ÒBelieve it or not, itÕs just....me.Ó ~The Greatest American Hero TV theme ÒIf girls aren't strong, if we can't protect the boys we love...Ó ~Naoko Takeuchi BSSM notes, Act 3 A.N: And itÕs the amazing story that just keeps changing names!! Disclaimer: Yo no tengo SailorMoon rights. Yo quiero Sailormoon rights. Yo quiero Taco Bell. Drop the chalupa. Mamoru sighed. Silently, he wrapped his arms loosely around the weeping girl. She instantly locked her arms tightly around him, rubbing her face into the fabric of his shirt, taking comfort in his arms. As he continued to hold her gently, anger and confusion still burning in his eyes, Mamoru happened to rest his gaze on a nearby bench. Where Luna sat, watching the scene unfold before her. Walking the Thin Line part 8 ~Antigone 1999 Mamoru just met LunaÕs eyes over UsagiÕs head. The cat inclined her head slightly but the young man just shook his slightly, anger still reflecting off his cobalt eyes. The movement disturbed Usagi enough for her to look up two remaining tears slipping down her face. When Luna jumped off the bench and quickly started walking toward the couple, Mamoru thought fast. ÒUsagi-chan?Ó he said, pulling on her hand a little, ÒWould you like to go inside where itÕs a little warmer?Ó The evening was darkening quickly, streetlamps had flickered on sometime during the last few minutes, mingling a man-made orange glow with the long beams of the setting sun. A cold night breeze was already making its way along the city streets, and Usagi shivered a little. She nodded silently, still sniffling as he lead her away quickly, not looking back at Luna. ÒCan you run?Ó he asked, looking over at her. He was still reeling from her confession of her feelings for him, but managed to put it out of his mind for the time being. The only important thing now was getting away from Luna. Mamoru had a sinking feeling that the cat had to give him news he wouldnÕt like. And while avoiding the inevitable was something he didnÕt usually do, his natural defenses against pain forced him to run away, as he had done from Usagi before. But this time, he was running away and Usagi was with him. He didnÕt ponder this either. ÒWhy?Ó she answered his question, with confusion on her face. ÒTrust me, and just do it ok?Ó And with that the two took off. ÔWhat the heck do they think they are doing!?Õ Luna asked herself, in shock. Even running quickly as she could, they had gotten quite a head start and she couldnÕt keep up even with all her practice chasing Usagi to school. She had seen the anger in MamoruÕs eyes, directed at her, had seen the hurt and offensive way he had yelled at Usagi just a few minutes ago. And now the blasted man was running from her!! Luna glared darkly at the rising moon just over the tree tops. ÔOf all the men in Tokyo, you send *him*?!Õ Starting to run again, Luna muttered something about sick senses of humor, under her breath. Usagi didnÕt let go of MamoruÕs hand, even though she could hardly match his long strides. She ended up stumbling along and sprinting a few feet behind him. Her long hair caused unwanted drag and she was already feeling out of breath from crying for so long just a little while ago. ÒM...Mamo-chan?Ó she gasped for breath, ÒW...why are we running...again?Ó He didnÕt answer just suddenly pulled her around a corner and held her to him. Pressed against the brick wall of a building near to his, Mamoru slowly leaned his head against the corner and let his eyes slip to the sides, checking the area the way a secret agent would. ÒI think we are safe...Ó he murmured, still on guard. Usagi was giving him a strange look from the protective circle of his arms. ÒWhat?Ó he asked her, still defensive. ÒWhat were you running from?Ó She asked, perplexed and frankly just trying to figure out the apparent sanity of the man she had gone and decided to fall in love with. Both of them had faced many youma, and demons and death threats head-on before, Usagi seriously wondered what in the world was scary enough to make Chiba Mamoru run away. ÒLuna.Ó He admitted. UsagiÕs eyes widened. For a moment she remembered Luna wanting to talk to her about something... ÒWhat are you waiting for?! Run, Mamo-chan!!!Ó This time it was Mamoru who was being dragged by Usagi, as she made one of her famous three-minutes- before-the-bell dashes to the sanctuary of the clear glass doors to the apartment building. Leaning against the bus stop sign, Hino Rei watched the setting sun present all its beauty and color to the city as she waited for the cross-town bus to take her back to the shrine. She had long since decided to stop waiting for Usagi, apparently Mamoru wasnÕt too sincere in his promise to bring Usagi back any time in the near future. The beautiful priestess distractedly ran her fingers through her long hair. ÔWas it my imagination or did he walk off with her, holding her hand?Õ Rei scowled at the sky. ÔThey better not have hooked up--Õ Violet eyes narrowed, Ô--without Usagi telling me or anything. SheÕs supposed to be a friend, and *share* the gossip!Õ ÒRei-chan!Ó A voice came from ReiÕs ankle and she jumped. ÒLuna?!Ó The panting cat had no time for introductions, ÒDid Usagi and Mamoru come this way?!Ó Rei shook her head. Luna groaned and turned and began running away again, full speed. ÒBut Luna... Hey! Wha---Ò But her friendÕs cat was already gone. Blinking, Rei turned back to wait for the bus, a sweatdrop appearing on her head. Just then, she thought she saw movement out of the corner of her eye, and turned to see what she could have sworn was Tsukino Usagi dashing into a nearby building and dragging a stumbling Chiba Mamoru behind her. ÒMust be a full moon.Ó Rei murmured. Usagi stood in MamoruÕs living room for the second time in nearly as many days. It *was* warmer, and the window gave a wonderful view of the park. In fact, Usagi would be extremely comfortable if her companion hadnÕt suddenly started acting like he was a few toppings short of an ice-cream sundae. The minute they had arrived, out of breath and pretty fairly shocking the doorman, (who had since decided that Chiba-san was either in love or had an evil twin), Mamoru told Usagi to wait where she was. He then preceded to rush into another room, Usagi heard something slide closed and the click of a lock. Then he rushed into yet *another* room, and pulled a chair into the first room, and she heard him push it against something. Then he exited the room, wisps of hair flying back from his forehead, face red-tinged, and muttering, ÒIÕd like to see you get through the balcony doors now...Ó Usagi cleared her throat and Mamoru jumped. He blinked a few times and faced her. Silence. He smiled. ÒWant some hot chocolate or something?Ó he said smoothly. Usagi sweatdropped. ÒSo...Ó Usagi wrapped her fingers around the warm mug, and rested her elbows on the counter watching Mamoru has he stood on the other side of it, leaning against the refrigerator, and sipping from his own mug. Uncomfortable silence. ÒYouÕre Tuxedo Kamen, huh? And to think, I saw you nearly every week or so and neither of us knew it...Of all the people in Tokyo...isnÕt it just so...Ó Usagi searched for a word, ÒItÕs like some sort of cosmic coincidence.Ó She finished. Usagi watched the marshmallows dance along the edges of the mug. ÒSomeone once told me that there is never such thing as a coincidence,Ó she continued, ÒBut I donÕt remember who it was...Ó Silence again. Usagi sighed. ÒAre you still angry at me?Ó Running his head through his hair, Mamoru shook his head, not meeting her eyes. ÒIÕm not sure.Ó Blue eyes didnÕt take him out of their piercing gaze. ÒWhy were you running from Luna?Ó He was silent for so long Usagi began to think he wouldnÕt answer her. When he did, his voice was quiet, but his eyes finally met hers. ÒSheÕs going to ask me about...Ó he trailed off of a second, ÒI dream about the princess. The one Luna is searching for.Ó ÒI know.Ó She whispered. Mamoru walked around the counter to look out the large window. ÒFor so long I never saw her face, or knew anything about her. But lately... lately, I know who she is.Ó UsagiÕs mug tipped over, lukewarm chocolate liquid spilled silently over the marble onto the kitchen floor. Neither of them noticed. ÒYou do?!Ó She jumped up, ran to him, pulling on his sleeve. ÒWho?!Ó He cringed. ÒI donÕt know. I know her in the dream, when IÕm asleep its so obvious and so perfect. But when I awake, I might as well be ignorant of everything.Ó Disappointment filled her heart, but she tried not to show it. Instead, Usagi nodded sympathetically. ÒI know what you mean.Ó She said, an ironic laugh escaping her. ÒItÕs so real... and it feels like you *should* know it, and for maybe a second its there and you know but...when you wake up it fades so quickly. The only thing that stays are the feelings and the longing...Ó her small hand had balled into a fist, which she pressed against her chest, a look of pain slowly flittering past her features. ÒUsako...Ó She jumped suddenly, seeming to just realize she had spoken out loud. Nervously, she slipped her arm behind her head, giggling nervously and loudly. ÒBut we arenÕt talking about *me*!! Go on, Mamo-chan.Ó He didnÕt smile. ÒWhy are you looking for the princess, Usako?Ó Pursing her lips for a moment, Usagi brushed a strand of hair behind one sea-shell ear. ÒWell, IÕm not entirely sure. I know we, the senshi that is, must protect her. ItÕs our job. I guess that makes us sort of body-guards,Ó she giggled again. ÒBut thatÕs all I know.Ó ÒThatÕs really *all* you know?Ó he asked, incredulous. ÒJust that and sheÕs beautiful, and powerful, and comes from the moon.Ó Mamoru just watched the last rays of sunlight of the day play across UsagiÕs features, lighting each curl of blonde escaping her odangos, and illuminating her eyes. A smile tugged at his mouth, ÒThe moon?Ó Blonde eyebrows knitted together for a moment. ÒYeah...or something like that. I think the moon has something to do with it.Ó MamoruÕs gaze didnÕt change, thoughtful and scrutinizing. ÒThatÕs not a lot to work with.Ó He murmured. The pained look was back in UsagiÕs eyes. ÒTell me about it. She could be anyone.Ó ÒOh, I wouldnÕt say that.Ó Usagi shot him a curious look. ÒWhy? How much to do *you* know?Ó ÒMore than I did thirty seconds ago,Ó he answered, Òbut do you hear something?Ó A muffled meow and scratching reached UsagiÕs ears. ÒLuna.Ó ÒAs much as IÕd love to leave her to freeze in the dark,Ó when he said this Usagi glared at him, and he quickly added, Òyou can let her in if you want. ItÕs the first door over, just unlock the balcony and open it.Ó He laughed a little, ÒOh, yeah, youÕll need to move a chair.Ó After Usagi left, Mamoru leaned his forehead against the cool glass of the window, the moon and stars were beginning to come out against a light purple sky. He shut his eyes and let the thought and feeling burning through his mind to come to the surface and he let himself whisper, ÒOf *course*.Ó Usagi had seen Luna pretty ticked-off many a time before, but it never ceased to scare her no matter how often it happened. An angry Luna was indeed a scary Luna, eyes could sizzle and hair could stand on end and tail could puff up and teeth could be bared. And all that was done when Usagi entered MamoruÕs bedroom to let her cat inside. ÔSure, send me to deal with Death Cat, Mamo-chanÕ she thought sardonically, rolling her eyes, ÔSome protector *you* are.Õ However, Luna didnÕt attack when Usagi let her in, only glared a lot. Strutting into the living room like, Usagi noted, she owned the place, Luna stopped in front of Mamoru. ÒVery funny, Chiba, especially the chair. Remind me to compliment you on your extreme cleverness once I cool off.Ó He grinned. Luna glared harder. ÒUsagi-chan, go home.Ó Luna said to her charge, and Usagi put her hands on her hips. ÒNo way! You arenÕt the boss of me!Ó ÒI want to talk to Mamoru alone.Ó Usagi shrugged, ÒTough.Ó ÒUsagi-chan,Ó MamoruÕs voice made her look up, ÒItÕs getting pretty late. DonÕt get me in trouble, ok?Ó She stared at him in shock. He smiled to take the sting out of the words, but it was too late. Masking the sharp pain in her heart, Usagi just stuck out her tongue and turned on her heal. ÒTraitor.Ó She muttered loud enough for him to hear. She put on her shoes in silence and then slammed the door loud enough to make the neighbors complain. ÔAnd I hope they do.Õ She thought bitterly as she flounced home. ÔWhat is *wrong* with him? If he canÕt even make up his mind about what to *call* me, how can he decide to love me?Õ The last two words in that thought made tears fill her eyes for the third time that day and she didnÕt bother to hold them back. ÔMamoru-baka.Õ Usagi cursed him in her mind the entire way home and then threw herself on her bed and cried her heart out for him. End part 8. This is a little short but I have the very last part all planned out for next time! ... Oh, come *on*! At least *pretend* like you care.