******************************************************* **A Soul Reclaimed** By Brickgirl Lady_Brick@yahoo.com http://www.mindeclipse.com/ Rated: PG Disclaimer: Sailor Moon and friends do not belong to me. Adonis, Thalia, and this story do. **Part 4: To Prick And Sting** ******************************************************* Princess Serenity sat by the river under the tree where Thalia had died. Her hand rested upon the bloodstained dirt, the only sign that any tragedy had occurred here. Her other hand held Thalia's crystal. It had been found downstream, caught between two branches. Of Thalia, there had been no sign. The Princess bowed her head and wept, her tears dripping onto her black silk mourning gown. She clenched the crystal, not noticing that she cut her hard as she did. She felt a presence behind her, and whipped around in fear. However, it was only Endymion. Dressed in a simple black tunic, he still conveyed a royal presence. He knelt, putting a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Are you all right?" he asked, his voice soft. Serenity nodded, wiping her eyes. Endymion offered her a handkerchief, and she blew her nose, feeling slightly ashamed. "I'm sorry about your mother," she offered, feeling a pang of sorrow. Her loss was tragic, but his was unimaginable. He shook his head. "Even with the threats, I never expected that this would ever..." He let out a shaky breath. "That's not the worst of it. A messenger arrived today from a group calling themselves the Terren Council. Apparently some of the more prominent kingdoms have joined together to take my mother's place as Earth's Head of State. "But it's only been two days!" Serenity gasped. Endymion smiled grimly, the expression devoid of any emotion, save anger. "It does seem slightly suspicious, doesn't it? They are too powerful combined to accuse of having orchestrated the assassination, though. They have declared that within a week's time, all contact with the other planets is to be cut off. Any offworlders caught on the planet after that will face the penalty of death." Serenity shook her head. "Then it was all in vain. This attempt to reunite the Moon and Earth. All that resulted was more death..." Unable to finish, she lowered her head and began to cry. Endymion hesitantly put his arms around her, stroking her hair. He remembered gazing down at her unconscious face as he had carried her back to the castle after the attack. She had looked so small and alone, fragile and unprotected without her Senshi. He remembered the odd pang in his chest, as if part of him wanted to be the one to protect her from then on. "This is all my fault," the Princess sobbed. "If she hadn't been trying to save me..." Endymion held Serenity at an arm's length, forcing her to look at him. "Don't ever say that. What happened wasn't your fault. Thalia died doing what she wanted to do; protect you. The whole week we were together, all she talked about was you, and what a special person you are." He swallowed. "She was right. She wouldn't want you to think like that. And you shouldn't. She was better then that." "Did you love her?" The question startled Endymion. "I... I can't say that I did. The two of us were so different..." He trailed off, suddenly realizing that he had been staring at the Princess's eyes, how blue they were. he scolded himself. Serenity seemed to ignore his incoherence. "The Senshi will be heartbroken when they find out. They have become quite close to your Generals." Endymion was glad for the change of subject. "Yes, just an hour ago, Jadeite was telling me about a tiff he had with Lady Rei. Apparently he had made a comment about how women were weaker fighters then men." A slight smile broke through the grimness of his features. "He had just come back from the healer. His arm had been broken in three places. Sounds like a lover's quarrel to me." Serenity giggled, her sadness momentarily forgotten. "He should have known better then to say such a thing about Rei. She can be... touchy. Will General Jadeite be all right?" "With the Healer and his own power, he should be fine within a day or two." "That's good." The two lapsed into a comfortable silence. Endymion fiddled with the edge of his tunic, not wanting to stare at Serenity, not realizing she was watching him. She studied his profile quietly. They were very much alike, as Thalia had said. She suddenly found him looking down at her with something akin to longing in her eyes. He bent down, as if to kiss her. Serenity strained towards him. The instant their lips touched, she pulled away. "This ... this isn't right," she said, pulling away. "I can't do this to Thalia." "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..." Serenity cut him off with a hand on his shoulder. "No, you didn't do anything wrong. I just ... I'm not ready for..." She trailed off. Endymion smiled and put his arm around her gently. "Would you like me to give you a tour of the palace? I know you haven't seen much of it while you have been here, and it would do both of us good to get our mind off things." Serenity nodded as Endymion helped her to her feet. "That would be wonderful, your Highness." Endymion took here small hand in his. "Call me Endymion, Princess. There is no need for formality among friends." "Then call me Serenity ... Endymion." Endymion kissed her hand. "As you wish." __________ Queen Serenity sat in a drawing room of the Earth palace. She heard the giggling of her daughter as she and Endymion walked down the halls. She smiled sadly, glad that the Prince had been able to ease her daughter's mind. She knew she had been right to suggest he go check on her daughter, as she knew she had been correct in sensing an unusual bond between them when he had carried her in unconscious, though they barely knew each other. It was much like the bond she had shared with her husband so many years ago, before he had been killed. The bond of eternal love, of two souls who will seek out each other lifetime after lifetime, somehow knowing that one is not complete without the other. Serenity sighted, rubbing her forehead. If only she had realized before that the two were linked in such a way. By trying to pair Endymion with Thalia, she had thrown off the balance that should have ensued between the two. "It is hard to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders, isn't it?" The Queen turned to see Setsuna as Sailor Pluto standing beside her. She held her staff and gazed down at the Queen expectantly. "Why are you dressed as Pluto?" Serenity asked once she had recovered from being startled. "There is a darkness fast approaching. Andora's prophecy has been set in motion. The "Earthen Angel" has fallen, and the battle will soon arrive. I will do all that I can, but the timeline is set. The days of your Kingdom are limited my Queen." "Why do you tell me this?" "I only tell you what you already know." "What is my daughter was to be awakened? She has already shown that the spirit of the Senshi of the Moon lives within her." Setsuna smiled sadly. "She would have the power, but lack the training. In the end, the outcome would be no different. There is a time for Light and a time for Darkness. Though the light may go out, it will never truly die. Darkness cannot rule forever. Love can break its hold." "You can never say anything straight forward, can you." "I learned from Andora. She was probably the most confounding person who ever lived." Serenity had to smile at Setsuna's unusually flippant tone. "What was she really like?" "Andora? Much like you. She blamed all of the troubles of the world on herself." Serenity started to speak, but Setsuna silenced her with a wave of her hand. "Do not trouble yourself with what happens around you. You are not to blame, any more then I am. Time sets it's own course, and not even I can stop what is meant to be. I can only make sure that it happens." Setsuna abruptly turned and vanished from the room. Serenity stared at the space where she had been. "Thank you for understanding, Setsuna," she whispered, hoping that somewhere, the Guardian of Time could hear her. "And know that the weight of the world does not rest on your shoulders, either." __________ "Serenity, where are you?" Endymion's voice echoed down the hall. Serenity, hidden behind a doorway, giggled. She couldn't remember the last time she had so much fun. That past few hours had seemed to make the sorrows of the last two days vanish. "There you are!" came a triumphant voice from behind her. Jumping in surprise, she turned to see a grinning Endymion behind her. She took off down the hallway at a run, catching Endymion off guard. He was quick to follow. Serenity, glancing laughingly back at her pursuer, failed to notice a slight dip in the stone floor. Caught unaware, her ankle twisted beneath her. With a sharp cry, she fell to the floor. Endymion, who had been only a few paces behind her, was quickly at her side. "Are you all right?" he asked, worry furrowing his brow. "I'm fine," she said, rising to her feet. However, as soon as she tried to put weight on her ankle, she immediately collapsed, and would have fallen if the Prince had not been quick to catch her. "You are most certainly not fine," he told her sternly. Despite her protests, in fact, somewhat encouraged by them, he swooped her off her feet, carrying her to the nearest guest chamber. After depositing her on the sofa, he sat beside her, taking the injured ankle in his hands. "I'll be fine in a minute. There is nothing for you to worry about," she said, trying to hide a wince of pain as Endymion examined the injury. He began to massage her ankle. Serenity gasped in surprise as the swelling went down almost immediately, and the pain vanished. "Are you a Healer?" she asked. Endymion smiled. "I do have a slight bit of healing magic, and have had some training. Little things, like twisted ankles, I can handle. I wouldn't be able to heal a serious injury, like General Jadeite's arm." Princess Serenity stood, testing her ankle. "Thank you," she said. "You didn't have to do that." "It wasn't any trouble," Endymion said casually. He twisted his hand, a rose suddenly appearing. He handed it to the astonished Princess with a flourish. "More magic?" she asked, examining the perfect red petals. "I bet you do that for all of the ladies." "Only the pretty ones." Serenity blushed. She looked up at Endymion, the rose clutched in her trembling hand. This kiss lasted much longer then the first. __________ That was the first thought that entered her mind. She was expecting pain (for some unknown reason), and the lack of it surprised her. This question confused her more then the first. Why should she be dead? It seemed to her that dying was something one should remember, quite vividly. Then, she *did* remember. Opening her eyes, Thalia grabbed at her chest, expecting to find an arrow, or wound, or some sign of injury, but there was nothing. No scars, or bandages. It was as if the injury never happened. Other then her tattered senshi fuku, there was nothing amiss. Her tattered *senshi fuku*. Thalia frowned. Her transformation should have broken after being unconscious for so long, or one of the other senshi would have detransformed her. It made no sense to waste so much energy while healing. And her powers would have interfered with any Healer trying to work on her. If there had been a Healer. For the first time, Thalia noticed her surroundings. She was not in a healing chamber, as she had assumed, but, rather, a cave with a large stream flowing through. She could see no entrance, but the cave was lit by some unknown luminescence, enough for her to see quite clearly. There was no sign of anyone else. "Hello?" she called, sitting up. She winced at her stiff muscles. Managing to stand, she looked around, searching for signs of another person. There were none. Thalia felt the first twinges of fear. "Is anyone there?" she said, more hesitantly this time. She felt herself tense up, as if awaiting an attack. "SSSO, YOU'RE FINALLY AWAKE." Thalia jumped at the deafening voice. Whipping around, she found herself face to face with some sort of evil-looking black cloud with two silted eyes of pure red fire. She automatically reached for her crystal on her bow, but it was no longer there. Fumbling with surprise for a moment, she quickly recovered, crying "CRYSTALLINE ENERGY FURY!!!!", unleashing the attack ... ...Which passed harmlessly through the cloud. "ISSS THAT ANY WAY TO TREAT THE ONE WHO SSSAVED YOUR LIFE?" the being asked her. Thalia took a step back, her senses assaulted by pure evil that emanated from whatever it was in front of her. "Who are you?" she asked suspiciously. "NAMESSS ARE NOT IMPORTANT." "What do you want?" she asked, racking her brain for any idea of what to do. "I WISHHH FOR YOUR SSSIRVICESSS." "Why should I help you?" "YOU OWE ME YOUR LIFE." "I owe you nothing!" spat Thalia. "I don't know who you are, or how I ended up down here, but if you hadn't helped me, my friends would have." A red slash appeared on the cloud, under the glowing eyes. It took Thalia a moment to realize that it was meant to be a smile. "AND WHAT FRIENDSSS WOULD THAT BE?" "The Princess Serenity, Heir to the Throne of the Silver Moon," Thalia said proudly. "As well as the Senshi of the Inner Planets." "AND WHAT OF THE DARK HAIRED PRINCE?" Thalia was started. How did... "Prince Endymion of Earth?" "AH YESSS, PRINCE ENDYMION." The demon, Thalia assumed that it was, began to laugh. "YOU POOR, DELUDED CHILD. SSSO BLIND TO THE PLOTSS OF OTHERSSS. YOU SSSTILL REFUSE TO SSSEE THE TRUTH?" "What the hell are you talking about?" Thalia questioned, beginning to grow angry. "What truth?" "THE TRUTH ISSS THAT YOUR FRIENDSSS BETRAYED YOU." "What are you talking about?" "THE ATTACK ON THE PRINCESSSS WASSS A SSSETUP. IT WASSS TO ENSSSURE THAT YOU WOULD NOT INTERFERE." "Interfere in what?" "THE PRINCE AND PRINCESS WERE IN LOVE. YOU WERE IN THE WAY." Thalia's laugh was bitter. "That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard." She felt her anger rise, swirling with the power that lay within her. She brought her hands up to her chest, swirls of energy gathering around them. "How dare you profane the honor of my friends!" Gathering her energy, she yelled "CRYSTAL STORM!!!" A massive cyclone of energy-laced crystal shards poured from the Senshi's hands, blowing the entity across the cave into the far wall. The demon was quick to recover. Before Thalia realized what was happening, she found herself immobile within dozens of cloud like tentacles. Struggling, she was unable to break free. "YOU REFUSSSE TO SSSEE THE TRUTH, SSSO YOU MUSSST BE FORCED!" An image appeared within the mouth of the demon. It was blurred at first, but quickly came into focus. The picture was unmistakable. Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion locked together in a passionate kiss. The tendrils around Thalia loosened, not that she noticed. Her mouth gaped in shock at the two entangled figures in the image before her. "No," she whispered. "It can't be true." __________ Metallia watched the girl's face in secret delight. Her plan was working perfectly. The fool Princess and Prince had made it so easy. She began to probe the unaware girl's mind, peeling through her emotions. Shock, pain, hurt. Finally she found what she was looking for. The necessary chink in the warrior's mental armor. Hate. With a triumphant shriek, Metallia forced her way into the girl's mind. Thalia screamed, clawing at her head, but it was too late. Her figure began to glow with dark power, the last remnants of her fuku falling away. Her body began to grow, yet strangely twist as well, as though trying to fold upon itself. Her hair flowed out behind her, much longer then before. Claws grew from her writhing fingers, horns protruded from her shoulders. and her ears lengthened. A purple gown swirled around her form, completing the transformation. Metallia admire her handiwork. The woman who stood before her was no longer recognizable as the girl she had been moments before. Not only had her appearance changed but the kindness and warmth that had once shone from her eyes was gone, replaced by a smoldering hatred. "WHAT IS YOUR DUTY?" Metallia demanded of the woman. The former senshi turned her head slowly towards the demon and smiled. Fangs protruded from her blood-red lips. "My duty, oh great Metallia?" she sneered, her voice harsh. "My duty is to crush the Moon Princess and the rest of the pathetic planets in this system so that once again, your Dark Kingdom will rise to power!" "CORRECT!" the demon hissed. "AND HERE IS YOUR PRIZZZE!" A black iron crown appeared before the woman, topped by glowing green crystal. "What is this?" she asked, taking the crown in her hands, feeling the power that ran through it. "THIS CROWN SSSIGNFIESSS THE MORTAL WHO RULESSS BY MY SSSIDE ASSS QUEEN. IT WASSS WORN BY OCTAVIA, AND NOW IT SHALL BE WORN BY YOU. THE SSSTONE ON TOP LINKSSS MY POWER TO YOU." "What is this stone?" the woman asked, tracing a claw over the smooth surface. "BERYL." __________ Setsuna sat before the Gates of Time. Memories ran through her head. The loss of her people, the endless years in this infernal limbo, the endless pickling of what still existed of her conscience, begging her to stop what she knew was coming. She could feel the darkness approaching, overwhelming all in it's path. The pieces were falling rapidly into place. And there wasn't a damn thing she could do about it. Or WOULD do about it. <<>> No one knew that better then her. Setsuna bowed her head and wept silently. ******************************************************* ******************************************************* There was a slight delay in this rewrite, partially because of moving back to school, and largely because this part needed a severe rewrite. I was never happy with how quickly Serenity and Endymion fell in love, and I think this time is was a bit more apparent that it wasn't such a sudden thing. There were also some minor mischaracterizations of Setsuna that needed to be fixed. Overall, I'm a good bit happier with this part now, and hope everyone else enjoys it as well. For those who are wondering whatever happened to "Priestess of Light", don't worry, Part Four should be out within two weeks. For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, it is the prequel to this story, focusing on Andora, Octavia, and the foundation of the Silver Millennium. It is available on ASMR as well as my own fanfiction site, so go give it a read.