Although I have other fanfictions out there, floating around on mailing lists and shrines, this is my first actual posting. So... wow here I am. On the web. I feel pretty excited... Here we go! Sailor Mercury asked, "Why do you always help us, Tuxedo Kamen?" Sailor Moon said, "Probably because he loves me." ~BSSM episode 13 Sure, Usagi-chan, he just doesn't know it yet. ^_~ Walking the Thin Line- Prologue By Antigone (credit to Naoko Takeuchi and chocolate-covered coffee beans at midnight) 'We've all heard it, that saying, 'There is a thin line between love and hate', right? (Or as Minako says it, 'there is a skin dive between love and mate'.) I must say, I agree with that statement (the..erm..first one) because I witnessed it. Or maybe I helped it along, I don't know. But it's tough, let me tell you, walking that line and trying to bring two people across it. Two *very* stubborn people. Thin the line may be, but easy? Oh no. Passion, however misguided, is still passion, and pretty hard to harness. But, hey, I did it, didn't I? Neither cupid, nor Minako had a part in it at all. And I feel I should join the ranks of the Best Matchmakers, because, after all, I matched the Best. Listen to my story...' ~Luna The silent, dark figure padded silently down the dusky streets of Juuban, Tokyo. Her dark fur blended into the twilight so well that she was hardly noticeable as she crossed the street. So deep in thought was the small cat about the Moon Princess that she failed to notice the rumbling, five ton truck barreling toward her, even though that did not blend into the night at all. Now, in Japan it is the law to stop for all pedestrians. It is also illegal not to stop for anyone in the crosswalk. Unfortunately, the law does not apply to pets. Perhaps Luna was so used to thinking to herself as a human for all intents and purposes that she wasn't careful enough darting across busy intersections. Or perhaps she had been spending too much time around her distracted, reckless charge that she didn't even think to be careful. And she only noticed when it was too late, the headlights were blinding her and she didn't have time to do anything but facefault and think... *I'm going to die. I'm going to die I'm going to dieI'mgoingtod...* The truck rumbled by. *I'm not dead...* A dizzying moment later, Luna found herself in what she was pretty sure wasn't the Afterlife. For one, she could feel her feline heart beating painfully within her chest. For another, the dirty Tokyo sidewalk was certainty not one's first view of heaven. And lastly, she was being held in nearly a death grip by a sweatshirt clad-arm. "You have to be more careful, Neko-chan..." Luna's dazed eyes followed the arm up, and looked with surprise into two bemused blue eyes. Familiar blue eyes. The young man traced the moon symbol on her forehead thoughtfully. "You are Odango's pet, then?" His gaze softened a little, and he loosened his grip on her, "I thought so. You are almost as accident-prone as she is." The young man reached up to pet her forehead and winced as he saw the thin cut across his hand, curtesy of the guardrail he had vaulted over to get out of the truck's way. Luna felt gratefulness well up in her and she began to purr... "And just WHAT do you think you are doing with my cat?!" A sharp, annoyed voice cut through the night. Suddenly Luna felt her savior tense, and she watched his face harden and freeze into a scowl, his eyes sharpen into jade arrows. A voice that was an acrimonious parody of the soft speaking Luna heard moments before, he answered, "Only saving her life! You have to be more careful with your things, Odango Atama!" *A thing?! I am not a thing!* Luna indigently jumped out of his arms and onto Usagi's shoulder. Not that was much better there. Usually, for all her faults, the golden haired teenager was amicable to everyone, genuinely happy and just plan sweet. But now her face was already tinged an angry rose color, and her little hands were in fists. Luna quickly looked toward Usagi's companions for support, but mild- mannered Ami was observing Usagi's outburst with undisguised fascination, and Rei was observing the raven-haired young man in the jogging suit with undisguised infatuation. Luna sweatdropped and sighed. The company she was forced to keep... "Now listen you--" My god, she had never see Usagi so angry. Not at her mother, not at her teacher, and not even at a youma. 'If only she could focus this much passion in destroying Dark Kingdom...' Luna sighed. As if wishing would help any. Just then, the door to the arcade opened, and the cat felt the human relax and Usagi suddenly smiled beatifically. "Motoki-'niisan! Konbon... genki desuka?" But her suddenly dazzling voice was swallowed by a cold drawl. "Hello Motoki-kun." The dark haired man stood up and greeted his friend. "Mamoru! Here you are..." 'Mamoru, so that's his name,' Luna thought, 'appropriate for someone who would risk his life to save a cat...' "Motoki!! You *know* this creep?!" The horror in the young girl's voice refused to be ignored, raising above the buildings, probably audible several blocks away. "He nearly mutilated my kitty..." she pouted adorably, a ploy lost on Motoki. With a sigh, Luna threw an apologetic glance at Mamoru, but froze when she saw the intensity in his eyes. 'If looks could kill...' but Luna realized that phrase wasn't quite right. He so icily and vehemently stared at the young girl. Stared. Intently. 'If looks could *capture*' Luna amended, startled. Oblivious, Usagi adjusted Luna over her shoulder and turned to leave, hautily tossing her head in Mamoru's direction before calling, "Ja ne Motoki- 'niisan!" in her most flirtatious tone of voice. Over her shoulder Luna watched Mamoru's eyes flicker to Motoki for a moment and then back to Usagi. Ice shards. She quickly followed her train of thought back a few paces. *Who would risk their life to save a cat...?''You are Odango's pet, then? I thought so.’ 'So,' Luna studied this young man, this Mamoru's, eyes following Usagi's bouncing steps as she and friends walked away, 'he didn't do it for me at all. I wonder if Usagi has any idea.' She remembered Mamoru's cold stare and harsh words, and an even more interesting thought entered her mind, 'I wonder if *he* has any idea...' I have more. According to Moon Klutz, it's good. But at the time I think she was eating contaminated Skittles so who really knows? I actually have up to part... three I think finished. The list I’m on liked it so if I get good response I’ll post it up here. Why not, ne, minna-san? ~Antigone