man will not make a good ally. He is too used to being alone.Ó Luna lowered her head, ÒThere is another problem. He and Sailormoon seem to be... well,... I think some romantic feelings may be evolving between the two of them.Ó It didnÕt take Central Control even a moment to respond. ÒYou must stop this! Sailormoon does not need distraction at this time in her career. And that man, Tuxedo Kamen, his true love was always and will always be the Princess. These superficial feelings he and Sailormoon have for each other must be stopped before they start! Even if Tuxedo Kamen isnÕt using her for information, she will be rejected for the princess the minute she is found.Ó Luna interrupted, ÒButÑÒ ÒDo not argue with me,Ó the voice almost sounded sympathetic, ÒI know this will be hard, for her and for you. But that boy is not to be trusted. Who knows what he will do to find the princess, and who he will hurt?Ó Luna lowered her eyes, for a moment Mamoru appeared before her in her mindÕs eye. Cold, weary, confused, desperate, in control... defiant. She thought of him and Usagi laughing together on his sofa, of the frantic and nearly inappropriate (!) way he had responded when she kissed him in the arcade. They had been searching for each other their whole lives, it seemed, and she told Central Control as much. But the voice was adamant. ÒYou must stop this, Luna, if you know what is good for duty, the mission and the future. Over and out.Ó And the machine went black, just as the moon buried itself in clouds, the night as dark as the screen before Luna. And it stayed that dark as she trudged home, and feel asleep next to the already-dreaming Usagi. Lifting her arms and letting her bookcase hang behind her head, a downcast Usagi slowly dragged her feet toward down the sidewalk. It was late evening and the shadows were stretching back across the city. They reminded Usagi of laughing spirits, cold-hearted and relentlessly reminding her of the late hour. Moving at snailÕs pace, UsagiÕs gaze didnÕt lift from her feet as they moved, so deliberately, she had to will them every step. Disappointment and hurt just weighed her down too much. She hadnÕt seen Mamoru at all that day. And she had *looked* for him, staying in the arcade extra late, even asking Motoki when he thought Mamoru might arrive. HeÕd answered that Mamoru was usually already there by then on Wednesdays, having all early classes. That had just made her feel worse... he was avoiding her, then? After leaving Motoki, she walked through the park, not even realizing that her feet had carried her to MamoruÕs street. Usagi spend a while just staring up at his window for a while. The apartment was dark and cold even from ten floors below. Why would he not want to see her? Mamoru seemed to switch from hot to cold so quickly, so often, could he have already decided she wasnÕt worth it? Letting out a long sigh, trying not to start crying, Usagi lowered her head even further, still trudging toward her home. ÔWhy, Mamo-chan?Õ Her blue eyes shone dully, even her pig-tails seemed to droop in the evening sun. Suddenly, a hand clapped her back heartily, almost making her fall over. ÒKonichiÕ, Odango Atama!Ó Rei cried, ÒYou look a little down in the dumps. What happened? Lost at Sailor V again?Ó Ami put a kind arm around her friend, ÒIs everything okay, Usagi-chan? You were acting so excitable at school today. Now you seem sad.Ó Usagi blinked back threatening tears, and nodded. Usually smiles came so easily, but this time she felt she was forcing her mouth to curve and her eyes to light. ÒOf course. IÕm just tired. You know, late night.Ó The others nodded in understanding. ÒWell, actually, we were looking for you to let you know we are meeting tomorrow, at Hikawa Jinja.Ó Rei said, tossing glossy black hair over her shoulder. ÒAnd itÕs after school so *donÕt* be late again, Odango atama, and get another detention like you always do. Sometimes I wonder how someone as out of it as you can even function.Ó Usagi felt relief flow through her as she allowed herself to finally give into tears. ÒRei-chan no hidoi!!Ó she cried, tears following freely out of her eyes as she wailed. Rei rolled her eyes to Ami. ÒThat sounds like the Odango Atama we all know and lovÑwell, we all know and know.Ó Usagi narrowed her eyes at her friend. ÒUso!! IÕm *VERY* loveable!!Ó she somehow towered over her taller friend, finger pointing and eyes burning angrily with all the fires of hell. Rei sweatdropped, ÒNot very much when you do that.Ó Changing the subject, Ami asked, ÒWhere were you all day, Usagi-chan? We were looking for you.Ó Usagi sniffed a little, wiping her tears away and silently thanking Rei for giving her the excuse to cry. She felt so much better now. ÒWell, I went to the arcade, and I ran out of money really quickly,Ó she made a face, Òbut I asked Motoki-niisan for some more tokens, and he wouldnÕt give me any, if you ask me he was just being stingy. But he gave me a toostie-pop for free, and I was happy for a while, but I canÕt ever finish a tootsie-pop without biting it so I can get to the tootsie-roll which we all *know* is the best part. Then my hands felt sticky so I washed them, and then I didnÕt have *anything* to do, so I just sat around. Then I walked in the park. Then I came...here...and started home.Ó Ami shook her head at her friendÕs expressions while she told her complicated narrative. ÒWhen are you going to do your homework?Ó ÒI donÕt think Usa does homework,Ó a deep voice from behind her made Usagi jump and cry out. ÒI think it seriously cuts into her daydreaming time, and she just canÕt have that.Ó He smiled calmly at UsagiÕs horrified expression. ÒKonbon, Mamoru-san. IÕm Hino Rei.Ó Rei bowed, smiling at him. He nodded in return. ÒI know. ItÕs nice to see you. Both of you.Ó He added to Ami. She blushed and looked down. Usagi was still staring at him. ÒWhere did you come from?!Ó He pointed back toward the park. ÒThere.Ó She sputtered, ÒHow long were you... why were you...wh..Ó Ami raised her eyebrows. ÒWell, I have to get home and finish some studies of mine. Rei-chan?Ó Rei leaned against a street sign and grinned at Mamoru and Usagi. ÒI think IÕll just stay here and talk, thanks.Ó Usagi glanced from Ami to Rei, avoiding looking at Mamoru who stood next to her. She felt guilt surge through her, her two comrades knew nothing about Tuxedo Kamen, or Mamoru, or what was going on between them. And they deserved to, but... they didnÕt trust him. What if they told her he was only using her? What if she started to believe them? Mamoru just didnÕt quite know what was wrong with him. He woke up shaking, after dreaming about the white-clad princess again. She was reaching to him, calling to him in a name that was his, but somehow still wasnÕt. And this time, he knew her. He *knew* *who* she was. But the memory faded like morning dew the moment he opened his eyes to face the familiar ceiling of his apartment, early-morning shadows climbing over his walls. All it left was a vague feeling of realization that he couldnÕt place. Mamoru felt strange all day, wandering around almost in a daze. Sailormoon and Usagi were one in the same. The feeling was true, the moment of clarity and obviousness that made him wonder why he hadnÕt seen it before. But as he turned the enigma that was Tsukino Usagi over in his mind, he felt he was missing something. Something vital, something obvious, something he just couldnÕt see. When he was with her, it was like he turned into somebody else. All his life, he was polite to a fault, always pleasant, if cool, to other people. But Usagi, no, *her* he made fun of, *her* he made angry. And when she kissed him, he actually responded... heÕd been kissed before by overzealous girls, it was uncomfortable for him to say the least. But Usagi was...different... Ôeven if she did just want to Ôshut you upÕÕ. He remembered the day in his apartment... since when had he been so open and flirtatious? Since when had he really let down his guard and laughed like that? He didnÕt like what she was doing to him. Either that or he really liked it. Mamoru didnÕt want to take the time to figure it out. He avoided her, all day. Somehow, when he *wasnÕt* with her, the feelings of happiness and being carefree left him and he found himself in no hurry to reclaim them. And he could always *dream* about cerulean eyes, bright smiles and soft lips. In fact, that was what he was doing, although he was trying not to, when he heard the familiar voice echo through the park. ÒRei-chan no hidoi!Ó she cried, and Mamoru stood up almost as if hypnotized. Leaning his arm on a nearby tree, he watched the drama unfold on the sidewalk, friends laughing and joking, Usagi wiping her tears away on her sleeve. The setting sun tinged her hair red-gold, her eyes and face were red, but clearing quickly as her crying stopped. She was looking away from him, at the two girls. Rei noticed him and meet his eyes and he walked toward the three girls. While Usagi talked, she moved her arms, hands, face and eyes expressively, and Mamoru couldnÕt help thinking she could probably turn the most mundane event into an epic story worth retelling, with just that glimmer in her eyes when she talked. Ò...and then I didnÕt have *anything* to do, so I just sat around. Then I walked in the park. Then I came...here...and started home.Ó At AmiÕs comment, he found an entrance. It was great fun to watch Usako jump when she heard his voice. Already he felt the unrestrained lightheartedness take him over. He greeted the girls and then turned to Usagi. She was watching Rei and Ami, a strange forlorn expression on her face. Mamoru had to fight down the urge to causally drape his arm over her shoulders and walk away with her, just to see the reaction on the faces of all those present. Instead, he made a face at Rei when she cheekily opted to stay. ÒWell, IÕm very sorry, Rei-san, but IÕm going to be borrowing your friend for a while. I hope you donÕt mind.Ó Rei raised her eyebrows. ÒSure thing, Mamoru-san, just try to bring her back in one piece, ok?Ó ÒIÕll try, but IÕm not promising anything,Ó he laughed, taking UsagiÕs hand, to her shock, and walking away with the blonde in tow. They walked in silence for while, Mamoru didnÕt let go of UsagiÕs small hand, and just enjoyed the tranquillity of the park at this hour, the city relaxing as the sun stretched its arms around them. Mamoru felt himself calm down, began to notice things like the details of the flower around him, the fading lightÕs effect on the water under the bride, the faint smell of UsagiÕs shampoo... at least until they were out of hearing range of Rei. Then Usagi wrenched her hand from his and hit him in the shoulder. Hard. ÒBaka!Ó she said, pouting. ÒWhat did I do?Ó Mamoru asked, patiently. ÒWhere *were* you all day?! And why did you... take my hand in front of Rei? What am I supposed to tell her?Ó He shrugged. ÒThe truth?Ó She looked down. ÒThey donÕt trust you.Ó She said simply. Mamoru started a little. ÒWho doesnÕt?Ó ÒThe...others. The other senshi. We...well, they donÕt know that you arenÕt... arenÕt with the enemy.Ó He was silent. Usagi could feel him tense up, defensive instincts back in place, stronger then ever. ÒI see.Ó He said coldly. ÒSaving all your sorry hides multiple times means nothing to them.Ó Usagi looked up at him, fire suddenly in her eyes as she defended her friends. ÒBe fair, Mamoru! You may have saved us, but you left right afterwards! You hid your face from us, your motives from us, your reasons from us. An ally? How could we know? We didnÕt give *serious* thought that you belonged to the Dark Kingdom or anything. But you arenÕt a senshi!Ó ÒSo if IÕm not part of your little uniform-clan, IÕm automatically someone who cannot be trusted?!Ó He backed away from her, the hurt in his apparent. Usagi let the tears slide down her face, unchecked, miserably. ÒI didnÕt say *I* didnÕt trust you!Ó she said, sobbing, ÒI always trusted you. I... I...I love you.Ó She whispered those last words, trying to see him through her haze of tears. This was *not* how she pictured professing her love to the man of her dreams. But the words come on their own accord, straight from her soul. He was silent so long she wondered if he wasnÕt going to answer at all. Despair threatened to overtake her. Finally his voice came, hard as steel. ÒHow?Ó Sniffle. ÒNani?Ó ÒHow do you love me? You donÕt even know me. You love Tuxedo Kamen, through a mask and an identity you never knew until last night?Ó She was shaking her head in denial, hair swinging lightly around her face, fists rubbing her eyes like a child. ÒNÑno...but I...I love *you*!Ó her voice cracked... shook with desperation. Begging him not to leave her. Unbidden, an image of Sailormoon crying, begging Tuxedo Kamen to leave her alone, came to MamoruÕs mind. He sighed. Silently, he wrapped his arms loosely around the weeping girl. She instantly locked her arms tightly around him, rubbing her face into the fabric of his shirt, taking comfort in his arms. As he contiuned to hold her gently, anger and confusion still burning in his eyes, Mamoru happened to rest his gaze on a nearby bench. Where Luna sat, watching the scene unfold before her. ~end part seven Jeeze. It got late fast. Mamoru switches from calling Usagi Odango atama, Usagi-chan, Usa and Usako. ItÕs not...habit yet to call her Usa or Usako, so it all depends on what mood heÕs in and what heÕs thinking etc. You may have noticed that, I donÕt know. Good night!